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The library was last updated in November 2023.
The Psychosocial Risks and Impacts in the Workplace Assessment Tool: Construction and Psychometric Evaluation
Roussos P. L.
Psychosocial risks constitute one of the major contemporary challenges for occupational health and safety. As early identification is the first step towards psychosocial risk management, the psychometric tool presented in the paper has been constructed in order to measure psychosocial risks as well as their impacts. The Psychosocial Risks and Impacts in the Workplace Assessment Tool (PRIWA) has been developed in Greek during the early years of the economic crisis. The paper presents the tool and the studies that were conducted to evaluate its psychometric characteristics. Six large samples of employees from many different Greek companies were administered the PRIWA and other tools. The results of the exploratory factor analysis demonstrated a seven-factor structure of the PRIWA, which was later confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis. Analyses were also performed to test internal consistency, item-to-scale homogeneity, and concurrent validity of the PRIWA. The results indicated that PRIWA is a reliable and valid psychometric tool, which gives its users the opportunity to conduct research, develop prevention plans, and/or design customized interventions
Roussos P. L. (2023). The Psychosocial Risks and Impacts in the Workplace Assessment Tool: Construction and Psychometric Evaluation. Behavioral Sciences, 13(2), 104.
Provision of Compassionate and Empathic Care as a Well-Being Preservation Tool for Emergency Physicians: A Scoping Review
Tremblay, M. F., Leblanc, F., Laroche, É., Blanchette, V., & Brousseau-Foley, M.
Objective: Compassion and physician well-being are two key components related to quality care in health including emergency medicine. The objective of this study was to explore the impact of compassion in care on the well-being of emergency physicians. We conducted a scoping review to explore the impact of provision of compassionate care by emergency physicians on their well-being and subconcepts. Methods: Four electronic databases and grey literature were searched to find evidence related to compassion, empathy, self-compassion, and their impact on emergency physicians' well-being. Following title and abstract review, two reviewers independently screened full-text articles, and extracted data. Data were presented using descriptive statistics and a narrative analysis. Results: A total of 803 reports were identified in databases. Three articles met eligibility criteria for data extraction. None directly examined compassion and well-being. Included studies addressed empathy and burnout in emergency medicine professionals. Conclusion: No high-quality evidence could be found on the topic in the population of interest. Literature related to the topic of compassion in physicians, especially in emergency physicians, a field known for its high demand and stress levels, is currently scarce and additional evidence is needed to better describe and understand the association between physicians' compassion and well-being.
Tremblay, M. F., Leblanc, F., Laroche, É., Blanchette, V., & Brousseau-Foley, M. (2023). Provision of Compassionate and Empathic Care as a Well-Being Preservation Tool for Emergency Physicians: A Scoping Review. Open Access Emergency Medicine, 15, 37–45.
Exploring U.S. Food System Workers' Intentions to Work While Ill during the Early COVID-19 Pandemic: A National Survey
Ceryes, C. A., Agnew, J., Wirtz, A. L., Barnett, D. J., & Neff, R. A.
With "stay at home" orders in effect during early COVID-19, many United States (U.S.) food system workers attended in-person work to maintain national food supply chain operations. Anecdotally, many encountered barriers to staying home despite symptomatic COVID-19 illness. We conducted a national, cross-sectional, online survey between 31 July and 2 October 2020 among 2535 respondents. Using multivariable regression and free-text analyses, we investigated factors associated with workers' intentions to attend work while ill (i.e., presenteeism intentions) during the early COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, 8.8% of respondents intended to attend work with COVID-19 disease symptoms. Almost half (41.1%) reported low or very low household food security. Workers reporting a higher workplace safety climate score were half as likely to report presenteeism intentions (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 0.52, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.37, 0.75) relative to those reporting lower scores. Workers reporting low (aOR 2.06, 95% CI 1.35, 3.13) or very low (aOR 2.31, 95% CI 1.50, 3.13) household food security levels had twice the odds of reporting presenteeism intentions relative to those reporting high/marginal food security. Workplace culture and safety climate could enable employees to feel like they can take leave when sick during a pandemic, which is critical to maintaining individual and workplace health. We stress the need for strategies which address vulnerabilities and empower food workers to make health-protective decisions.
Study type
Occupational health
United States of America
Ceryes, C. A., Agnew, J., Wirtz, A. L., Barnett, D. J., & Neff, R. A. (2023). Exploring U.S. Food System Workers' Intentions to Work While Ill during the Early COVID-19 Pandemic: A National Survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(2), 1638.
Sharing leadership behaviors in virtual teams: effects of shared leadership behaviors on team member satisfaction and productivity
Mayer, C., Sivatheerthan, T., Mütze-Niewöhner, S., & Nitsch, V.
Purpose – Virtual collaboration in teams becomes increasingly popular at work. With the advantages of working in virtual teams come leadership challenges for which the shared leadership theory is discussed as a potential solution. While previous empirical studies investigating shared leadership in virtual teams generally confirm positive effects on team outcomes, this study aims to investigate in detail the leadership behaviors that are typically shared in these settings and how these shared leadership behaviors affect individual level outcomes. Design/methodology/approach – Individuals from different teams participated in a questionnaire study (n = 411). Structural equation modeling was used to assess the effects of shared task- and relations-oriented leadership behaviors on teammember’s subjectively perceived productivity and satisfaction with leadership. Findings – Results indicate that shared task-oriented leadership behaviors have a significant positive effect on subjectively perceived productivity and satisfaction with leadership, while relations-oriented leadership behaviors have a significant negative effect. A hypothesis stipulating a moderating effect of task interdependence was not confirmed. Practical implications – Practical implications include that in virtual teams with hierarchical organizational structures, it may be recommended that task-oriented leadership behaviors are shared among team members, whereas relations-oriented leadership behaviors should remain the responsibility of the official leader. Originality/value – The findings complement previous research with new insights on behavioral dimensions of shared leadership and their effects on outcomes on the level of the individual.
Study type
Occupational health
Office workers
Mayer, C., Sivatheerthan, T., Mütze-Niewöhner, S., & Nitsch, V. (2023). Sharing leadership behaviors in virtual teams: effects of shared leadership behaviors on team member satisfaction and productivity. Team Performance Management: An International Journal, 29(1/2), 90-112.
Health-oriented leadership, gender-differences and job satisfaction: results from a representative population-based study in Germany
Lutz, R., Jungbäck, N., Wischlitzki, E., & Drexler, H.
Background: In recent years, the topic of health-oriented leadership (HoL) has often been investigated with health-related outcomes like general health, strain, depression, and anxiety symptoms. In contrast, research which considers the gender of leaders and employees in connection to HoL as well as studies on relationships between HoL and job satisfaction, are scarce. The aim of this paper is to explore the relationships between HoL and health status assessed by employees and leaders, to analyse the relationships between HoL and job satisfaction as a non-health-related outcome for employees and leaders and to examine differences in the assessment of HoL between men and women in a representative dataset of the working population in Germany. Methods: Data were collected via an access panel as a cross-sectional survey. The quota sample included 643 German workers (managers and employees). We focused on staff-care as a core component of HoL. Statistical analyses were performed using Pearson correlations and regression analyses as well as t-tests and Mann-Whitney-U-Tests. Results: The results showed no significant differences between male and female employees or leaders in assessing HoL. Regarding HoL we found relationships between self-rated health status or job satisfaction, both for the self-rated assessment of leaders and employees. Conclusions: Our findings indicate relationships between HoL and well-being as well as job satisfaction at the workplace. For interventions of any kind, the lack of gender effects leaves a wide scope for the implementation of health-promoting measures. In particular, the findings on the relationship between HoL and job satisfaction through leaders' self-assessment could be used for salutogenic approaches to strengthen resources in leadership trainings.
Study type
Occupational health
Lutz, R., Jungbäck, N., Wischlitzki, E., & Drexler, H. (2023). Health-oriented leadership, gender-differences and job satisfaction: results from a representative population-based study in Germany. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 105.
Live-streaming Activity and Relaxation Breaks: a (Home-)Office-Compatible Approach to Promote Break Recovery, Mood, and Attention?
Riedl, E. M., Müller, A., Perzl, J., & Thomas, J.
The aim of this study is to investigate whether short, live-streaming activity and relaxation lunch breaks have positive associations with office workers' mood (calmness, valence, and energetic arousal), back pain, and attention after break and whether these associations are mediated by better break recovery. Additionally, we considered the two respite interventions as resources possibly buffering the effects of elevated situational job demands. Ten-minute break exercises were conducted during lunch breaks via Zoom live-stream, and data on those days were compared with data on days on which participants spent their breaks as usual. Our sample of 34 office workers provided data for 277 work days (209 in the home office and 68 on site at the company). Multilevel path models revealed positive total associations of both respite interventions with the mood dimension of calmness. Activity breaks additionally showed a positive association with the energetic arousal dimension of mood, while relaxation breaks were positively related to objectively measured cognitive performance. Interestingly, activity breaks moderated the relationships of job demands with calmness and valence, indicating their function as a stress-buffering resource. There were no significant associations between the two respite interventions and back pain. Supplemented by participants' feedback, the findings of this study suggest that offering short virtually guided break exercises may represent a feasible and office-compatible approach to promote break recovery, mood and functionality at work, especially regarding home-office work. Possible advantages and disadvantages of the live-streaming format are discussed.
Study type
Office workers
Riedl, E. M., Müller, A., Perzl, J., & Thomas, J. (2023). Live-streaming Activity and Relaxation Breaks: a (Home-)Office-Compatible Approach to Promote Break Recovery, Mood, and Attention?. Occupational health science, 1–25. Advance online publication.
The prevalence and mental health correlates of exposure to offensive behaviours at work in Hungary: results of a national representative survey
Szusecki, T., Konkolÿ Thege, B. & Stauder, A
Background: Within the last decades, a substantial number of reports have established bullying behaviours as a severe risk to the health and safety of workers. However, in Hungary, the severity of this issue remains largely unknown. Therefore, the current study aimed to 1) determine the prevalence of offensive workplace behaviours in the Hungarian working population and 2) examine the relationship between exposure to these offensive behaviours and certain mental health indicators. Methods: The cross-sectional analyses of the present study are based on a sample of 13,104 active workers being representative of the Hungarian working population according to gender, age, educational level, and 18 occupational sectors. The mid-length version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II (COPSOQ II) was used to measure workplace offensive behaviours (bullying, sexual harassment, threats of violence, and physical violence) in the 12 months preceding the survey. Examined mental health correlates included depressive symptomatology (Beck Depression Inventory), functional somatic symptoms (PHQ-15), perceived stress (Perceived Stress Scale), and general well-being (WHO Well-being Index). Results: Almost half (48.7%) of the sample reported exposure to some form of offensive behaviour; 37.6% of participants reported occasional-, while 11.1% reported weekly or daily exposure. More women than men were exposed to offensive workplace behaviours, and those targeted the most were individuals aged 18-29 and in companies employing 20-49 employees. Top managers reported the lowest amount of bullying, while unskilled labourers reported the most frequent exposure. A moderately strong relationship was discovered between exposure to workplace offensive behaviours and all indicators of mental health. Conclusion: Workplace bullying was revealed to be a significant public health concern according to this large, representative data set from Hungary. Strategies to reduce the occurrence and impact of these behaviours on employee health should be a priority for occupational health and safety interventions.
Study type
Occupational health
Szusecki, T., Konkolÿ Thege, B. & Stauder, A (2023). The prevalence and mental health correlates of exposure to offensive behaviours at work in Hungary: results of a national representative survey. BMC Public Health, 23, 78 (2023).
Coping Mechanisms in Graduate School: A Discipline Comparison.
Montenegro, S.
The current study aimed to provide an overview of graduate students’ stress and coping mechanisms. Per self-reported questionnaires, participants (N=95) rated their experiences with academic-related stressors, common coping mechanisms, and strain outcomes (somatic symptoms, insomnia, and burnout). This study found that task-related stressors were the most prevalent for graduate schoolwork. More specifically, graduate students in STEM, Arts & Humanities, and Social Sciences rated the amount and difficulty of the tasks (quantitative and qualitative properties of tasks) as the highest stressors in graduate school. The preferred coping strategies across all fields were planning and emotional coping. Additionally, students in STEM reported more significant organizational constraints and interpersonal conflict than graduate students in Arts & Humanities, and Social Sciences. Finally, students in Arts & Humanities reported more maladaptive coping mechanisms than students in the other two groups. These findings can guide program directors and administrators in informing initiatives to enhance graduate students’ well-being
Study type
Occupational health
United States of America
Montenegro, S. (2022). Coping Mechanisms in Graduate School: A Discipline Comparison. The Pegasus Review: UCF Undergraduate Research Journal, Vol. 14: Iss. 2, Article 6.
Investigating aspects of paternalistic leadership within the job demands–resources model.
Lee, M. C. C., Kee, Y. J., Lau, S. S. Y., & Jan, G.
The literature on the job demands–resources (JD-R) theory has flourished for the past decade due to the theory’s simplicity and its applications in many areas of work life. However, the literature is lacking on how leaders can utilize this theory to manage employees, especially in the Asian leadership context. Using the JD-R theory, the current study investigated each aspect of paternalistic leadership (i.e., benevolent leadership, authoritarian leadership and moral leadership) and its influence on employees’ job resources (i.e., work meaningfulness and influence at work), job demands (i.e., emotional and cognitive demands), work engagement, burnout and the processes involved. Four hundred and thirty-one (431) full-time. working employees (mean age: 31.58; female: 57.8%) from various organizations in Malaysia participated in the study. Using structural equation modelling, the study’s results showed that the benevolent aspect of paternalistic leadership was related to higher work engagement and lower burnout through work meaningfulness (but not through influence at work). In contrast, the authoritarian aspect of paternalistic leadership was related to higher burnout through emotional demands (but not through cognitive demands), while the moral leadership aspect had no significant relationship to employees’ job demands or job resources, with a mediation process not found in either relationship. Overall, the study revealed three contrasting mechanisms for each aspect of paternalistic leadership and suggested how paternalistic leadership may be practised in Asian countries.
Study type
Occupational health
White collar workers
Lee, M. C. C., Kee, Y. J., Lau, S. S. Y., & Jan, G. (2023). Investigating aspects of paternalistic leadership within the job demands–resources model. Journal of Management & Organization, 1-20.
Working from home during the COVID 19 pandemic: a longitudinal examination of employees' sense of community and social support and impacts on self-rated health
Graham, M., Lambert, K. A., Weale, V., Stuckey, R., & Oakman, J
Background. The COVID 19 pandemic resulted in the introduction of public health measures including mandated and recommended work from home orders to reduce transmission. This provided a unique opportunity to examine sense of community and social support within the workplace and self-rated general health. This paper examines employees’ workplace sense of community and social support across one year of the COVID 19 pandemic and associated self-rated general health. Methods Analysis of longitudinal data (October 2020, May 2021, and November 2021) from the Employees Working from Home study conducted in Victoria, Australia during the COVID 19 pandemic was undertaken. Trajectory analyses were used to describe workplace sense of community and social support over time. Multinomial logistic regression was used to determine the associations between demographics, gender, caring responsibilities, and group membership based on the Growth Mixture Modelling. Generalised Mixed Models were used to measure effects of sense of community and social support on self-rated health. Results Increasing sense of community and social support in the workplace resulted in increased self-rated health. Trajectory analysis found two stable and distinct groups for sense of community. Social support varied with time; however, trajectory membership was not dependent on gender or caring responsibilities and had no relationship with return to the office. Conclusion Sense of community and social support in the workplace are important determinants of employees’ health, and as such, workplace strategies to improve sense of community and social support are required not only for employees working from home, but also those who have returned to the office, particularly as hybrid work arrangements become more common.
Study type
Occupational health
Graham, M., Lambert, K. A., Weale, V., Stuckey, R., & Oakman, J (2023). Working from home during the COVID 19 pandemic: a longitudinal examination of employees' sense of community and social support and impacts on self-rated health. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 11.
Assessing Occupational Health with a Cross-platform Application based on Self-reports and Biosignals
Silva, S., Cepeda, C., Rodrigues, J., Probst, P., & Gamboa, H.
Occupational disorders have a significant impact on the health of office workers. This has even more relevance considering the increased population in this work modality and the recent shift to remote work. Efforts are needed to create worker awareness and reduce occupational hazards. Based on this motivation, an intuitive and easy to use application for the assessment of occupational risks was developed and it is presented in this paper. This application records risk factors in the biomechanical, psycho-social, and environmental domains through data collected with self-assessment tools and wearable sensors, contributing to a more complete, robust and personal assessment of risk exposure. This article presents the system architecture and its application interface. Examples of interaction with each module of the app are also provided.
Silva, S., Cepeda, C., Rodrigues, J., Probst, P., & Gamboa, H. (2022). Assessing Occupational Health with a Cross-platform Application based on Self-reports and Biosignals. HEALTHINF, 549-556.
How do employees currently admitted to acute psychiatric inpatient units rate their psychosocial working conditions with the COPSOQ (Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire).
Brucks, A., Lang, A., Blank, D., Lincke, H. J., Riedl, L., Siafis, S., Brieger, P., & Hamann, J.
Background: In recent years it could be shown that psychosocial working conditions and mental health of employees are closely correlated. One well-established instrument to measure psychosocial stress at work is the COPSOQ (Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire, German Standard Version). It is an 84 item self-rating instrument addressing several domains of psychosocial working conditions and is generally used for risk assessments in companies. Aims: To examine associations between COPSOQ ratings with clinical features and symptoms of employees who currently suffer from an episode of a mental illness requiring inpatient treatment. Method: For 265 inpatients with mental disorders who participated in a cluster randomized trial (RETURN-study) COPSOQ-data were available as part of the baseline data acquisition. These data were compared with the German COPSOQ validation sample of the Freiburg research center for occupational sciences (FFAW; approximately 250,000 participants). For subdomains of the COPSOQ that showed major and significant differences between the two samples regression analyses were done to predict COPSOQ scores within the RETURN-sample. Results: Psychiatric inpatients did not assess their working conditions significantly different compared to the population based FFAW sample. However, with regard to the effects of working conditions (general health, burnout, presenteeism, and intention to leave the job) there were major differences between the two samples with the clinical sample expressing more negative views. In the RETURN sample these were predicted by a greater expression of depressive symptoms. Conclusions: The linkage between work and mental wellbeing is complex. Mental illness is not necessarily a result of poor working conditions, while good working conditions may not in every case prevent symptoms of bad health, even if such associations exist.
Brucks, A., Lang, A., Blank, D., Lincke, H. J., Riedl, L., Siafis, S., Brieger, P., & Hamann, J. (2023). How do employees currently admitted to acute psychiatric inpatient units rate their psychosocial working conditions with the COPSOQ (Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire). The International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 69(4), 949–956.
Psychosocial risk in healthcare workers after one year of COVID-19.
Moreno Martínez, M., Feijoo-Cid, M., Fernández-Cano, M. I., Llorens-Serrano, C., & Navarro-Giné, A
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic overwhelmed the capacity of the healthcare system, affecting the volume of demands and the care tasks of healthcare workers. Aims: To examine the health indicators and exposure to psychosocial risks of Spanish healthcare workers 1 year into the COVID-19 pandemic and compare them with the results of the first wave. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study using an online questionnaire (April-May 2020 and 2021). The data stem from the COTS 1 project database, corresponding to the first wave of COVID-19 (n = 1989) and COTS 2 (n = 1716) corresponding to 1 year later. The samples were independent. The prevalence of exposure to psychosocial risks and adverse health indicators was estimated for every occupational group, segregating the data by sex. Results: Professionals of all types presented worse perception of health. In general, the results were worse for women, while geriatric assistants presented the greatest exposure to psychosocial risk in COTS 2 compared to COTS 1. Sleep problems, high quantitative demands and high concern about becoming infected and spreading COVID-19 were cross-disciplinary in COTS 1, while worse perception of health, high pace of work, high work-life conflict and low development opportunities stood out in COTS 2. Conclusions: Exposure to psychosocial risks was already high during the first wave and a significant decline in working conditions was observed. The prolongation of the pandemic exacerbated these results and seems to have multiplied the pre-existing inequalities between the axes of segregation in the labour market.
Study type
Occupational health
Health care workers
Moreno Martínez, M., Feijoo-Cid, M., Fernández-Cano, M. I., Llorens-Serrano, C., & Navarro-Giné, A (2022). Psychosocial risk in healthcare workers after one year of COVID-19. Occupational Medicine, kqac121. Advance online publication..
Factors Associated with Job Satisfaction in Medical Laboratory Professionals during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Exploratory Study in Ontario, Canada.
Lo, J., Fayyaz, Y., Jaswal, S., Gohar, B., Yazdani, A., Chattu, V. K., & Nowrouzi-Kia, B.
Job satisfaction has been widely studied across several healthcare disciplines and is correlated with important outcomes such as job performance and employee mental health. However, there is limited research on job satisfaction among medical laboratory professionals (MLPs), a key healthcare group that aids in diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. The objective of this study is to examine the demographic and psychosocial factors associated with job satisfaction for MLPs in Ontario, Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic. A survey was administered to medical laboratory technologists (MLTs) and medical laboratory technicians/assistants (MLT/As) in Ontario, Canada. The survey included demographic questions and items from the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire, third edition. Binary logistic regressions were used to examine the association between job satisfaction and demographic variables and psychosocial work factors. There were 688 MLPs included in the analytic sample (72.12% response rate). Having a higher sense of community at work was correlated with higher job satisfaction in both MLT (OR = 2.22, 95% CI: 1.07-4.77) and MLT/A (OR = 3.85, 95% CI: 1.12-14.06). In addition, having higher stress was correlated with lower job satisfaction in both MLT (OR = 0.32, 95% CI: 0.18-0.57) and MLT/A (OR = 0.26, 95% CI: 0.10-0.66). This study provides preliminary evidence on factors associated with job satisfaction in MLT and MLT/A. The findings can be used to support organizational practices and policies to improve psychosocial work factors.
Study type
Occupational health
Laboratory technicians
Lo, J., Fayyaz, Y., Jaswal, S., Gohar, B., Yazdani, A., Chattu, V. K., & Nowrouzi-Kia, B. (2022). Factors Associated with Job Satisfaction in Medical Laboratory Professionals during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Exploratory Study in Ontario, Canada. European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education, 3(1), 54–66.
Safety Culture Approach For Healthcare And Nursing Institutions.
Sepp, J.
There are a few ways how to increase the rate of employees’ safety culture at an institution, one of these is a positive safety culture, which includes their proper attitudes, safety-related values, staff members’ professional competences, and their willingness to work. The key element in the offering of quality and safe services in healthcare is a positive safety quality according to definitions. The aim of the current paper is to identify potential predictors of employees’ safety behaviour and determine safety culture subcultures that support operational manager to develop proactive safety management systems (SMSs) and offer safety of patients and employees. Two independent surveys were the basis of the new proposed approach. Quantitative method approach was selected to investigate safety culture subcultures in Estonian healthcare and nursing institutions. According to the proposed approach, there are crucial subcultures (e.g., just, reporting, learning, professional competences, and psychosocial well-being), which should be developed and periodically evaluated within an organisation. This measurement should have a clear and shared understanding of patient safety goals and occupational health and safety (OHS). The general management of organisations should consider implementation of assessment as a proactive approach to use the SMSs. The sustainability and proactivity of the proposed approach lies in defining action plans for continuous improvement and employees’ involvement in patient safety and OHS management.
Study type
Occupational health
Sepp, J. (2022). Safety Culture Approach For Healthcare And Nursing Institutions. Economics and Business, 36(1), 211-228.
A Matter of Health? A 24-Week Daily and Weekly Diary Study on Workplace Bullying Perpetrators’ Psychological and Physical Health
Özer, G., Griep, Y., & Escartín, J.
Workplace bullying (WB) studies focusing on perpetrators are increasing. Many processes, events, circumstances and individual states are being studied to understand and inhibit what causes some employees to become perpetrators. Using a 24-week diary design and drawing on the Conservation of Resources Theory, we investigated how sleep, physical activity (PA), and being bullied predicted perpetration on a within-level. On a between-level, we controlled for a supervisory position, psychological distress and mental illnesses over 38 employees from Spain and Turkey. Their average age was 38.84 years (SD = 11.75). They were from diverse sectors (15.8% in manufacturing, 15.8% in education, 13.2% in wholesale and retail trade, 13.2% in information and communication, 7.9% in health, 7.9% in other services and 26.3% from other sectors) with diverse professions such as finance manager, psychologist, graphic designer, academic, human resources professional, forensic doctor, IT and Administration head, municipality admin executive, waiter, and sales executives. Data collection was conducted over 24 consecutive work weeks, where only 31 participants were involved in perpetration (final observations = 720). We analyzed the data using multilevel structural equation modeling decomposed into within-and-between-person variance parts. The results indicated that on a within-level, PA as steps taken during the work week and being bullied positively predicted perpetration the same week, while sleep quality did not. By connecting sleep, physical exercise and WB literature, we draw attention to the health condition of perpetrators. Organizations should actively inhibit workplace bullying and be mindful of employees' physical activities at work or commuting to work. Managers should also be attentive to physical fatigue that employees may feel due to their responsibilities in their private lives and allow employees to rest and recuperate to inhibit negative behaviors at work.
Study type
Occupational health
Turkey, Spain
Özer, G., Griep, Y., & Escartín, J. (2022). A Matter of Health? A 24-Week Daily and Weekly Diary Study on Workplace Bullying Perpetrators’ Psychological and Physical Health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1), 479.
Competence Development and Collaborative Climate as Antecedents of Job Performance, Job Commitment and Uncertainty: Validation of a Theoretical Model across Four Hospitals
Jensen, M. T., Øygarden, O., Mikkelsen, A., & Olsen, E.
Knowledge is lacking regarding how organizational factors are associated with uncertainty in patient treatment. Thus, the aim of the current study was to investigate how competence development and collaborative climate relates to job performance and job commitment, and further whether job performance and job commitment relate to uncertainty. Additionally, we examined whether these associations differed between four different hospitals. We applied data from 6445 hospital workers who provided care to patients. Basic statistics and structural equation modelling (SEM) were used to test the validity of the theoretical model developed in the study and the hypothesized associations. All hypothesized paths between the latent variables were significant and in accordance with the model across the four hospitals. The current study has implications for practical human resource management and indicates that competence development should be strengthened at the individual level and collaborative climate should be strengthened at the ward level. Strengthening competence development and collaborative climate can increase job performance and job commitment of individual workers and reduce uncertainty during care in hospital settings.
Study type
Occupational health
Health care workers
Jensen, M. T., Øygarden, O., Mikkelsen, A., & Olsen, E. (2022). Competence Development and Collaborative Climate as Antecedents of Job Performance, Job Commitment and Uncertainty: Validation of a Theoretical Model across Four Hospitals. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1), 425.
On the Road Again–Using Rule-Oriented and Participative Leadership to Reduce Threats and Violence in the Construction Industry.
Grill, M.
Threats and violence are acute safety issues in many industries and effect a large proportion of the Swedish workforce. In the construction industry, more than half of constructions workers redirecting traffic at construction sites are subjected to threats or violence at least once a year. To help construction companies to systematically address and handle health and safety issues in accordance with the Provisions of the Swedish Work Environment Authority on Systematic Work Environment Management, an interventions method named Building Health has been developed by Gyllensten and colleagues. The intervention involved rule-oriented and participative leadership practise and was evaluated through a single case effect study in a middle-sized construction company. The results showed significant reductions in the one-year prevalence of threats of violence (pre-intervention = 35.0%; post-intervention = 19.0%; χ2 = 7.047; p = .008), feelings of being threatened (pre-intervention = 42.7%; post-intervention = 23.8%; χ2 = 9.188; p = .002), and conflicts with third parties (pre-intervention = 48.5%; post-intervention = 30.6%; χ2 = 7.913; p = .005). Combining rule-oriented and participative leadership when helping construction companies to improve their systematic work environment management for efficient handling of health and safety issues can have substantial positive effects on employees’ work environment.
Study type
Construction workers
Grill, M. (2022). On the Road Again–Using Rule-Oriented and Participative Leadership to Reduce Threats and Violence in the Construction Industry. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.
"Don't Stop the Music," Please: The Relationship between Music Use at Work, Satisfaction, and Performance
Sanseverino, D., Caputo, A., Cortese, C. G., & Ghislieri, C.
Although there are several studies in the literature that have examined how different types of music affect performance or other organisational outcomes, knowledge about how music affects individuals in the workplace is still limited, especially in terms of perceived music use. This study aims to examine the effects of three different uses of music-namely, emotional, cognitive, and background music-on individual perceptions of job satisfaction and performance. A sample of 244 workers from different backgrounds was included in the study. We tested a full structural equation model. The results show that (1) emotional use has a positive relationship to performance, both directly and indirectly through mediating job satisfaction; (2) cognitive use has no significant effect on satisfaction and performance (even indirectly); and (3) background use has a negative relationship to job satisfaction and no relationship to performance. This work suggests that listening to music during work activities could be a positive organisational practice. Future studies could further investigate the role of music listening as a resource, taking into account other personal and contextual characteristics.
Sanseverino, D., Caputo, A., Cortese, C. G., & Ghislieri, C. (2022). "Don't Stop the Music," Please: The Relationship between Music Use at Work, Satisfaction, and Performance. Behavioral Sciences, 13(1), 15.
Should I Stay or Should I Go (to the Office)?-Effects of Working from Home, Autonomy, and Core Self-Evaluations on Leader Health and Work-Life Balance
Neidlinger, S. M., Felfe, J., & Schübbe, K.
Leaders represent a high-demand group in organizations. The effects of leaders' personal and workplace resources on their health and work-life balance have often slipped under the radar, as most studies are directed outwardly and focus on follower outcomes. With this study, we closed a gap in the research and investigated the positive effects of remote work, autonomy, and leaders' core-self evaluations (CSE) on two important leader outcomes: health and work-life balance. We hypothesized that the relationship between remote work and the outcomes would be moderated by leaders' CSE and their autonomy-in such a way that leaders with lower resources benefit more from remote work and achieve better health and work-life balance the more days they spend working from home. A sample of 367 leaders reported their frequency of working from home, their autonomy, and CSE. Their health and work-life balance were assessed five months later. Results showed a moderating effect of CSE on both outcomes, indicating that leaders with low CSE benefit more in terms of health and work-life balance. There was no moderating effect of autonomy. Leaders with high resources (autonomy and CSE) had overall higher levels of health and work-life balance regardless of work location. Practitioners in organizations should consider working from home as a resource for leaders, particularly if personal resources are lower.
Study type
Occupational health
Neidlinger, S. M., Felfe, J., & Schübbe, K. (2022). Should I Stay or Should I Go (to the Office)?-Effects of Working from Home, Autonomy, and Core Self-Evaluations on Leader Health and Work-Life Balance. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1), 6.
Mental health of working parents during the COVID-19 pandemic: can resilience buffer the impact of psychosocial work stress on depressive symptoms?
Brym, S., Mack, J. T., Weise, V., Kopp, M., Steudte-Schmiedgen, S., & Garthus-Niegel, S.
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has confronted working parents with an accumulation of stressors regarding changes in work, family, and social life, putting their mental health at risk. Stressors include altered working conditions such as working from home or changes in working hours as well as the difficulty to reconcile work and childcare due to the closure of childcare facilities. The present study examined the relationship of psychosocial work stress (i.e., work-privacy conflict and effort-reward imbalance at work) and depressive symptoms in working parents and whether this association was moderated by individual resilience. Methods: Data of the present study (n = 452) were collected in Germany between May and June 2020 as part of the DREAMCORONA study. A subsample of working mothers (n = 191) and fathers (n = 261) completed the subscale for work-privacy conflict (WPC) of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire, the Effort-Reward Imbalance (ERI) Questionnaire, the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Multiple linear regression analyses including moderation were performed, controlling for gender, working hours per week, and a lifetime history of depression as potential confounders. Results: Both WPC (β = 0.336, p < .001) and ERI (β = 0.254, p < .001) were significantly associated with depressive symptoms. Resilience moderated the relationship between ERI and depressive symptoms (β = - 0.101, p = .018), indicating that higher resilience weakened the relationship. However, this effect was not found regarding the relationship between WPC and depressive symptoms (β = 0.055, p = .167). Conclusions: The results highlight the need for measures to reduce psychosocial work stressors such as WPC and ERI during the COVID-19 pandemic on the one hand and to promote resilience on the other hand. The findings partially support the potential protective role of resilience buffering the association between psychosocial stress and mental health in working parents. Longitudinal studies are needed to confirm this effect.
Study type
Occupational health
Brym, S., Mack, J. T., Weise, V., Kopp, M., Steudte-Schmiedgen, S., & Garthus-Niegel, S. (2022). Mental health of working parents during the COVID-19 pandemic: can resilience buffer the impact of psychosocial work stress on depressive symptoms?. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 2426.
A Work Environment Blind Spot: Exploring School Principals’ Organisational and Social Work Environments.
Edvik, A., & Muhonen, T.
This article examines principals’ social work environment in the context of a series of school reforms inspired by new public management. With the point of departure in Job Demands and Resources, we put forward the following overall research question: which job demands and job resources are related to principals’ job satisfaction? The article has a mixed methods approach, combining material from questionnaires (466 participants) and interviews (15 participants). The results of the questionnaire indicate that job resources such as role clarity, influence, meaningfulness, and social community with senior managers were related to job satisfaction, while lacking job resources (influence, social community with senior managers) and experiencing role conflicts were associated with a higher intention to leave the profession. The interviews provide a more in-depth understanding of the shift of institutional logics within the school sector, enforcing boundaries between principals’ professional and managerial roles in accordance with New Public Managerial Ideas. The separation between profession and management contributes to principals’ organisational and social work environments being in a blind spot. This is not only a problem for the principals, but also a risk factor for the organisations themselves, as stress and ill-health among leaders tend to affect the entire organisation.
Study type
Occupational health
School principals
Edvik, A., & Muhonen, T. (2022). A Work Environment Blind Spot: Exploring School Principals’ Organisational and Social Work Environments. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration, 26(4), 47-71.
Working environment, work engagement and mental health problems among occupational and physical therapists.
orp, S., & Bergheim, L. T. J.
Background: Working environment, work engagement and health among occupational and physical therapists in Norway have rarely been investigated. Objectives: (1) To compare the psychosocial working environment, work engagement and mental health problems of occupational therapists with those of physical therapists; (2) to compare the same measures among occupational therapists working in the specialist and municipal healthcare services, respectively; and (3) to identify job demands and resources that influence the work engagement and mental health problems of occupational therapists. Material and methods: The Survey for Health Promoting Workplaces was used to collect data from 170 occupational therapists and 273 physical therapists (response rate =35%) working in specialist and municipal health care in Norway. Student's t-test, Pearson correlations and multiple regression analysis were used. Results: Occupational therapists experienced higher job demands and poorer health than physical therapists. Occupational therapists in the municipal healthcare services were slightly more satisfied with their job resources than colleagues in specialist healthcare services. Meaningful work and the opportunity to use one's strengths and potential contributed the most to high work engagement. Low work engagement was the most important contributor to poor mental health. Conclusion and significance: The mental health of occupational therapists seems to be closely related to the opportunity to perform high-quality therapy. It is important that work is organised so that occupational therapists have meaningful work tasks and opportunity to use their strengths and potential.
Study type
Occupational health
orp, S., & Bergheim, L. T. J. (2023). Working environment, work engagement and mental health problems among occupational and physical therapists. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 30(4), 505–519.
School principals' mental health and well-being under threat: A longitudinal analysis of workplace demands, resources, burnout, and well-being
Marsh, H. W., Dicke, T., Riley, P., Parker, P. D., Guo, J., Basarkod, G., & Martin, A. J.
Schools are critical organisational settings, and school principals face extreme stress levels. However, there are few large-scale, longitudinal studies of demands and resources that drive principals' health and well-being. Using the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) framework, we evaluated longitudinal reciprocal effects over 3 years relating to job demands, job resources (resilience), job-related outcomes (burnout and job satisfaction), and personal outcomes (happiness and physical health) for a nationally representative sample of 3683 Australian school principals. Prior demands and resources led to small changes in subsequent outcomes, beneficial effects of resources, and adverse effects of demands, particularly for job-related outcomes. Furthermore, we also found reverse-reciprocal effects, prior outcomes (burnout and job satisfaction) influencing subsequent job characteristics. However, in response to substantively and theoretically important research questions, we found no support for Yerkes–Dodson Law (nonlinear effects of demands) or Nietzsche effects and inoculation effects (that which does not kill you, makes you stronger; manageable levels of demands build resilience). Relating our study to new and evolving issues in JD-R research, we offer limitations of our research—and JD-R theory and research more generally—and directions for further research in this essentially unstudied application of JD-R to school principals' mental health and well-being.
Study type
Occupational health
School principals
Marsh, H. W., Dicke, T., Riley, P., Parker, P. D., Guo, J., Basarkod, G., & Martin, A. J. (2023). School principals' mental health and well-being under threat: A longitudinal analysis of workplace demands, resources, burnout, and well-being. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 15(3), 999–1027.
Workplace incivility as a risk factor for workplace bullying and psychological well-being: a longitudinal study of targets and bystanders in a sample of swedish engineers.
Holm, K., Torkelson, E., & Bäckström, M.
Background: The aim of the present study is to explore whether (experienced and witnessed) workplace incivility is a risk factor for (experienced and witnessed) workplace bullying. An additional aim is to explore whether experienced workplace incivility is associated with psychological well-being above and beyond the influence of (experienced and witnessed) workplace bullying on well-being. Methods: A survey was distributed via e-mail to a panel of Swedish engineers. The survey was administered at three time points over one year. In total, N = 1005 engineers responded to the survey. Of these, N = 341 responded to more than one survey, providing longitudinal data. N = 111 responded to all three surveys. Results: The results showed that the likelihood of being targeted by workplace bullying was higher for those who had previously experienced incivility, even when taking previous bullying exposure into account. There was also partial support for a higher likelihood of witnessing bullying at a later time point for those that had previously witnessed incivility. Additionally, the results showed that experienced workplace incivility was negatively related to psychological well-being over time, even when controlling for previous levels of experienced and witnessed workplace bullying and well-being. However, this result was only found over one of the two time lags. Conclusion: The findings of the present study suggests that workplace incivility can be a risk factor for future bullying. In addition, the findings suggest that experienced workplace incivility exerts a unique negative effect on psychological well-being, even when accounting for exposure to workplace bullying.
Study type
Occupational health
Holm, K., Torkelson, E., & Bäckström, M. (2022). Workplace incivility as a risk factor for workplace bullying and psychological well-being: a longitudinal study of targets and bystanders in a sample of swedish engineers. BMC Psychology, 10(1), 299.
The effect of sleep disturbance on the association between work-family conflict and burnout in nurses: a cross-sectional study from South Korea
Han, S., & Kwak, S.
Background: Sleep disturbances can lead to work-family conflicts and affect the mental health of nurses. This study aimed to investigate the mediating effect of sleep disturbance on the association between work-family conflict (WFC) and burnout in nurses. Methods: Responses to a questionnaire from 156 nurses working in a hospital in South Korea were analyzed. Multiple linear regression analysis and PROCESS Macro Model 4 were used to analyze the mediating effect of sleep disturbance on the relationship between WFC and burnout. A bootstrapping approach was used to test the statistical significance of the indirect parameter effects. Results: The WFC of nurses had a positive correlation with sleep disturbance and burnout. Moreover, sleep disturbance completely mediated the association between WFC and burnout. Conclusions: Nursing administrators should pay careful attention to WFCs that interfere with nurses' sleep and reduce their sleep quality, and design suitable working schedules that minimize the effects of WFC. In addition, hospital administrators should improve shift scheduling to ensure good sleep quality and reduce the health effects of WFC among nurses
Study type
Occupational health
South Korea
Han, S., & Kwak, S. (2022). The effect of sleep disturbance on the association between work-family conflict and burnout in nurses: a cross-sectional study from South Korea. BMC Nursing, 21(1), 354.
Analysis of Risk Factors for Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Survey Research
Kumar, A., Indher, H. K. B., Gul, A., & Nawaz, R.
In the world ergonomics is involved everywhere, where is work there is a risk factor. Musculoskeletal disorder (MSDs) is a major risk factor in human life because it affects bones, joints, muscles, and connective tissues of whole human body parts such as the neck, shoulder, arms, wrists, hips, legs, thigh, knee, ankles, etc. so mainly our study focus on musculoskeletal disorders. This study there has used questionnaires in four factors those are socio-demographic, psychological, occupational, and biomechanical. In these factors number of questions were included in the data has been collected. In addition, there was the Nordic section in questions from that we analyzed the pain in different parts of the human body. The study concentrated on the business, education, industry, and healthcare sectors in Hyderabad, Kotri, and Jamshoro. University students and teachers, retail salespeople, manufacturing industry workers, nurses, doctors, nursing assistants, and other health professionals comprised the sample group. The questionnaires were fully completed by 50% of the respondents, resulting in a sample of 116 workers. The majority of the participants were private employees with one to fifteen years of experience in teaching or caring. In this study data has been analyzed through Co-relation between four factors with the Nordic section and ANOVA test through excel and it gives the value of p is also less than 0.05 so we cannot reject the null hypothesis. Over this study it has been analyzed that population is evolving in problems and there should be the proper implementation of ergonomics and safety rules. Test gives the values are not significant and null hypothesis should not reject and it should be improving.
Study type
Occupational health
Kumar, A., Indher, H. K. B., Gul, A., & Nawaz, R. (2022). Analysis of Risk Factors for Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Survey Research. International Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing, 12(6), 1-13.
Psychosocial working conditions as determinants of concerns to have made important medical errors and possible intermediate factors of this association among medical assistants - a cohort study.
Mambrey, V., Angerer, P., & Loerbroks, A.
Objective: We sought to examine the association of psychosocial working conditions with concerns to have made important medical errors and to identify possible intermediate factors in this relationship. Methods: We used data from 408 medical assistants (MAs) in Germany who participated in a 4-year prospective cohort study (follow-up period: 03-05/2021). Psychosocial working conditions were assessed at baseline by the effort-reward imbalance questionnaire and by a MA-specific questionnaire with seven subscales. MAs reported at follow-up whether they are concerned to have made an important medical error throughout the last 3 months, 12 months or since baseline (yes/no). These variables were merged into a single variable (any affirmative response vs. none) for primary analyses. Potential intermediate factors measured at baseline included work engagement (i.e., vigor and dedication, assessed by the UWES), work satisfaction (COPSOQ), depression (PHQ-2), anxiety (GAD-2) and self-rated health. We ran Poisson regression models with a log-link function to estimate relative risks (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Doing so, we employed the psychosocial working condition scales as continuous variables (i.e. z-scores) in the primary analyses. Potential intermediate factors were added separately to the regression models. Results: Poor collaboration was the only working condition, which was significantly predictive of the concern of having made an important medical error (RR = 1.26, 95%CI = 1.00-1.57, p = 0.049). Partial intermediate factors in this association were vigor, depression and anxiety. Conclusion: We found weak and mostly statistically non-significant associations. The only exception was poor collaboration whose association with concerns to have made an important medical error was partially explained by vigor and poor mental health
Study type
Occupational health
Health care workers
Mambrey, V., Angerer, P., & Loerbroks, A. (2022). Psychosocial working conditions as determinants of concerns to have made important medical errors and possible intermediate factors of this association among medical assistants - a cohort study. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1501.
Quality of leadership and self-rated health: the moderating role of 'Effort-Reward Imbalance': a longitudinal perspective.
Kuchenbaur, M., & Peter, R.
Objective: Longitudinal studies on the influence of leadership behavior on employees' self-rated health are scarce. As a result, potential mechanisms describing the impact of leadership behavior on health have not been adequately investigated so far. The present study accounts for the influence of leadership behavior on self-rated health within the framework of the Effort-Reward Imbalance model. Methods: The study was conducted on the basis of a cohort which comprised a random sample of healthcare workers from ten different hospitals and one elderly nursing home in Germany. A 2-level repeated measurement model with random intercept and slopes was modeled, since it was aimed to account for individual as well as intra-individual variation of subjective health across three time points over 36 months. Beside 'Effort-Reward Imbalance' and 'Quality of Leadership' from the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire, physical and mental health was assessed by German version of the SF12 multipurpose short-form measure of health status. Results: 'Effort-Reward Imbalance' and a lack in 'Quality of Leadership' negatively affect self-rated physical health. No effect was found for self-rated mental health. Effort-Reward Imbalance significantly moderates the effect of 'Quality of Leadership' on self-rated physical health. Conclusion: The findings, and the interaction effects in particular, suggest that leadership behavior moderated by factors such as appreciation and support, influences self-rated physical health. The study therefore provides an interpretation for leadership behavior and its influence on employees' self-rated health within the 'Effort-Reward Imbalance' model.
Study type
Occupational health
Health care workers
Kuchenbaur, M., & Peter, R. (2023). Quality of leadership and self-rated health: the moderating role of 'Effort-Reward Imbalance': a longitudinal perspective. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 6(3), 473–482.
Relation between Employee Productivity, Job Satisfaction, and Ethical Leadership in the Context of Work-Life Conflict
Abdelhay, S., Al Talay, M. S. R., Abdelhay, D. A., & El-Bannany, M.
Purpose: Determine how ethical leadership affects job happiness and productivity through the lens of work-life conflict. There is widespread agreement that health care workers' job happiness and productivity are positively impacted when they have a reasonable work-life balance. According to the available data, a leader's ethical behavior has a positive effect on the output of his or her team. Ethical leadership may also affect workplace productivity and satisfaction by influencing how workers feel about the balance between their personal and professional lives. Methods: Data was obtained through electronic surveys from employees, their direct supervisors and managers across a sample of Emirati businesses, following a longitudinal methodology in which staff members from across the organization contributed to the data collection process. Initially, I emailed and used WhatsApp to distribute the survey link to 500 workers; those workers in turn invited their immediate superiors to complete the questionnaire, which was subsequently returned to the authors of the study. Results: Multiple regression analyses concluded that an ethical leadership style significantly affects worker satisfaction, engagement, and output. Employee output was linked to a leader's commitment to ethics through a mediating factor of job satisfaction. The results of the study imply that a leadership style with an emphasis on ethics may improve employees' perceptions of their productivity and work-life balance. If managers truly care about their staff, they will adopt ethical leadership practices that encourage work-life harmony.
Study type
Occupational health
Abdelhay, S., Al Talay, M. S. R., Abdelhay, D. A., & El-Bannany, M. (2023). Relation between Employee Productivity, Job Satisfaction, and Ethical Leadership in the Context of Work-Life Conflict. Resmilitaris, 13(3), 2534-2546.
Occupational health in nurses’ staff of local hospitals: relationship between leadership role and post-pandemic psychosocial risks.
González-Cañizalez, Y., & Flor-Mosquera, J.
Psychosocial risk factors associated with stressful working conditions after COVID-19 outbreak, have been studied in 20 nurses of a Basic Hospital in a rural area of Ecuador. Previous studies showed that social relationships, autonomy, and psychological demands were prominent dimensions that lead the risk perception. The aim of this study was to identify determinant leadership in the well-being of nurses and its influence in the psychosocial environment. After the intervention a positive participatory (83%) and collaborative (81%) performance was accomplished, directive leadership decreased (70%), while achievement-oriented leadership remained low (68%). The Wilcoxon test showed significant differences in qualitative-quantitative dimensions of psychological risk (Z= -3.100; p<.01), and (Z= -2.925; p<.01) respectively. Significant relationships among risk factors, perceived work climate and perception of leadership styles was possible to improve the well-being, by using a virtual team model based on participatory leadership. Findings are discussed and measures are proposed for future research.
Study type
González-Cañizalez, Y., & Flor-Mosquera, J. (2022). Occupational health in nurses’ staff of local hospitals: relationship between leadership role and post-pandemic psychosocial risks. Dyna, 89(224), 123-131.
Violation of German rest break regulation criteria and health complaints while working in the office and from home
Wendsche, J., Lohmann-Haislah, A., Schulz, A., & Schöllgen,
The aim of this survey study (n = 534) was to clarify if work from home (WFH) affects employees’ compliance with six German mandatory rest break regulations and how this relates to health complaints. 92% reported at least one violation of these rest break principles. WFH (frequency) did not affect the (non-)compliance with these regulations but was associated with increased risk for muscular tension. Frequent break skipping increased risk of headache. Noncompliance with three or more of these rest break criteria related to risk of depressive mood and headache, and noncompliance related to risk of exhaustion in a dose-response relationships. WFH does not relate to violation of German rest break regulation criteria but is associated to musculoskeletal complaints. Organizations should improve employees’ compliance with national break standards since this can reduce health risks.
Study type
Occupational health
Office workers
Wendsche, J., Lohmann-Haislah, A., Schulz, A., & Schöllgen, (2022). Violation of German rest break regulation criteria and health complaints while working in the office and from home. Sozialpolitik, ch, (2/2022), 2-2.
Psychosocial Risk Factors and Quality of Life Among Nurses Working in Public Sector Tertiary Care Hospitals of Peshawar, A Correlational Study: Psychosocial Risk Factors and Quality of Life among Nurses.
Muhammad, D., Rahim, T., Ajmal, H., & Bibi, N.
Psychosocial risk factors at nurse's work environment are the major threat to the professional well-being and health of nurses. Nurses in developing countries like Pakistan are not appreciated and valued as greatly as compared to Western states which are evinced by their very low pays and poor work conditions. These can lead to different consequences like affecting work abilities and poor quality of life. Objectives: To evaluate psychosocial risk factors and quality of life among nurses working in public sector tertiary care hospitals of Peshawar. Methods: A cross sectional (correlational) study was conducted to assess relationship between “Psychosocial risk factors” and “quality of life” (QOL) among registered nurses at public sector tertiary care hospitals of Peshawar. Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire and WHO quality of life scales were used for data collection. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 23. Results: The mean age of nurses was mean 28.95 ±5.25 SD. In term of psychosocial risk factors, participants reported high mean score in all factors. Regarding quality of life, majority 63% reported having “Poor” while only 37% nurses have “Good” quality of life. There was negative correlation between quantitative demands, work pace, emotional demands, burnout and stress and offensive behaviours with participant's quality of life (p-value 0.001). While positive correlation was observed between recognition, social support and quality of life among studied nurses. Conclusions: This study found multiple factors of psychosocial environment at public sector hospitals of Peshawar. The poor psychosocial environment has potential infuence on overall health and quality of life of nurses.
Study type
Occupational health
Muhammad, D., Rahim, T., Ajmal, H., & Bibi, N. (2022). Psychosocial Risk Factors and Quality of Life Among Nurses Working in Public Sector Tertiary Care Hospitals of Peshawar, A Correlational Study: Psychosocial Risk Factors and Quality of Life among Nurses. Pakistan Journal of Health Sciences, 41-45.
Mental and physical health and well-being of canadian employees who were working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic
Somasundram, K. G., Hackney, A., Yung, M., Du, B., Oakman, J., Nowrouzi-Kia, B., & Yazdani, A.
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed various aspects of our lives, including how we work. Since the start of the pandemic, numerous organizations in Canada have mandated their employees to work from home (WFH) on a full-time basis. The rapid rise in the number of remote workers and the possibility for WFH continuing in the future signifies the importance of understanding the health and well-being of employees working from home over the course of the pandemic in Canada. We present the findings of two surveys (initial and 6-month follow-up) to examine the health and well-being of WFH employees during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. We analyzed the changes in mental and physical health and well-being of employees who were working from home between two time points during the pandemic. Methods: Initial survey was completed between October 2020 and December 2020 (n = 1617); follow-up survey was completed between May 2021 and June 2021 (n = 382). We calculated the frequencies for survey questions involving demographics, WFH preferences, workstation setup training, employment situation, provision of hardware technologies, provision and usage of software technologies, and organization's return to work plan. We conducted Wilcoxon signed-rank tests to analyze the within-individual changes in mental and physical health and well-being of the 382 respondents who completed both the initial and follow-up surveys. Results: Our analyses showed significant changes in various aspects of employee mental and physical health and well-being. Burnout, stress, general mental health, and job insecurity levels significantly decreased between the two time periods. Work-related sedentary behaviour reduced over time; however, the average proportion of time spent sitting during work hours was more than 80% in both surveys. Employees received more help and feedback from their colleagues and experienced a better sense of community with their co-workers over time. Conclusion: The findings can inform workers and organizations on the changes in mental and physical health and well-being of employees working from home during the pandemic. By understanding the changes in worker health and well-being, employers can develop effective strategies and implement policies that help protect employees' health and well-being.
Study type
Occupational health
Somasundram, K. G., Hackney, A., Yung, M., Du, B., Oakman, J., Nowrouzi-Kia, B., & Yazdani, A. (2022). Mental and physical health and well-being of canadian employees who were working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 1987.
Linear and non-linear relationships between job demands-resources and psychological and physical symptoms of service sector employees. When is the midpoint a good choice?
Sanclemente F.J., Gamero N., Arenas A. & Medina F.J.
Related to the research of working conditions, the link between organizational factors and health was traditionally analyzed using linear models. However, the literature analysis suggests inconsistencies in linear models predicting workers’ health levels. To clarify this issue, this exploratory research compares the linear and non-linear relationships between job demands-resources (task complexity, time pressure, contact with users, and job autonomy), and the psychological and physical symptoms of employees working in the main five service subsectors: commerce, horeca (hotels, restaurants, and cafés), public administration, education, and healthcare. With a final sample of 4,047 participants, our study data were extracted from the II Andalusian Working Conditions Survey. Following the theoretical framework of JD-R Model and considering the Vitamin Model theoretical approach for non-linear relationships, our results showed that there were significant differences among the five subsectors analyzed regarding the linear and non-linear relationships between job demands-resources and psychological and physical symptoms of employees. Furthermore, task complexity generated non-linear relationships in higher proportion than time pressure and contact with users. Likewise, non-linear relationships found showed a U-shape. Moreover, the findings of non-linear relationships suggested that medium levels of task complexity should not be exceeded to avoid further negative impact on psychological and physical symptoms for service sector employees, preserving their health. Finally, some general practical implications of work environment interventions are suggested
Sanclemente F.J., Gamero N., Arenas A. & Medina F.J. (2022). Linear and non-linear relationships between job demands-resources and psychological and physical symptoms of service sector employees. When is the midpoint a good choice?. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, 950908.
Variation on Work Demands and Sleep Disturbances Concerning Fixed and Rotating Shifts in the Water, Sanitation, and Waste Secto
Dionísio, A., Cotrim, T. P., Teles, J., & Carvalhais, J.
The growing production of waste and increased use of water and sanitation systems worldwide have been pressuring the water, sanitation, and waste sectors. This study analyzed the perception of the determinants of work activity among workers from the water, sanitation, and waste sector in Portugal, the variation in the work demands among different shift types, and the main predictors of sleep disturbances. Data collection was performed through a questionnaire administered to 300 workers in 2017 and 2019. An ageing population was identified in all shift types. Possible occupational trajectories with changes from the fixed night and early morning shifts to daytime and fast rotating shifts may be linked to health conditions. Workers in fixed night and early morning shifts perceived higher physical demands and environmental discomfort, lower social support, and job dissatisfaction. Workers in daytime or fast rotating shifts perceived higher cognitive demands. Sleep disturbances were perceived more negatively among those working permanently on night and early morning shifts. The main predictors of sleep disturbance in both years were the type of shift, and high physical demands. The study highlights the relevance of characterizing the work demandsto establish future strategies to improve the health and well-being of shift workers
Study type
Occupational health
Water and sanitation workers
Dionísio, A., Cotrim, T. P., Teles, J., & Carvalhais, J. (2022). Variation on Work Demands and Sleep Disturbances Concerning Fixed and Rotating Shifts in the Water, Sanitation, and Waste Secto. Applied System Innovation, 5(6), 108.
A Quick "Environment Check" for All Ages: Validating the New Age-Inclusive Work Environments Instrument
Owen, M. S., Berthelsen, H., Jamieson, S. D., & Westerlund, H.
Background and objectives: The global aging workforce necessitates new approaches in designing work environments to cater to the needs of increasingly age-diverse work groups. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has in reaction outlined that organizations need to provide age-inclusive work environments that support the needs of their multigenerational workforce, to ensure their sustainability and profitability. To capture the age inclusiveness of the work environment, the present study proposes and validates an age-inclusive "environment check" for organizations referred to as the Age-Inclusive Work Environment Instrument (AIWEI), which covers discrimination, inclusion, and development opportunities. Research design and methods: We validate the 9-item AIWEI using cross-sectional and multilevel data from 2,892 Swedish workers across 101 workplaces who completed an online survey, using confirmatory factor analyses across young, middle-age, and older workers. Using a nomological approach, we also evaluate the concurrent validity of the AIWEI with a 2-1-1 path analysis. Results: The factor analyses supported a 3-factor model comprising of inclusion, discrimination, and development opportunities, across 3 age groups (i.e., young, middle-age, and older workers). These 3 factors had high Intraclass Coefficient (ICC) scores showing consistency in responding in the workplace. In accordance with the nomological approach, the factors of the AIWEI were linked with Psychosocial Safety Climate, burnout, and engagement, demonstrating concurrent validity for the AIWEI. Discussion and implications: This new "environment check" provides a way to capture age-inclusive work environments for both younger and older workers, in an age-diverse workforce. In the validation process, age-inclusive work environments were found to exist as a group phenomenon, through shared perceptions within an organization, as well as an individual phenomenon, as experiences specific to an individual. This is important for the development and implementation of policies and strategies designed to benefit workers and organizations
Owen, M. S., Berthelsen, H., Jamieson, S. D., & Westerlund, H. (2022). A Quick "Environment Check" for All Ages: Validating the New Age-Inclusive Work Environments Instrument. Innovation in Aging, 6(7), igac066.
Leadership program with skills training for general practitioners was highly accepted without improving job satisfaction: the cluster randomized IMPROVEjob study
Degen, L., Göbel, J., Minder, K., Seifried-Dübon, T., Werners, B., Grot, M., Rind, E., Pieper, C., Eilerts, A. L., Schröder, V., Siegel, A., Hüsing, A., Jöckel, K. H., Rieger, M. A., IMPROVEjob Research Cooperation, & Weltermann, B. M.
Leadership has become an increasingly important issue in medicine as leadership skills, job satisfaction and patient outcomes correlate positively. Various leadership training and physician psychological well-being programmes have been developed internationally, yet no standard is established in primary care. The IMPROVEjob leadership program was developed to improve job satisfaction among German general practitioners and practice personnel. Its acceptance and effectiveness were evaluated. The IMPROVEjob intervention is a participatory, interdisciplinary and multimodal leadership intervention that targets leadership, workflows and communication in general practices using three elements: (1) two leadership workshops with skills training; (2) a toolbox with printed and online material, and (3) a 9-month implementation phase supported by facilitators. A cluster-randomised trial with a waiting-list control evaluated the effectiveness on the primary outcome job satisfaction assessed by the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (range 0-100). A mixed-methods approach with questionnaires and participant interviews evaluated the acceptance of the intervention and factors influencing the implementation of intervention content. Statistical analyses respected the clustered data structure. The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated intervention adjustments: online instead of on-site workshops, online material instead of facilitator practice visits. Overall, 52 of 60 practices completed the study, with altogether 70 practice leaders, 16 employed physicians, and 182 practice assistants. According to an intention-to-treat analysis, job satisfaction decreased between baseline and follow-up (not significantly) in the total study population and in both study arms, while the subgroup of practice leaders showed a non-significant increase. A mixed multilevel regression model showed no effect of the intervention on job satisfaction (b = - 0.36, p > 0.86), which was influenced significantly by a greater sense of community (b = 0.14, p < 0.05). The acceptance of the IMPROVEjob workshops was high, especially among practice leaders compared to assistants (1 = best to 5 = worst): skills training 1.78 vs. 2.46, discussions within the practice team 1.87 vs. 2.28, group discussions 1.96 vs. 2.21. The process evaluation revealed that the COVID-19 pandemic complicated change processes and delayed the implementation of intervention content in practice routines. The workshops within the participatory IMPROVEjob intervention were rated very positively but the multimodal intervention did not improve job satisfaction 9 months into the pandemic. Qualitative data showed an impairment of implementation processes by the unforeseeable COVID pandemic.Trial registration Registration number: DRKS00012677 on 16/10/2019.
Study type
Health care workers
Degen, L., Göbel, J., Minder, K., Seifried-Dübon, T., Werners, B., Grot, M., Rind, E., Pieper, C., Eilerts, A. L., Schröder, V., Siegel, A., Hüsing, A., Jöckel, K. H., Rieger, M. A., IMPROVEjob Research Cooperation, & Weltermann, B. M. (2022). Leadership program with skills training for general practitioners was highly accepted without improving job satisfaction: the cluster randomized IMPROVEjob study. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 17869.
Emotional demands and entrepreneurial burnout: the role of autonomy and job satisfaction
Tahar, Y. B., Rejeb, N., Maalaoui, A., Kraus, S., Westhead, P., & Jones, P.
Entrepreneurs can exhibit the entrepreneurial burnout syndrome, which retards entrepreneur and firm performance. Building upon insights from the conservation of resources theory of stress response and psychology theory, this study examined the role of entrepreneur emotional demands as well as job autonomy and satisfaction resources with regard to entrepreneurial burnout. Multivariate regression analysis relating to 273 entrepreneurs in France revealed that emotional demands were positively associated with entrepreneurial burnout, while job autonomy and satisfaction were negatively associated with entrepreneurial burnout. Job autonomy buffered the negative effect of emotional demands on entrepreneurial burnout. However, job satisfaction did not buffer the negative effect of emotional demands on entrepreneurial burnout. Implications are discussed.
Study type
Occupational health
Tahar, Y. B., Rejeb, N., Maalaoui, A., Kraus, S., Westhead, P., & Jones, P. (2023). Emotional demands and entrepreneurial burnout: the role of autonomy and job satisfaction. Small Business Economics, 61, 701–716.
Improving Stress and Positive Mental Health at Work via an App-Based Intervention: A Large-Scale Multi-Center Randomized Control Trial.
Weber, S., Lorenz, C., & Hemmings, N.
Mobile health interventions (i.e., "apps") are used to address mental health and are an increasingly popular method available to both individuals and organizations to manage workplace stress. However, at present, there is a lack of research on the effectiveness of mobile health interventions in counteracting or improving stress-related health problems, particularly in naturalistic, non-clinical settings. This project aimed at validating a mobile health intervention (which is theoretically grounded in the Job Demands-Resources Model) in preventing and managing stress at work. Within the mobile health intervention, employees make an evidence-based, personalized, psycho-educational journey to build further resources, and thus, reduce stress. A large-scale longitudinal randomized control trial, conducted with six European companies over 6 weeks using four measurement points, examined indicators of mental health via measures of stress, wellbeing, resilience, and sleep. The data were analyzed by means of hierarchical multilevel models for repeated measures, including both self-report measures and user behavior metrics from the app. The results (n = 532) suggest that using the mobile health intervention (vs. waitlist control group) significantly improved stress and wellbeing over time. Higher engagement in the intervention increased the beneficial effects. Additionally, use of the sleep tracking function led to an improvement in sleeping troubles. The intervention had no effects on measures of physical health or social community at work. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed, focusing on benefits and challenges of using technological solutions for organizations to support individuals' mental health in the workplace.
Study type
Weber, S., Lorenz, C., & Hemmings, N. (2019). Improving Stress and Positive Mental Health at Work via an App-Based Intervention: A Large-Scale Multi-Center Randomized Control Trial. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2745.
Poor Health Conditions among Brazilian Healthcare Workers: The Study Design and Baseline Characteristics of the HEROES Cohort
Sato, T. O., de Faria, B. S. F., Albuquerque, B. B., Silva, F. L. D., Rohwedder, L. S., de Azevedo, R. T., Gonçalves, J. S., Vieira, L. M. S. M. A., Triches, M. I., de Sousa, R. A., Cardoso, V. F., & Mininel, V. A.
This study was conducted to describe the health conditions (the psychosocial aspects, sleep quality, and musculoskeletal symptoms) among Brazilian healthcare workers in the context of the pandemic. Workers answered an online questionnaire, including the short version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ II), the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ), and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). The most unfavourable psychosocial factors were work pace (61%; 95% CI: 52-69%), emotional work demands (75%; 95% CI: 67-82%), predictability (47%; 95% CI: 39-56%), work-family conflict (55%; 95% CI: 46-64%), burnout (86%; 95% CI: 78-91%), and stress (81%; 95% CI: 73-87%). Most workers (74%; 95% CI: 66-81%) were classified as poor sleepers. Musculoskeletal symptoms were frequent in the neck (64%; 95% CI: 55-72%), shoulders (62%; 95% CI: 54-70%), upper back (58%; 95% CI: 50-67%), and lower back (61%; 95% CI: 52-69%). Depressive symptoms were also highly prevalent (mild: 22%; 95% CI: 15-30%, moderate: 16%; 95% CI: 11-23%, severe: 8%; 95% CI: 4-14%). Most healthcare workers experience unfavourable psychosocial factors, poor sleep quality, as well as musculoskeletal and depressive symptoms. These findings underscore the urgent need to acknowledge and address psychological and physical distress to improve the personal and professional well-being of this population.
Study type
Occupational health
Health care workers
Sato, T. O., de Faria, B. S. F., Albuquerque, B. B., Silva, F. L. D., Rohwedder, L. S., de Azevedo, R. T., Gonçalves, J. S., Vieira, L. M. S. M. A., Triches, M. I., de Sousa, R. A., Cardoso, V. F., & Mininel, V. A. (2022). Poor Health Conditions among Brazilian Healthcare Workers: The Study Design and Baseline Characteristics of the HEROES Cohort. Healthcare, 10(10), 2096.
Management of Psychosocial Risks in the Higher Schools of the University of Douala-Cameroon.
Mbog Mbog, S., Mboute Nzekou, T., Adiogo, D., & Bitondo, D.
Psychosocial risks have negative effects on the health and safety of people and on the performance of companies. This is also the case at the University of Douala where several unfavorable working conditions were recorded, which testifies to the importance of psychosocial risk management. This research aims to contribute to the improvement of working conditions, health and safety through the management of psychosocial risks at the University of Douala. To achieve this objective, we have had recourse to 4 specific objectives, namely: To make a diagnosis of psychosocial risk factors, to analyze the risks during the course periods as well as the potential causes related to psychosocial risks and to propose an action plan for the implementation of some critical actions. In order to achieve the established objectives, we used a questionnaire divided into 6 parties and then administered to a sample of people from the University of Douala, the data collected was analyzed using Excel software showing the significant factors linked to the differences. Observed. Then we made an analysis of the dangerous situations and possible dangers during the course periods and then an identification of the potential causes of psychosocial risks using the 5M method. Some of the identified causes were further analyzed using the fault tree. Finally, we used the QQOQCCP questioning tool to establish our improvement plans and we implemented some critical actions. Overall, the results suggest that the University of Douala needs to do a lot more to improve working conditions. The results also reveal that the deviations observed during the initial diagnosis and analysis of dangerous situations in these schools are potential causes of the occurrence of psychosocial risks. The measures that were proposed in the established action plan have been implemented and are being followed up.
Study type
Occupational health
Academic personnel
Mbog Mbog, S., Mboute Nzekou, T., Adiogo, D., & Bitondo, D. (2022). Management of Psychosocial Risks in the Higher Schools of the University of Douala-Cameroon. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 10, 281-289.
Why do leaders engage in destructive behaviours? The role of leaders’ working environment and stress
Tafvelin, S., Lundmark, R., von Thiele Schwarz, U., & Stenling, A.
Complementing previous research on antecedents of destructive leadership, we examined the role of work stressors in the emergence of active and passive destructive leadership behaviours. Building on conservation of resources theory, we examined direct and indirect relations between leaders’ perceptions of workload, role ambiguity and intragroup conflict on ratings of their own destructive leadership, as well as mediating paths through perceived stress. We used a two-wave survey design consisting of a random sample of 1311 managers. Structural equation modelling revealed that work stressors were only related to passive forms of destructive leadership, whereas personality was related to both active and passive forms of destructive leadership. Implications for research and practice are discussed.
Tafvelin, S., Lundmark, R., von Thiele Schwarz, U., & Stenling, A. (2022). Why do leaders engage in destructive behaviours? The role of leaders’ working environment and stress. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 00, 1–18.
Self-Efficacy, Resilience and Distress: Challenges in Education for Sustainable Entrepreneurship in a Health Context
Souto, I.; Brito, E.; Pereira, A.
The European Commission has highlighted the development of entrepreneurship competence in lifelong learning skills. In this way, the present study aims to contribute towards fostering the intrapreneurial mindset in healthcare settings. The focus of attention is on the relationship between organizational structures and processes (work-related content and content, specifically psychosocial risk factors), as well as individual wellbeing factors (distress and resilient coping) that could be relevant not only for the promotion of organizational wellbeing, but also to ensure an intrapreneurship-friendly environment (through the promotion of self-efficacy). An empirical study was conducted involving 333 formal caregivers of healthcare services. Portuguese versions of the instruments Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K10), Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS), and Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ III, medium version) were employed. Results show that resilience and distress (at the individual level), as well as role clarity, control over working time, and job insecurity (at the organizational level) are predisposing factors for self-efficacy, which are highlighted as essential to ensure an enabling environment for intrapreneurship and wellbeing. For practical consideration, we present an entrepreneurial mindset development strategy through the implementation of cause-related marketing as a pedagogical tool for entrepreneurship within the organization, which allows for experimentation and the necessary creative flexibility.
Study type
Occupational health
Health care workers
Souto, I.; Brito, E.; Pereira, A. (2022). Self-Efficacy, Resilience and Distress: Challenges in Education for Sustainable Entrepreneurship in a Health Context. Education Sciences, 12, 720.
Independent Supported Housing Versus Institutionalised Residential Rehabilitation for Individuals with Severe Mental Illness: A Survey of Attitudes and Working Conditions Among Mental Healthcare Professionals
Adamus, C., Alpiger, J., Jäger, M.; Richter, D.; Mötteli, S.
Despite widespread support for Independent Supported Housing (ISH) interventions, psychiatric housing rehabilitation still commonly takes place in residential care facilities (RCFs). This study compares preferences, attitudes and working conditions of mental healthcare professionals (MHCPs) in ISH and RCFs using an online survey. The survey included setting preferences, stress and strain at work, recovery attitudes, stigmatisation, and factors experienced as particularly important or obstructive in housing rehabilitation. Data were analysed using quantitative and qualitative approaches. Of the 112 participating MHCPs, 37% worked in ISH and 63% in RCFs. Professionals’ education, work-related demands and influence at work were higher in ISH, stigmatising attitudes were higher in RCFs. MHCPs in both settings endorsed ISH. The support process was seen as particularly important whereas stigmatisation, regulatory and political requirements were seen as obstructive for successful housing rehabilitation. Results indicate that social inclusion of individuals with severe mental illness is seldom feasible without professional support.
Study type
Occupational health
Health care workers
Adamus, C., Alpiger, J., Jäger, M.; Richter, D.; Mötteli, S. (2022). Independent Supported Housing Versus Institutionalised Residential Rehabilitation for Individuals with Severe Mental Illness: A Survey of Attitudes and Working Conditions Among Mental Healthcare Professionals. Community Mental Health Journal.
The Role of Staff-Assessed Care Quality in the Relationship between Job Demands and Stress in Human Service Work: The Example of Dentistry
Karatuna, I., Owen, M., Westerlund, H., & Berthelsen, H.
The aim of this study was to investigate staff-assessed care quality at the clinic as a predictor of stress and as a moderator between job demands (quantitative demands and role conflict) and stress among dental professionals as an example of human service workers. Cross-sectional questionnaire data from 1012 dental professionals (i.e., dentists, dental hygienists and dental nurses) working at 99 clinics were analysed by confirmatory factor analysis and a two-level hierarchical linear model. Stress, quantitative demands and role conflict were measured by the Swedish standard version of COPSOQ III and care quality was measured by three proprietary items. The results showed that staff-assessed care quality at the clinic was of importance for the individual workers’ experiences of stress. Furthermore, the staff’s joint assessment of the care quality at the clinic mitigated the negative effect of role conflict on stress among dental nurses. These results indicate that a high level of staff-assessed care quality at the clinic can contribute to reduced stress in dental professionals
Study type
Occupational health
Karatuna, I., Owen, M., Westerlund, H., & Berthelsen, H. (2022). The Role of Staff-Assessed Care Quality in the Relationship between Job Demands and Stress in Human Service Work: The Example of Dentistry. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19), 12795.
Hair Cortisol, Glucocorticoid Gene Receptor Polymorphisms, Stress, and Testicular Function
Nordkap, L., Almstrup, K., Priskorn, L., Bang, A. K., Stalder, T., Petersen, J. H., ... & Jørgensen, N.
Objective. Self-reported psychological stress has been associated with decreased semen quality. Cortisol levels in scalp hair (hair cortisol concentration, HCC) has emerged as a potential objective marker of psychological stress. Thus, we investigated if HCC was associated with markers of testicular function. Furthermore, we examined whether three common single nucleotide polymorphisms in the glucocorticoid-receptor gene (NR3C1, chromosome 5), potentially affecting receptor sensitivity, were associated with HCC and could influence the studied association between HCC and testicular function. Design. Cross-sectional study. Methods We analysed HCC, serum-levels of reproductive hormones, semen parameters, and the three NR3C1-polymorphisms; BclI (rs41423247), Tth111I (rs10052957), and 9β (rs6198), in a population of 696 men from the general population. Results. HCC was not associated with testicular function, and adjustment for the three NR3C1-polymorphisms did not alter the results. However, HCC increased significantly with the number of Tth111I minor-alleles (T) and decreased significantly with the number of 9β minor-alleles (G). Conclusion Given previously shown associations between stress and semen quality, and that no association between HCC and self-reported stress was observed in the current study, we speculate that negative reproductive effects of stress may not be mediated directly by cortisol. This study demonstrates associations between HCC and glucocorticoid receptor gene variants indicating that these SNPs may influence systemic glucocorticoid levels, but the potential health effects of such alterations are yet unknown
Nordkap, L., Almstrup, K., Priskorn, L., Bang, A. K., Stalder, T., Petersen, J. H., ... & Jørgensen, N. (2022). Hair Cortisol, Glucocorticoid Gene Receptor Polymorphisms, Stress, and Testicular Function.
Feasibility and preliminary evaluation of internet-based compassion and cognitive–behavioral stress-management courses for health care professionals: A randomized controlled pilot trial
Johansson, M., Marcusson-Clavertz, D., Gunnarsson, C., Olsson, I., Kaldo, V., & Bratt, A.
Health care professionals (HCPs) are exposed to excessive demands in their work environment. In Sweden, work-related stress is one of the most common reasons for sick leaves. Finding cost-effective and easily accessible interventions for HCPs is crucial to counteract stress-related problems and reduce the number of sick leaves. The study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of two internet-based stress management courses and their preliminary effectiveness to reduce HCPs' stress of conscience and work-related stress, and act as a pilot for a larger randomized controlled trial (RCT). Thirty-two HCPs registered for the courses and were randomized to either an internet-based compassion course, ICOP (n = 18), or an internet-based cognitive–behavioral course, ICB (n = 14). Participants completed measures pre- (i.e., baseline, n = 32), post-intervention (at five weeks, n = 21), and at follow-up at 10 weeks (n = 17), 15 weeks (n = 13), and six months (n = 12). The study used the following scales: Stress of Conscience Questionnaires, Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire, Self-Compassion Scale, and Professional Quality of Life Scale. Adherence of HCPs (n = 21) was measured using the number of logins, messages between course leaders and HCPs, and completed modules. Twelve interviews were conducted to explore participants' perceptions of the accessibility of the courses. Participants reported overall satisfaction with both the ICOP and ICB courses, stating that the courses contributed to new knowledge, individual insight, and behavior change. Both courses showed similar patterns of adherence. Quantitative analyses on pre-and post-intervention data (n = 21) showed that stress of conscience and secondary traumatic stress decreased, and self-compassion increased following ICOP. Following ICB, HCPs reported decreased burnout symptoms (according to one of two questionnaires) and increased compassion satisfaction. Both courses seemed feasible, showed promising results, and could be further evaluated in a larger study with a similar design.
Study type
Occupational health
Health care workers
Johansson, M., Marcusson-Clavertz, D., Gunnarsson, C., Olsson, I., Kaldo, V., & Bratt, A. (2022). Feasibility and preliminary evaluation of internet-based compassion and cognitive–behavioral stress-management courses for health care professionals: A randomized controlled pilot trial. Internet interventions, 100574.
Doctor Workforce Attrition: Doctor Workplace Attrition: An examination of pathways from work demands to organisational commitment
Ireland, M., Engel, M., March, S., Parmar, S., Clough, B., Sharp, A., & Moses, L.
Health workforce shortages worldwide are approaching crisis point, further burdening systems already struggling to meet demand. Doctor attrition has been identified as a major contributor to this problem and therefore, the current study examined links between workload demands and stressors, and doctors’ commitment. Based on prior research and key psychological theories, pathways were hypothesised that were initiated by workload demands and stressors, proceeding through work-life conflict and psychological distress, intrinsic motivation factors, through to commitment. A sample of 208 medical doctors completed self-report measures of these constructs. Among workload hassles and demands, quantitative demands, representing the extent that workload exceeds available resources (e.g., time) emerged as the strongest predictor. Meaningfulness of work was the strongest direct predictor of commitment, followed by work-life conflict, job satisfaction and burnout. This study highlights the importance of workplaces providing an environment that nurtures doctors’ intrinsic motivation and manages doctor workloads to ensure work-life balance is maintained.
Study type
Occupational health
Ireland, M., Engel, M., March, S., Parmar, S., Clough, B., Sharp, A., & Moses, L. (2022). Doctor Workforce Attrition: Doctor Workplace Attrition: An examination of pathways from work demands to organisational commitment. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 17(2):i1541.
Association of organisational factors with work-related musculoskeletal disorders and psychological well-being: a job demand control model study.
Singh, P., Bhardwaj, P., Sharma, S. K., & Agrawal, A. K.
Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are a major work-related problem affecting employees’ well-being worldwide. Employee well-being is also associated with high organisational financial and social costs. Most working adults spend a considerable amount of time at their workplace, thus making workplace conditions a critical factor affecting their physical and mental health. This study addresses the role of work-related factors on WMSDs and psychological stress. For this purpose, 210 managers working in middle-level management in an Indian telecom organization participated in the study. Data for the study was collected using a self-reported questionnaire. 64% of employees reported WMSDs, and 60% psychological stress. Structural equation modelling was used to study the effect of work-related factors on WMSDs and psychological stress. The study reported neck and lower back pain being the most frequently reported WMSD. Job control had a significant negative effect on WMSDs, and psychological stress, while workload did not affect either. Age was significantly associated with pain in the upper back and knees. The results suggested that increasing job control will result in employees’ better physical and psychological well-being.
Study type
Occupational health
Singh, P., Bhardwaj, P., Sharma, S. K., & Agrawal, A. K. (2022). Association of organisational factors with work-related musculoskeletal disorders and psychological well-being: a job demand control model study. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 1-14..
Police officers’ work–life balance, job satisfaction and quality of life: longitudinal effects after changing the shift schedule
Rohwer, E., Garrido, M. V., Herold, R., Preisser, A. M., Terschüren, C., Harth, V., & Mache, S.
Objectives To evaluate mental health-related outcomes of police officers 5.5 years after implementing a new alternating shift schedule which was supposed to improve their health and work–life balance. Design Pre–post study design with a baseline survey at the beginning of the piloting of the new shift schedule in 2015 and another survey 5.5 years later in 2020. Setting Police departments of a German metropolitan police force piloting the new shift schedule. Participants 116 shift-working police officers out of a population of 1673 police officers at the follow-up date. Interventions New shift schedule based on occupational health recommendations. Outcomes measures Work–life balance, job satisfaction and quality of life. Methods Mixed analyses of variances were used to test the hypotheses of within-subject and between-subject differences regarding time and gender. Results We found partly significant differences between the baseline and follow-up survey for work–life balance (F(1, 114) = 6.168, p=0.014, ηp² = 0.051), job satisfaction (F(1, 114) = 9.921, p=0.002, ηp² = 0.080) and quality of life (F(1, 114) = 0.593, p=0.443, ηp² = 0.005). Neither significant differences between male and female police officers nor interaction effects of time and gender were found. Conclusion An increase was found for each of the three outcomes 5.5 years after implementing the new shift schedule. The results contribute to the current state of research on mental health-related outcomes of working conditions in shift work. On this basis, recommendations for designing shift schedules can be deduced to promote mental health and job satisfaction for employees in shift work.
Study type
Occupational health
Rohwer, E., Garrido, M. V., Herold, R., Preisser, A. M., Terschüren, C., Harth, V., & Mache, S. (2022). Police officers’ work–life balance, job satisfaction and quality of life: longitudinal effects after changing the shift schedule. BMJ open, 12(9), e063302.
mproved perception of work following a stress management intervention.
Manford, W., Petersen, G. L., & Willert, M. V.
Background In the work and stress literature, surprisingly few studies of stress management interventions have evaluated effects on the perceived psychosocial work environment. Using data from a randomized controlled trial we investigated whether the per¬ceived psychosocial work environment and overcommitment to work improved following a group-based, cognitive-behavioural stress management intervention. Aims We hypothesized that the participants would experience less job demand, overcommitment and effort-reward imbalance (ERI) as well as higher job control following the intervention. Methods Using a wait-list controlled design, 102 participants were randomized to either an intervention group or a wait-list control group. Outcome measures were assessed at baseline and follow-up after three, six and nine months, and analysed using mixed model univariate repeated measures analyses of variance. Results are presented as effect sizes using Cohen’s d with con¬fidence intervals (95% CI). Results Changes from 0 to 3 months for the intervention group were significantly superior to changes for the wait-list control group on all outcomes. The controlled effect size for job demands was d = 0.42 (0.01–0.84 95% CI), for job control d = 0.39 (0.06–0.71 95% CI), for effort-reward imbalance d = 0.61 (0.22–1.01 95% CI) and for overcommitment d = 0.44 (0.06–0.81 95% CI). Improvements were maintained at three months follow-up after the end of treatment. Conclusions The intervention improved the perceived psychosocial work environment and attitude to work with small-medium effect sizes. To our knowledge, this is the first paper from a randomized controlled trial of a stress-management intervention re¬porting on these important outcomes.
Study type
Occupational health
Manford, W., Petersen, G. L., & Willert, M. V. (2022). mproved perception of work following a stress management intervention.
A comprehensive diagnostic service to clarify intervention needs when work participation is at risk: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial (GIBI, DRKS00027577)
Fauser, D., Dötsch, S., Langer, C., Kleineke, V., Kindel, C., & Bethge, M.
Background. Effective care services for people whose work participation is at risk require low-threshold access, a comprehensive diagnostic clarification of intervention needs, a connection to the workplace and job demands, and interdisciplinary collaboration between key stakeholders at the interface of rehabilitation and occupational medicine. We have developed a comprehensive diagnostic service to clarify intervention needs for employees with health restrictions and limited work ability: this service is initiated by occupational health physicians. Methods/design. Our randomized controlled trial tests the effectiveness of a comprehensive diagnostic service for clarifying intervention needs (GIBI: Comprehensive clarification of the need for intervention for people whose work participation is at risk). The comprehensive intervention comprises three elements: initial consultation, two-day diagnostics at a rehabilitation center and follow-up consultations. We will include 210 employees with health restrictions and limited work ability, who are identified by occupational health physicians. All individuals will receive an initial consultation with their occupational health physician to discuss their health, work ability and job demands. After this, half the individuals are randomly assigned to the intervention group and the other half to the waiting-list control group. Individuals in the intervention group start two-day diagnostics, carried out by a multi-professional rehabilitation team in a rehabilitation center, shortly after the initial consultation. The diagnostics will allow first recommendations for improving work participation. The implementation of these recommendations is supported by an occupational health physician in four follow-up consultations. The control group will receive the comprehensive two-day diagnostic service and subsequent follow-up consultations six months after the initial consultation. The primary outcome of the randomized controlled trial is self-rated work ability assessed using the Work Ability Score (0 to 10 points) six months after study inclusion. Secondary outcomes include a range of patient-reported outcomes regarding physical and mental health, impairment, and the physical and mental demands of jobs. Discussion. This randomized controlled trial is designed to test the effects of a new complex intervention involving a comprehensive clarification of intervention needs in order to promote work participation and prevent the worsening of health and work disability. Trial registration. German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS00027577, February 01, 2022).
Study type
Occupational health
Fauser, D., Dötsch, S., Langer, C., Kleineke, V., Kindel, C., & Bethge, M. (2022). A comprehensive diagnostic service to clarify intervention needs when work participation is at risk: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial (GIBI, DRKS00027577). BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1-13.
Job demands and resources related to burn-out symptoms and work engagement in supervisors working with people with severe disabilities in social firms: a cross-sectional study
Kordsmeyer, A. C., Efimov, I., Harth, V., & Mache, S.
Objectives To analyse working conditions, work and health-related outcomes of supervisors working with people with severe disabilities in social firms. Design Cross-sectional survey.Setting Social firms who employ between 30% and 50% of people with different types of disabilities on the general labour market. Participants Supervisors of social firms in Germany. Primary outcome measures Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analysis was used to analyse relations between job demands (quantitative and emotional demands), job resources (meaning of work, perceived organisational support and influence at work), personal resources (resilience) and burn-out symptoms as well as work engagement. Validated scales, for example, from the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire were applied. Results 124 supervisors of social firms in Germany (59.7% were male and 39.5% female) participated within a cross-sectional quantitative online survey. Multiple hierarchical regression analysis indicated an association of quantitative job demands (β=0.236, p<0.05) and perceived organisational support (β=−0.217, p<0.05) and burn-out symptoms of supervisors in social firms. Meaning of work (β=0.326, p<0.001) and perceived organizational support (β=0.245, p<0.05) were significantly associated with work engagement. Conclusions Our study specified main job demands and resources for supervisors in German social firms and their impact on both burn-out symptoms and work engagement. When designing measures for workplace health promotion in social firms, especially supervisors’ quantitative job demands need to be reduced and perceived organizational support strengthened.
Study type
Occupational health
Kordsmeyer, A. C., Efimov, I., Harth, V., & Mache, S. (2022). Job demands and resources related to burn-out symptoms and work engagement in supervisors working with people with severe disabilities in social firms: a cross-sectional study. BMJ open, 12(9), e063118.
Workplace Social Capital as Buffer for Emotional Demands and Perceived Stress in Symphony Orchestras: A Danish Cross-Sectional Survey
Pihl-Thingvad, J., Kristensen, T. T., Paarup, H. M., Baelum, J., & Roessler, K. K.
INTRODUCTION: High workplace social capital (WSC) is associated with improved occupational health in the common occupational areas. However, little is known on WSC and its effect on the emotional demands and stress seen in the work of classical symphonic musicians. AIM: To investigate whether WSC moderates the associations between emotional demands and stress in the professional musicians working in Danish symphony orchestras. METHODS: This cross-sectional study builds on existing data collected on a sample of 341 Danish classical symphonic musicians. An interaction model based on multiple regression with bias corrected boot-strapping was used to assess the moderating effect of low, medium and high levels of WSC on the association between emotional demands and perceived stress. RESULTS: WSC had a significant moderating effect on the association between emotional demands and perceived stress: b = –0.01, t(212) = –2.40, p = 0.018. At low levels of WSC the effect of emotional demands on stress was strongest, declining at higher levels of WSC in a dose response pattern: low-WSC, b = 0.23, t(212) 3.20, p = 0.002, medium-WSC, b = 0.11, t(212) = 2.40, p = 0.017, and high-WSC, b = 0.04, t(212) = 0.75, p = 0.455. CONCLUSION: The study indicates a buffering effect of WSC on the association between emotional demands and stress in the work of orchestra musicians. Thus, enhancement of WSC could be a potential stress-preventing strategy in symphony orchestras and should be investigated in future studies on musicians’ mental health.
Study type
Occupational health
Pihl-Thingvad, J., Kristensen, T. T., Paarup, H. M., Baelum, J., & Roessler, K. K. (2022). Workplace Social Capital as Buffer for Emotional Demands and Perceived Stress in Symphony Orchestras: A Danish Cross-Sectional Survey. Medical Problems of Performing Artists, 37(3), 192-199.
Predict, prevent and manage moral injuries in Canadian frontline healthcare workers and leaders facing the COVID-19 pandemic: Protocol of a mixed methods study.
Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Zahiriharsini, A., Biron, C., Langlois, L., Ménard, C., Lebel, M., ... & Truchon, M.
Moral injuries can occur when perpetrating, failing to prevent, or bearing witness to acts that transgress deeply held moral beliefs and expectations. The COVID-19 crisis highlighted the fact that psychosocial stressors at work, such as high emotional demands, are placing Canadian healthcare workers at risk of moral injuries. Evidence linking psychosocial stressors at work to moral injuries are needed to better predict, prevent and manage moral injuries, as these stressors are frequent and modifiable occupational risk factors. This protocol presents a study aiming to: 1) understand workplace events having the potential to either cause or reduce moral injuries, 2) predict the risk and severity of moral injuries using a disease prevention model, 3) identify biological signatures (biomarkers) associated with psychosocial stressors at work and moral injuries and 4) elaborate preliminary guidelines of organizational practices for frontline healthcare workers to reduce and manage moral injuries. This study is a mixed methods research with three components: qualitative, quantitative and biological. The data collection has been completed and because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was adjusted to allow for gathering qualitative and quantitative data remotely. Frontline healthcare workers and leaders were included. Through focus groups and individual interviews, and an online questionnaire, events and psychosocial working conditions that may increase the risk of moral injuries will be documented. In addition, blood samples which were collected from a sub-sample of volunteer participants will measure an innovative set of biomarkers associated with vulnerability to stress and mental health. Data analyses are ongoing. We anticipate to identify workplace events that may trigger moral injuries. We expect that potential predictors of moral injury risk occurrence and severity will be identified from psychosocial stressors at work that can be improved by implementing organizational practices. We also expect to observe a different mental health state and biological inflammation signature across workers exposed compared to workers not exposed to psychosocial stressors at work. Based on these future findings, we intend to develop preliminary recommendations of organizational practices for managers. This research will contribute to expand our knowledge of the events in the workplace likely to generate or lessen the impact moral injuries, to build a model for predicting the risk of moral injuries at work, all in the specific context of the COVID-19 health crisis among healthcare workers.
Study type
Occupational health
Health care workers
Gilbert-Ouimet, M., Zahiriharsini, A., Biron, C., Langlois, L., Ménard, C., Lebel, M., ... & Truchon, M. (2022). Predict, prevent and manage moral injuries in Canadian frontline healthcare workers and leaders facing the COVID-19 pandemic: Protocol of a mixed methods study. SSM-Mental Health, 100124.
Impact of hypothetical improvements in the psychosocial work environment on sickness absence rates: a simulation study
Mathisen, J., Nguyen, T. L., Jensen, J. H., Mehta, A. J., Rugulies, R., & Rod, N. H.
Background. The association between psychosocial working environments and sickness absence is well-known. However, the potential for reducing sickness absences of different lengths through improvements in psychosocial work factors is not fully understood. We aim to quantify the potential for reducing short-, intermediate- and long-term sickness absence rates, respectively, through hypothetical improvements in several psychosocial work factors. Methods. This longitudinal study includes 24 990 public hospital employees from the 2014 wave of the Well-being in Hospital Employees study. The 1-year sickness absence rate was divided into short- (1–3 days), intermediate- (4–28 days) and long-term (29 days or more) periods. We simulated hypothetical scenarios with improvements in 17 psychosocial work factors using the parametric g-formula and estimated resulting changes in sickness absence rate ratios (RRs) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs). Results. Setting all 17 psychosocial work factors to their most desirable levels (vs. least desirable levels) was associated with an overall 54% lower rate of sickness absence (95% CI: 48–60%). Reducing bullying (no vs. yes RR: 0.86, 95% CI: 0.83–0.90) and perceived stress (low vs. high RR: 0.90, 95% CI: 0.87–0.92), and increasing skill discretion (high vs. low RR: 0.91, 95% CI: 0.89–0.94) held the largest potential for reducing the total sickness absence rate. Overall, associations were similar for short-, intermediate- and long-term sickness absence. Conclusions. The psychosocial working environment was strongly associated with sickness absence. Improving the working environment may have a great impact on short-, intermediate- and long-term sickness absence rates.
Study type
Occupational health
Mathisen, J., Nguyen, T. L., Jensen, J. H., Mehta, A. J., Rugulies, R., & Rod, N. H. (2022). Impact of hypothetical improvements in the psychosocial work environment on sickness absence rates: a simulation study. European journal of public health, 32(5), 716-722.
Barriers to seeking help for an emotional or mental health condition among Australian emergency services workers
Rikkers, W. & Lawrence, D.
Not all emergency services workers with a developing mental health condition seek help. Barriers to help-seeking in this population include stigma, being seen as weak, career and confidentiality concerns, and not being able to take time off from work. Barriers are widespread across the sector and appropriate interventions need to be tailored to this population. The literature refers to research mostly undertaken in single sectors or organisations, which this study sought to address by examining data from “Answering the Call”, a national study of the mental health and wellbeing of a large cohort of emergency services personnel. We aimed to see if help-seeking barriers could be grouped in some way and, if so, which demographic and psychological factors were associated with those groups. Latent class analysis found people could be grouped according to the number of barriers reported (i.e., lots, some, or a few) but not by the types of barriers reported. Factors associated with reporting lots of barriers included being in the police sector, being male, having severe levels of probable PTSD or psychological distress, low levels of receiving support, and high levels of workplace stress. The most commonly reported barrier was preferring to handle problems on one’s own or with family/friends. This implies that the large, complex array of factors affecting people’s help-seeking leads to a sense of feeling overwhelmed and preferring to deal with problems on their own. Increased training in mental health literacy for managers, while alleviating career concerns and perceptions of stigma among all personnel, is recommended.
Study type
Occupational health
Emergency Service Personnel
Rikkers, W. & Lawrence, D. (2022). Barriers to seeking help for an emotional or mental health condition among Australian emergency services workers. Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies, 26(1), 23-40.
Burnout and work-privacy conflict – are there differences between full-time and part-time physicians?
Bodendieck, E., Jung, F., Luppa, M.
Background. Changes in everyday work with regard to working time models have reached the medical profession. The number of physicians working part-time is steadily increasing. At the same time, however, the population's need for care is also rising. This can reinforce the impending shortage of doctors in the future. The aim was to investigate differences in work-privacy conflict and burnout among physicians working full-time or part-time. Method. The present study includes data from a baseline survey of the long-term study of physicians with different medical backgrounds. The analysis focused on a sub-sample of 598 physicians (not self-employed). The two main outcomes under investigation—burnout and work-privacy conflict—were measured using the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory adapted for health care professionals, as well as the associated subscale of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ). Data analyses included descriptive statistics followed by regression models. Results. Descriptive analyses show, that 31.8% of physicians are working part-time, whereas 68.2% are working full-time. The part-time subsample is significantly older, and female physicians are more likely to work part-time. With regard to workload and work-privacy conflict, significant differences between part-time and full-time physicians were only observed in terms of work-privacy-conflict. However, regression analysis underline the importance of possible confounding variables (such as medical setting) within the relationship between job size and job-related well-being. Discussion. Differences in working hour arrangements (full-time or part-time work) are only accompanied by less work-privacy conflict. No differences with regard to burnout (patient-related, work-related or personal) could be obtained. Rather, the data suggests that other job-related variables may play a role and should be further investigated
Study type
Occupational health
Bodendieck, E., Jung, F., Luppa, M. (2022). Burnout and work-privacy conflict – are there differences between full-time and part-time physicians?. BMC Health Services Research, 22, 1082.
Level of social competencies of nurses in primary health care and their selected work-related determinants—A cross-sectional study
Chrzan-Rodak, A., Ślusarska, B., Niedorys-Karczmarczyk, B., & Nowicki, G. J.
Aim:The aim of our study was to assess the level of social competencies amongprimary health care nurses, and to identify the work-related determinants.Background:Developing social skills of nurses are necessary to establish betterrelations with patients. Improving these skills allows for higher quality of patient care,as well as patient and nurse satisfaction.Methods:For the study, 253 primary health care centres were randomly chosen inthe Eastern Poland; 600 questionnaires were sent to the nurses employed in thesefacilities. After checking whether the data met the requirements, 446 nurses tookpart in the survey. The data were collected using the Social Competencies Profile,the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire, and the catalogue of primary healthcare nurse activities.Results:Older nurses possess lower level of social skills (r=0.10,p=0.04).Postgraduate education in the last 2 years differentiated the results of social com-petencies (p=0.03) as well as place of residence in the subscale communityawareness (p=0.04). The predictors of social skills among psychosocial work con-ditions were as follows: Influence at Work (p=0.02), Possibilities for Development(p< 0.001), Meaning of Work (p< 0.001), Social Support (p=0.001), Quality ofLeadership (p=0.03), Job Satisfaction (p< 0.001), and General Health (p=0.001).On the other hand, tasks like Activities in the treatment room (p=0.003) and Pro-motion and prevention (p< 0.001) carried out by a nurse anticipated higher levelof social skills.Conclusions:The results of the research proved that work-related factors such asinfluence at work, professional development, sense of social support, understandingof the meaning of work, perception of the quality of leadership, and higher job satis-faction influence the development of social competencies of nurses; therefore, shap-ing an appropriate work environment is an important task, especially for leaders andmanagers of nursing.
Chrzan-Rodak, A., Ślusarska, B., Niedorys-Karczmarczyk, B., & Nowicki, G. J. (2022). Level of social competencies of nurses in primary health care and their selected work-related determinants—A cross-sectional study. Journal of Nursing Management, 1– 13.
Delegation and consultation onoperational and tactical issues: any difference in theirpotentialities for a healthier psychosocial work environment?
Llorens‐Serrano C., Salas‐Nicás S.,Navarro‐Giné A., Lluís SM.
Background:Despite the growing number of studies on direct participation labor‐management practices, little is known about the role of their different discretionarydegrees (delegation or consultation) and topics in their relationship with thepsychosocial work environment by occupational groups.Methods:Cross‐sectional study on the relationship between direct participation andwork‐related psychosocial risks (using COPSOQ‐ISTAS21 v3) on a representative sampleof the salaried and wage‐earning employees in Spain (n= 1807). Prevalence ratios werecalculated using adjusted Poisson regression models, controlling for 10 other labor‐management practices, sex, and age, and stratified by occupational group.Results:The use of direct participation was either associated consistently with ahealthier psychosocial work environment (mostly in manual occupations, whichpresented twice as many positive associations as nonmanual occupations, and ofgreater strength, mostly in thecontrolandsocial supportdimensions) or there wereno significant associations (mostly among nonmanual occupations and in relation towork pace). More frequent and stronger associations were observed whenconsultation and delegation were used in combination. If used separately,consultation achieved better results among manual occupations and delegationamong nonmanual occupations. Direct participation topics were not importantfor results in manual occupations whereas results were better on tactical(vs. operational) issues in nonmanual occupations.Conclusions:Direct participation does not change power structure, but it may be auseful intervention at the company level to reduce work‐related psychosocialexposures and associated diseases among workers in manual occupations, andconsequently for decreasing occupational exposures and health inequalities
Llorens‐Serrano C., Salas‐Nicás S.,Navarro‐Giné A., Lluís SM. (2022). Delegation and consultation onoperational and tactical issues: any difference in theirpotentialities for a healthier psychosocial work environment?. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2022;65:800‐812.
Assessing the psychosocial work environment of migrant and non-migrant workers in inpatient mental health centres: A feasibility study.
Handtke, O., Günther, L. V., & Mösko, M. Plos one, 17(9), e0275003.
The number of migrant workers in Germany has increased over the last decades and will probably further increase in the context of a growing cultural diversity of the population and shortage of skilled professionals. Since migrant workers face different challenges, they may experience poorer psychosocial work environments than non-migrants. A negative psychosocial work environment can increase burnout and depression symptoms. To this date no study has investigated differences in the perceived psychosocial work environment in the mental health field. The aim of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of a cross sectional study comparing the perceived psychosocial work environment of migrants and non-migrant workers in inpatient mental health centres in Germany. The study was conducted in four inpatient mental health centres in Germany using the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire. All staff members (N = 659) categorized in seven professional groups were invited to participate in the study. The feasibility of the study was determined by four criteria (1) Implementation of the study in inpatient mental health centres (2) Representativity of the sample (3) Reliability and usability of the questionnaire and (4) Variability of collected data. Three of four feasibility criteria were achieved. The study was successfully implemented in four mental health centres, the usability of the used questionnaire was confirmed as well as the variability of the data. The targeted response rate was partially met, and the total number of migrant workers could not be provided, which limits the representativity of the sample. In conclusion, a main study is feasible, but an effort must be put in an effective recruitment strategy to obtain valid results.
Study type
Occupational health
Handtke, O., Günther, L. V., & Mösko, M. Plos one, 17(9), e0275003. (2022). Assessing the psychosocial work environment of migrant and non-migrant workers in inpatient mental health centres: A feasibility study. Plos One, 17(9), e0275003..
Illegitimate tasks: obstacles to trans equality at work
Johnson, C. P. G., & Otto, K.
Purpose.This study aims to explore the relationship between the reported frequency of illegitimate tasks undertaken at work (FREQIT) and gender identity among cisgender individuals and persons with a (?) transgender or gender non-conforming (TGNC) identity. Design/methodology/approach. This research combines an experimental approach with a field-study. Study 1 contained a vignette experiment where participants reported their likelihood to assign illegitimate tasks (IT) to either a cisgender or a TGNC employee. Study 2 measured perceptions of tasks-illegitimacy (PERTI), FREQIT, perceptions of organisational gender climate (PGC), burnout and intention to quit among a sample of cisgender and TGNC participants. Findings. In Study 1, individuals in a supervisory position were more likely to assign IT to TGNC than cisgender employees. In Study 2, gender identity influenced burnout, intentions to quit and PGC, serially mediated by PERTI and FREQIT. The results from Study 2 did not support the initial model, which proposed that lower PERTI would lead TGNC employees to report a higher FREQIT, leading to lower occupational well-being scores. Instead, TGNC participants’ burnout, intention to quit and PGC scores improved as a consequence of their lower PERTI. However, when comparing cisgender and TGNC individuals, the latter presented higher levels of burnout, intentions to quit and lower PGC scores. Originality/value This is the first study measuring the effects of IT on TGNC individuals’ occupational well-being. It underscores the importance to reduce cisgender biases and transphobia and to address IT as obstacles to trans equality in the workplace.
Study type
Occupational health
Johnson, C. P. G., & Otto, K. (2022). Illegitimate tasks: obstacles to trans equality at work. Gender in Management, Vol. 37 No. 6, pp. 763-781.
Workplace Sexual Harassment Increases the Risk of PTSD Symptoms with Higher Frequency and Harassment Coming from a Colleague or Leader as Risk Factors
Hansen, N. B., Vang, M. L., Lichtenstein, M. B., & Pihl-Thingvad, J.
This study examined the effect of workplace sexual harassment on posttraumatic stress (PTSD) symptoms while also examining the effect of harassment frequency, harassment source, and workplace social capital. The sample consisted of 3153 Danish social educators (females 79.3%) responding to the International Trauma Questionnaire (ITQ) and the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II item on sexual harassment (COPSOQ). The prevalence of sexual harassment was 22% exposed within the recent year. We found a significant positive relationship between exposure to workplace sexual harassment and PTSD symptoms. Harassment frequency was associated with significantly higher levels of PTSD symptoms. Harassment from a colleague/leader compared to a client was associated with higher levels of PTSD symptoms although the difference was not statistically significant. Workplace social capital had an inverted association with PTSD symptoms, but there was no moderation effect on the relationship between sexual harassment and PTSD. These findings suggest that higher harassment frequency and harassment from a colleague/leader is associated with an increased severity of PTSD symptoms following exposure to workplace sexual harassment. Workplace social capital seems to alleviate level of PTSD symptoms, but did not moderate the association between exposure to workplace sexual harassment and PTSD symptoms. Possibly, feelings of shame and guilt may discourage some employees from disclosing their experiences with colleagues or leaders and thereby seek available support at the workplace. Future studies need to uncover the barriers that prevent victims of sexual harassment from seeking and benefitting from social support available at the workplace.
Study type
Occupational health
Social workers
Hansen, N. B., Vang, M. L., Lichtenstein, M. B., & Pihl-Thingvad, J. (2022). Workplace Sexual Harassment Increases the Risk of PTSD Symptoms with Higher Frequency and Harassment Coming from a Colleague or Leader as Risk Factors. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 7(1): 12, 1–12.
Do chronic diseases moderate the association between psychosocial working conditions and work exit? Longitudinal results from 55 950 Dutch workers
van Zon, S. K., Ots, P., Robroek, S. J., Burdorf, A., Hengel, K. M. O., & Brouwer, S.
Background This study aims to examine whether the presence of chronic diseases or multimorbidity moderates the associations between psychosocial working conditions and work exit through unemployment, work disability or early retirement. Methods Data from Lifelines (n=55 950), a prospective population-based cohort study, were enriched with monthly information on employment status from Statistics Netherlands. Working conditions were measured with the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire. Work exit was defined as unemployment, work disability and early retirement. Participants were classified as having no chronic disease, one chronic disease or multimorbidity. Cause-specific Cox proportional hazard regression models, adjusted for age, gender, education and partnership status, were used to analyse associations between working conditions and work exit. Interaction terms were used to examine moderation by chronic disease status. Results Higher social support decreased the risk for unemployment, work disability and early retirement. Higher meaning of work decreased the risk of unemployment, and more possibilities for development decreased the risk for work disability. Chronic disease status did generally not moderate associations between working conditions and work exit. Only among workers without a chronic disease, more possibilities for development was associated with a lower risk for unemployment (HR: 0.89; 95% CI: 0.85 to 0.94). Conclusion While efforts to retain workers with chronic diseases in the labour market should continue, favourable psychosocial working conditions are important for all workers
Study type
Occupational health
van Zon, S. K., Ots, P., Robroek, S. J., Burdorf, A., Hengel, K. M. O., & Brouwer, S. (2022). Do chronic diseases moderate the association between psychosocial working conditions and work exit? Longitudinal results from 55 950 Dutch workers. Journal of Epidemilogy & Community Health.
Selecting flight mode–Risk factors associated with presenteeism among commercial pilots and the role of depressive symptoms
Folke, F., & Melin, M.
Objective: The objective of this cross-sectional survey study was to examine psychosocial work factors, work conditions, and individual factors associated in the literature with presenteeism among Swedish Commercial Airline Pilots. Furthermore, depressive symptoms were hypothesized as a mediator between psychosocial work climate and presenteeism. Background: Sickness presenteeism is common among several occupational groups, pilots included. Inappropriate presenteeism, attending work despite feeling inappropriate for reasons other than physical ones, is also prevalent among pilots, even though they are obligated not to work in mentally or physically unfit states. Research has focused on finding risk and protective factors for the act of attending work while ill, as this is associated with both health and safety hazards to employees and organizations. Nonetheless, research on antecedents to pilot sickness and inappropriate presenteeism is scarce. Method: Data from an online self-report questionnaire targeting Swedish Commercial Airline pilots (N = 1128) was analyzed. The questionnaire covered demographics, work conditions (e.g., employment type), perceived psychosocial work climate (e.g., job demands), and depressive symptoms. Results: All psychosocial work factors were associated with both sickness and inappropriate presenteeism. Depressive symptoms acted as a partial mediator between psychosocial work climate and presenteeism. Being directly or atypically employed showed no significant relationship with inappropriate or sickness presenteeism. Conclusion: Perceived psychosocial work factors could transcend the significance of objective working conditions in explaining presenteeism among pilots. This highlights the importance of examining experienced psychosocial work climate regularly to mitigate the risk of presenteeism and, thus, organizational exposure to accidents and errors.
Study type
Occupational health
Folke, F., & Melin, M. (2022). Selecting flight mode–Risk factors associated with presenteeism among commercial pilots and the role of depressive symptoms. Journal of Air Transport Management, 103, 102254..
Teacher retention through the Job Demands-Resources Theory
Mérida-López, S., Sánchez-Álvarez, N., & Extremera, N.
According to the Job Demands-Resources theory, there are diverse psychosocial factors at work (job demands and job resources) that impact on levels of teachers’ work engagement and their work attitudes. Moreover, emotional intelligence is considered as a relevant personal resource with positive effects on teachers’ occupational health. However, to date no integrative studies have been conducted to test simultaneous relationships among these contextual and personal factors and their associations with work engagement and work attitudes among teachers. Therefore, the main goal of this work was to analyze the relationships among antecedents (job demands and job resources) and consequents (work attitudes) of teachers’ work engagement, as well as to test the potential moderating effect of emotional intelligence. The research design is cross-sectional and a structural equation modelling analysis was conducted with a sample of 734 teaching professionals (63.8% women; Mage = 44.38; SD = 9.11) from different teaching levels. Well-validated scales were used to measure the main study variables: aggression against teachers, organisational social support, emotional intelligence, engagement, job satisfaction, and intention to leave. The results have shown direct and interactive associations among emotional intelligence and antecedents and consequences of engagement. These findings point to the development of integrative theoretical models considering the role of teachers’ emotional resources along with other personal and contextual factors. Finally, this research may contribute to the design of programs for developing emotional competencies targeting the improvement of teacher well-being and performance.
Study type
Occupational health
Mérida-López, S., Sánchez-Álvarez, N., & Extremera, N. (2022). Teacher retention through the Job Demands-Resources Theory. Educación XX1, 25(2), 151-171.
I've Got Enough on My Plate! The Mediating Role of Job Demands in the Relationship between Psychosocial Safety Climate and Job Satisfaction
Rizkina, N. S., & Mahudin, N. M.
The promotion of well-being and increased work productivity requires good ergonomics where job demands are aligned with the abilities, characteristics, and needs of the workers. However, a different context of work setting may result in a different role of job demands. Furthermore, the current literature has yet to clarify the potential mediating influence of job demands on psychosocial safety climate and job satisfaction. Results obtained from 387 employees in financial institutions in Aceh, Indonesia, confirmed this relationship, validating the indirect effect of psychosocial safety climate on job satisfaction through job demands. Specifically, the results showed that both psychosocial safety climate (B = .422, p < .001) and job demands (B = -.578, p < .001) significantly predicted job satisfaction, with this relationship mediated by job demands (indirect effect B = .108, Boot SE = .05, CI [.025, .197]. These findings highlight the importance of examining job demands and psychosocial safety climate in relation to job satisfaction within collectivistic cultures. The theoretical, methodological, and practical implications of the study are discussed, along with future research opportunities.
Study type
Occupational health
Office workers
Rizkina, N. S., & Mahudin, N. M. (2022). I've Got Enough on My Plate! The Mediating Role of Job Demands in the Relationship between Psychosocial Safety Climate and Job Satisfaction. Human Factors and Ergonomics Journal, 7 (1): 19 – 37.
Understanding user behavior in activity-based offices
Haapakangas, A., Sirola, P., & Ruohomäki, V.
Little is known about the factors that explain the differences in the ways that individuals use activity-based offices (ABOs). The aim of this study was to investigate whether person-related and situational factors are associated with self-reported use of workspaces and the perceived person-environment (P-E) fit in ABOs, independently of job profile. Survey data were gathered in one organization (N = 332) 7–11 months after an office re-design. Younger age, male gender, managerial position, and better work ability were associated with more frequent use of different workspaces. Workspace switching was perceived as more time-consuming by employees who worked at the office less, had a high workload, and were dissatisfied with ergonomics. All variables except gender were associated with the P-E fit. Person-related and situational factors appear relevant to workspace use and P-E fit, independently of job contents. Contextual, cultural and office design differences should be considered when generalizing these results.
Study type
Occupational health
Office workers
Haapakangas, A., Sirola, P., & Ruohomäki, V. (2022). Understanding user behavior in activity-based offices. Ergonomics.
Higher allostatic load in work-related burnout: The Regensburg Burnout Project
Bärtl, C., Henze, G. I., Giglberger, M., Peter, H. L., Konzok, J., Wallner, S., Kreuzpointner, L., Wüst, S. & Kudielka, B. M.
Background: Burnout and chronic work stress have been linked to various negative health outcomes. While the mechanisms underlying this interplay are still unclear, the allostatic load (AL) model was suggested to demonstrate a possible biological pathway. However, previous studies provided divergent results regarding the association between burnout and AL, probably also due to the heterogeneity of selected samples. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to examine differences in AL between a conceptually strictly specified group of individuals suffering from burnout (BO group) and a healthy comparison group (HC group). Methods: After a multi-stage recruitment procedure with strict inclusion criteria based on burnout symptom- atology and pathogenesis, the BO group (n = 56) was compared to the HC group (n = 65) regarding an index of AL. The AL-index included 14 parameters: high-sensitivity c-reactive protein (hsCRP), tumor necrosis factor- alpha (TNF-α), interleukin 6 (IL-6), fibrinogen, d-dimer, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1), glycosy- lated hemoglobin (HbA1c), high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, total cholesterol to HDL cholesterol ratio (TC/HDL), dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate (DHEA-S), systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), waist-hip ratio (WHR), and body fat percentage. Results: The BO group showed significantly higher AL-scores in comparison to the HC group. This effect remained significant after adjusting for sex, age, and smoking status. Additionally, burnout symptoms (assessed with the Maslach Burnout Inventory; MBI), MBI-subscales emotional exhaustion and depersonalization as well as chronic work stress (assessed with the effort-reward imbalance questionnaire) were significantly associated with higher AL-scores. Conclusions: Consistent with our hypothesis, we detected higher AL-scores in the BO compared to the HC group, indicating a greater cumulative physiological burden in individuals suffering from burnout. Given the high heterogeneity in individuals experiencing burnout symptoms, future studies may focus on well-specified sub- groups, when examining the association between burnout and psychophysiological dysregulations.
Study type
Occupational health
Bärtl, C., Henze, G. I., Giglberger, M., Peter, H. L., Konzok, J., Wallner, S., Kreuzpointner, L., Wüst, S. & Kudielka, B. M. (2022). Higher allostatic load in work-related burnout: The Regensburg Burnout Project. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 105853.
Cleaning in Times of Pandemic: Perceptions of COVID-19 Risks among Workers in Facility Services
Dias, I., Lopes, A., Azevedo, J., Maia, A. S., & Baptista, J. S.
Cleaning services are a transversal activity that guarantees the proper functioning and conditions of safety, hygiene, and health across all economic sectors. The COVID-19 pandemic increased the need for clean, sanitary spaces, particularly in health services and other areas with a large number of people. The workers in these services were often placed on the frontline without any specific training or information. Their low average schooling aggravated this situation. Therefore, exploring these workers’ perceptions about the COVID-19 pandemic and its potential influence on their mental health was the primary goal of our research. Structured interviews were conducted based on questionnaires in a sample of 436 women. Their characterisation focused on three aspects related to the pandemic. First, to prevent infecting others (85.5%) and that people close to them could die (86.0%) were the dominant concerns; second, the feeling of permanent vigilance was mentioned (56.2%); and third, the fear of not getting medical care (60.7%). Thus, the workers felt there was a need for more dissemination of individual protection measures, as well as more training, better general working conditions, and access to psychological counselling
Study type
Occupational health
Dias, I., Lopes, A., Azevedo, J., Maia, A. S., & Baptista, J. S. (2022). Cleaning in Times of Pandemic: Perceptions of COVID-19 Risks among Workers in Facility Services. Social Sciences, 11(7), 276.
Altintas, E., El Haj, M., Boudoukha, A. H., Olivier, C., Lizio, A., Luyat, M., & Gallouj, K.
Objective: Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers, especially those employed in hospital settings, have been exposed to a variety of stressors in the workplace. The aim of this study was to explore the Emotional Exhaustion (EE) of workers in geriatric facilities during the COVID-19 crisis. We accordingly sought to investigate the short-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of the EE experienced by workers in geriatric facilities, and to examine the manner in which psychosocial conditions and fear of COVID-19 in the workplace have affected EE. Methods: Surveys were administered in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis (October to December 2020). The study included 118 French healthcare workers with a mean age of 35.61 ± 0.73 recruited in geriatric facilities. We assessed EE, psychosocial conditions (e.g., demands at work, health and well-being, etc.) and fear of COVID-19 in the workplace. Results: The analysis yielded two main outcomes. First, 34.75% workers (41) reported severe levels of EE. Second, demands at work and the fear of COVD-19 increased EE. Health and well-being were, however, demonstrated to protect against EE. Discussion: Furthermore, fear of COVID-19 was shown to contribute significantly to EE healthcare workers in geriatric facilities. It is likely that Covid-19 indirectly contributes to EE by influencing demands at work.
Study type
Occupational health
Health care workers
Altintas, E., El Haj, M., Boudoukha, A. H., Olivier, C., Lizio, A., Luyat, M., & Gallouj, K. (2022). EmotionalexhaustionandfearofCOVID‐19ingeriatricfacilitiesduringtheCOVID‐19pandemic. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, 37(8), 10.1002/gps.5781.
Effect of Organizational Factors on Psychological Stress and Job Satisfaction
Singh, P., Bhardwaj, P., Sharma, S. K., & Mishra, V.
Occupational stress is one of the most critical factors related to the employees’ well-being in any organization. Employees working in managerial positions are more prone to work-related stress because of the nature of the job and the responsibilities associated with the position. There is a lack of research on the effect of organizational factors on the psychological well-being of those working at managerial positions in the Indian context. This research aims to study the impact of workload, job control and support on psychological stress and job satisfaction. Structural equation modelling is used for the analysis. The study results reported no effect of workload on psychological stress and job satisfaction in the employees. The results also suggest that providing more control over the work can result in the better psychological well-being of employees and increase employees’ job satisfaction.
Study type
Occupational health
Singh, P., Bhardwaj, P., Sharma, S. K., & Mishra, V. (2022). Effect of Organizational Factors on Psychological Stress and Job Satisfaction. Vision.
Validation of the medium and short version of CENSOPAS-COPSOQ: a psychometric study in the Peruvian population
Lucero-Perez, M. R., Sabastizagal, I., Astete-Cornejo, J., Burgos, M. A., Villarreal-Zegarra, D., & Moncada, S.
Background: The presence of psychosocial risks at work are associated with mental and physical health issues in workers. The study aim was to adapt the COPSOQ-ISTAS21 (Spanish version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire and Union Institute of Work, Environment and Health) Medium-Version to the Peruvian context and to develop a Short-Version of the instrument. Method: Cross-sectional design study. The COPSOQ-ISTAS21 Medium Version was used. A confirmatory factor analysis was performed to determine the internal structure of each subdimension (first-order) and dimension (secondorder) using the Robust Maximum Likelihood estimation method, and classic fit indices in the literature (CFI, SRMR, RMSEA). Internal consistency was evaluated using the alpha and omega coefficients. A short version was developed based on the items with the highest factorial load and that reduce the factorial complexity. Results: A total of 1707 participants were evaluated. In the confirmatory factor analysis, the goodness-of-fit indices for seventeen of the 20 one-dimensional models (subdimensions) were identified; two subdimensions could not be evaluated because they presented only two items. When conducting a multidimensional analysis, we identified that all second-order models presented optimal goodness-of-fit indices, except “psychological demands at work”. Finally, a short version of only 31 items was designed from the items with optimal fit indices. Conclusions: The new adapted versions of COPSOQ-ISTAS21 were renamed CENSOPAS-COPSOQ (National center of occupational health and environment protection for health -in Spanish- and Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire). The CENSOPAS-COPSOQ is an instrument with sufficient evidence of validity and reliability in its medium and short version, which is why its use is recommended in Peruvian work centers to identify the evaluation and prevention of psychosocial risks at work in Peru
Lucero-Perez, M. R., Sabastizagal, I., Astete-Cornejo, J., Burgos, M. A., Villarreal-Zegarra, D., & Moncada, S. (2022). Validation of the medium and short version of CENSOPAS-COPSOQ: a psychometric study in the Peruvian population. BMC public health, 22:910.
Musculoskeletal pain trajectories of employees working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic
Jodi, O., Subas, N., Saila, K. et al
Objectives In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated a rapid public health response which included mandatory working from home (WFH) for many employees. This study aimed to identify different trajectories of multisite musculoskeletal pain (MSP) amongst employees WFH during the COVID-19 pandemic and examined the influence of work and non-work factors. Methods Data from 488 participants (113 males, 372 females and 3 other) involved in the Employees Working from Home (EWFH) study, collected in October 2020, April and November 2021 were analysed. Age was categorised as 18–35 years (n = 121), 36–55 years (n = 289) and 56 years and over (n = 78). Growth Mixture Modelling (GMM) was used to identify latent classes with different growth trajectories of MSP. Age, gender, working hours, domestic living arrangements, workstation comfort and location, and psychosocial working conditions were considered predictors of MSP. Multivariate multinomial logistic regression was used to identify work and non-work variables associated with group membership. Results Four trajectories of MSP emerged: high stable (36.5%), mid-decrease (29.7%), low stable (22.3%) and rapid increase (11.5%). Decreased workstation comfort (OR 1.98, CI 1.02, 3.85), quantitative demands (OR 1.68, CI 1.09, 2.58), and influence over work (OR 0.78, CI 0.54, 0.98) was associated with being in the high stable trajectory group compared to low stable. Workstation location (OR 3.86, CI 1.19, 12.52) and quantitative work demands (OR 1.44, CI 1.01, 2.47) was associated with the rapid increase group. Conclusions Findings from this study offer insights into considerations for reducing MSP in employees WFH. Key considerations include the need for a dedicated workstation, attention to workstation comfort, quantitative work demands, and ensuring employees have influence over their work.
Study type
Occupational health
Jodi, O., Subas, N., Saila, K. et al (2022). Musculoskeletal pain trajectories of employees working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 1-11.
Association of cumulative traumatic events among Danish police officers with mental health, work environment and sickness absenteeism: protocol of a 3-year prospective cohort study
Hansen, N. B., Møller, S. R., Elklit, A., Brandt, L., Andersen, L. L., & Pihl-Thingvad, J.
Introduction Police officers are frequently exposed to potentially traumatic events at work that increases risk of developing mental health problems, in particular post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Individual and organisational factors may influence the detrimental effects of cumulative exposure to traumatic events. Occupational stress and lack of organisational support are associated with increased risk of PTSD among police officers. The Are You All right? (AYA) project is a prospective cohort study investigating the cumulative effect of traumatic events at work on mental health problems and absenteeism among police officers. The study also investigates whether potential risk and protective factors modify the association of traumatic events at work with mental health problems and absenteeism. Method and analysis The AYA-study includes the entire Danish police force. Prospective survey data are collected over a 3-year period beginning in the spring of 2021. Electronic surveys are sent out at baseline with 1-year, 2-year and 3-year follow-up. Further, short surveys are sent out every third month, covering exposure to traumatic events and current mental health status. The survey data are paired with workplace register data on sickness absence. Register data on sickness absence cover the period from 2020 to 2025. Ethics and dissemination This study was presented for evaluation at the National Ethics Committee in Denmark (reference number: 20202000-216), but according to Danish legislation, survey studies do not require approval by official Danish scientific or ethical committees. Participation in the project is based on informed consent, and data are handled in accordance with the Danish data legislation (journal number: 20/41457). Results are published in scientific journals and disseminated at international conferences
Study type
Occupational health
Hansen, N. B., Møller, S. R., Elklit, A., Brandt, L., Andersen, L. L., & Pihl-Thingvad, J. (2022). Association of cumulative traumatic events among Danish police officers with mental health, work environment and sickness absenteeism: protocol of a 3-year prospective cohort study. BMJ Open, 12:e049769.
Effects of multiple risk factors on upper limb musculoskeletal disorders among workers in inner Brazil.
Lima da Silva I., Machado de Souza E.R., Karine Dias Silva L., Claudino da Silva A.T., Norte da Silva J.M. Effects of multiple risk factors on upper limb musculoskeletal disorders among workers in inner Brazil
Background: The literature discussing musculoskeletal diseases of inner northeastern workers is scarce, although 67,559 cases were reported in Brazil between 2007 and 2016. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of multiple risk factors that influence the symptoms of work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) in wrists, elbows, and shoulders in workers from four different economic sectors. Methods: A sample included 420 workers from the inner regions of the Brazilian states of Alagoas and Bahia. The Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire was used to capture pain symptoms on both sides of the body (left and right). Sociodemographic variables, items from the biomechanical exposure and organizational conditional, in addition to other questionnaires (JCQ, COPSOQ II, ERI) were used to assess the characteristics and occupational risks of the respondents. Ordinal logistic regression model was using to identify the relationship between symptoms and factors. Results: This study highlights the psychosocial, biomechanical, occupational, and sociodemographic variables contributed to development of WMSDs. Use of hand-vibrating tool increased the likelihood of symptoms manifesting on the body. On the other hand, high job control and high job insecurity reduced the likelihood of developing symptoms. On the other hand, high job control and job satisfaction reduced the likelihood of developing symptoms. Factors such as age, curved spine, high job insecurity and excessive commitment contributed to the development of WMSDs only on one side of the body. Conclusions: The development of WMSDs is multifactorial. Sociodemographic, occupational, biomechanical, and psychosocial factors may commonly contribute to WMSD manifesting only on one side of the body more than on both sides.
Lima da Silva I., Machado de Souza E.R., Karine Dias Silva L., Claudino da Silva A.T., Norte da Silva J.M. Effects of multiple risk factors on upper limb musculoskeletal disorders among workers in inner Brazil (2022). Effects of multiple risk factors on upper limb musculoskeletal disorders among workers in inner Brazil. Work.
Impact of Workplace Bullying on Work Performance Moderated by Loneliness: A Case study of Indonesia
Hidayat, M. F., & Ginting, H.
The issue of bullying within the workplace is a constant pursuit by scientists. The effect studied regarding the issues varies and has a large list of mediators and moderators. A common result of workplace bullying is its effect on working performance. Being one of the variables that hold a unique position as to cause and cause by, loneliness may introduce an updated perception of what bullying could have. Using a purposive sampling online survey, the data was collected from employees of multiple organizations and state-owned companies in Indonesia, especially West Java and North Sumatera. One hundred twenty-six valid data were gathered and processed for this study. The questionnaire was designed using COPSOQ III to assess the workplace bullying variable, the UCLA loneliness scale for the loneliness variable, and Koopman's individual work performance (IWP) assessment for the work performance variable. The result shows a relationship between workplace bullying and work performance, though it is insignificant, and loneliness elevates bullying's effect on work performance. The implication of these findings is to enrich understanding of workplace bullying within the workplace, but further research is still advised
Study type
Occupational health
Hidayat, M. F., & Ginting, H. (2022). Impact of Workplace Bullying on Work Performance Moderated by Loneliness: A Case study of Indonesia. International Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities, 3(6), 1-8.
Goldilocks Work Conditions for All Ages: Age-Conditional Effects of Work Design Profiles on Well-Being
El Khawli, E., Keller, A. C., & Scheibe, S.
Work design plays an important role in workers’ job-related well-being, but not every employee responds to work design in the same way. Given trends toward longer working lives and higher age diversity in the workforce, worker age is an important factor to consider. However, knowledge about the interplay between worker age and work design is limited, especially when considering the multitude of job characteristics that people experience at the same time. Integrating the work design and lifespan/career development literatures and adopting a person-centered approach, we investigated how worker age affects membership in work design profiles and the relationship between work design profiles and occupational well-being. Using two independent samples (N = 989; 980), we conducted latent profile analysis to group workers into work design profiles based on 6 age-relevant job characteristics (autonomy, information-processing, workload, social support, emotional demands, and social conflicts). We identified 3 profiles and linked them to well-being: motivating (most favorable), moderately stimulating, and socially taxing (least favorable). Older workers were more likely to be in, and responded better to motivating work design profiles, and less likely to be in, and responded worse to socially taxing profiles. Meanwhile, younger workers seemed more tolerant of socially taxing work design profiles than older workers. Most age-contingent effects were robust after adding organizational tenure as a covariate. Findings qualify lifespan development theories and shed light on workers’ nuanced responses to work design profiles
Study type
Occupational health
El Khawli, E., Keller, A. C., & Scheibe, S. (2022). Goldilocks Work Conditions for All Ages: Age-Conditional Effects of Work Design Profiles on Well-Being. Work, Aging and Retirement.
Development and validation of a prediction model for unemployment and work disability among 55 950 Dutch workers
Ots, P., Oude Hengel, K. M., Burdorf, A., Robroek, S. J., Nieboer, D., Schram, J. L., ... & Brouwer, S.
Background: This study developed prediction models for involuntary exit from paid employment through unemployment and disability benefits and examined if predictors and discriminative ability of these models differ between five common chronic diseases. Methods: Data from workers in the Lifelines Cohort Study (n¼55 950) were enriched with monthly information on employment status from Statistics Netherlands. Potential predictors included sociodemographic factors, chronic diseases, unhealthy behaviours and working conditions. Data were analyzed using cause-specific Cox regression analyses. Models were evaluated with the C-index and the positive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV, respectively). The developed models were externally validated using data from the Study on Transitions in Employment, Ability and Motivation. Results: Being female, low education, depression, smoking, obesity, low development possibilities and low social support were predictors of unemployment and disability. Low meaning of work and low physical activity increased the risk for unemployment, while all chronic diseases increased the risk of disability benefits. The discriminative ability of the models of the development and validation cohort were low for unemployment (c¼0.62; c¼0.60) and disability benefits (c¼0.68; c¼0.75). After stratification for specific chronic diseases, the discriminative ability of models predicting disability benefits improved for cardiovascular disease (c¼0.81), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (c¼0.74) and diabetes mellitus type 2 (c¼0.74). The PPV was low while the NPV was high for all models. Conclusion: Taking workers’ particular disease into account may contribute to an improved prediction of disability benefits, yet risk factors are better examined at the population level rather than at the individual level.
Study type
Occupational health
Ots, P., Oude Hengel, K. M., Burdorf, A., Robroek, S. J., Nieboer, D., Schram, J. L., ... & Brouwer, S. (2022). Development and validation of a prediction model for unemployment and work disability among 55 950 Dutch workers. European Journal of Public Health, ckac045.
A team level participatory approach aimed at improving sustainable employability of long-term care workers: a study protocol of a randomised controlled trial.
Heijkants, C.H., van Hooff, M.L.M., Geurts, S.A.E. et al. BMC Public Health 22, 984 (2022).
Background. Staff currently working in long-term care experience several difficulties. Shortage of staff and poor working conditions are amongst the most prominent, which pose a threat to staff’s sustainable employability. To improve their sustainable employability it is important to create working conditions that fulfil workers’ basic psychological need for autonomy, relatedness and competence in line with Self-Determination Theory. Since many long-term care organisations work with self-managing teams, challenges exist at team level. Therefore, there is a need to implement an intervention aimed at maintaining and improving the sustainable employability of staff on team level. Methods.We developed a participatory workplace intervention, the Healthy Working Approach. In this intervention teams will uncover what problems they face related to autonomy, relatedness and competence in their team, come up with solutions for those problems and evaluate the effects of these solutions. We will evaluate this intervention by means of a two-arm randomized controlled trial with a follow-up of one year. One arm includes the intervention group and one includes the waitlist control group, each consisting of about 100 participants. The primary outcome is need for recovery as proxy for sustainable employability. Intervention effects will be analysed by linear mixed model analyses. A process evaluation with key figures will provide insight into barriers and facilitators of the intervention implementation. The Ethical Committee Social Sciences of the Radboud University approved the study. Discussion. This study will provide insight in both the effectiveness, and the barriers/facilitators of the implementation process of the Healthy Working Approach. The approach is co-created with long-term care workers, focuses on team-specific challenges, and is rooted in the evidence-based participatory workplace approach and Self-Determination Theory. First results are expected in 2022.
Study type
Care workers
Heijkants, C.H., van Hooff, M.L.M., Geurts, S.A.E. et al. BMC Public Health 22, 984 (2022). (2022). A team level participatory approach aimed at improving sustainable employability of long-term care workers: a study protocol of a randomised controlled trial. BMC Public Health, 22, 984.
Psychosocial risks and their relationship with occupational health in a hospital.
Castro Méndez, N. & Suárez Cretton, X.
The jobs are increasingly demanding, complex and put at risk the health and well-being of people when psychosocial conditions, present in organizational contexts, are inadequate. This study aimed to relate occupational disease based with the psychosocial risks present in a hospital, study possible resources that mitigate these risks and study variables associated with well-being. The method included an observational, analytical, cross-sectional design and a total sample of 480 workers who answered the Suseso/Istas21questionnaire. Linear regression analyzes were performed, initially for the surgery unit, which had presented a case of a pathology under study related to occupational risk, and subsequently for the entire hospital. The results show that quantitative requirements, sense of work and indebtedness are major predictors of the reporting of symptoms in surgery, and that sense of work interacts with quantitative requirements attenuating its effects for the entire hospital. Well-being is associated with mental health and emotional demands. It is concluded that psychosocial risk is associated with illness, but it can be attenuated by resources as the sense of work in a hospital.
Study type
Occupational health
Hospital staff
Castro Méndez, N. & Suárez Cretton, X. (2022). Psychosocial risks and their relationship with occupational health in a hospital. Ciencias Psicológicas, 16(1), e-2551.
The Conceptual Model of Role Stress and Job Burnout in Judges: The Moderating Role of Career Calling.
Pereira, S. P. M., Correia, P. M. A. R., Da Palma, P. J., Pitacho, L., & Lunardi, F. C.
Judges are the central actors in the organization and functioning of the judicial system. Concerns about work efficiency, driven by the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice, led countries to adopt a set of reforms in line with private sector ideals applied to the public field to better manage their financial and human resources. In the last decades, the Portuguese judicial system has undergone a reform based on New Public Management principles by adopting the new Law on the Organization of the Judiciary System (LOSJ), significantly altering judges’ duties, who beyond their traditional role of applying the law, perform the additional role of court-of-law judge-manager. The objective of this study is to explore the influence of role conflict and role ambiguity in occupational burnout among judges and to analyze the influence of calling orientation as a moderating variable, so as to present a conceptual model of role-stress management among the judiciary. Theoretically, this work contributes to the literature on role-stress management through its introduction of calling moderation, as well as to the literature on the positive influence of calling on burnout. In terms of its practical implications, the work contributes to a reconsideration of the current organizational structure of judicial work.
Study type
Occupational health
Pereira, S. P. M., Correia, P. M. A. R., Da Palma, P. J., Pitacho, L., & Lunardi, F. C. (2022). The Conceptual Model of Role Stress and Job Burnout in Judges: The Moderating Role of Career Calling. Laws, 11(3), 42.
Retaining Social Workers: The Role of Quality of Work and Psychosocial Safety Climate for Work Engagement, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment
Geisler, M., Berthelsen, H. & Muhonen, T.
The present study investigated how psychosocial safety climate (PSC), job demands (role conflict and work-family conflict), job resources (social support from superiors and social community at work), and assessments for quality of work relate to social workers’ work engagement, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. The results of the questionnaire study (N = 831) showed that quality of work was strongly related to all three outcomes, whereas PSC was found to be related to social workers’ job satisfaction. The contribution of the study is discussed in relation to understanding the retention of social workers.
Study type
Occupational health
Social workers
Geisler, M., Berthelsen, H. & Muhonen, T. (2019). Retaining Social Workers: The Role of Quality of Work and Psychosocial Safety Climate for Work Engagement, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance, 43(1), 1–15.
Health and Work Environment among Female and Male Swedish Elementary School Teachers-A Cross-Sectional Study
Boström, M., Björklund, C., Bergström, G., Nybergh, L., Schäfer Elinder, L., Stigmar, K., Wåhlin, C., Jensen, I. & Kwak, L.
Background and objectives: Changes in teachers' work situation in Sweden since the 1990s may have contributed to an increase in common mental disorders (CMDs) and burnout. However, there is a lack of research in this field. The aim was to describe how Swedish elementary school teachers experience their health, organizational and social work environment, and the psychosocial safety climate at the workplace, and especially differences and similarities between female and male teachers. Materials and methods: Data were collected with the COPSOQ, OLBI, UWES and PSC-12 from 478 elementary teachers, 81.0% of them women, from twenty schools. The response rate was 96.4%. Results: Teachers reported relatively good general health but experienced high stress, high work pace and emotional demands, low influence at work and a poor psychosocial safety climate. These factors were especially prominent among female teachers. Both women and men experienced good development possibilities and high work engagement. Conclusions: The results of this study can help us to develop a more sustainable work environment for female and male teachers. A more sustainable work environment might attract more people to the profession and incentivize existing teachers to remain in the profession.
Study type
Occupational health
Boström, M., Björklund, C., Bergström, G., Nybergh, L., Schäfer Elinder, L., Stigmar, K., Wåhlin, C., Jensen, I. & Kwak, L. (2020). Health and Work Environment among Female and Male Swedish Elementary School Teachers-A Cross-Sectional Study. International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(1), 227.
Full evaluation of the psychometric properties of COPSOQ II. One-year longitudinal study on Polish human service staff
Baka, Ł., Prusik, M., Pejtersen, J.H., Grala, K.
Purpose: The aim of the study was the full evaluation of the psychometric properties of the COPSOQ II in one-year longitudinal study on human service staff in Poland. Data were collected from 599 employees representing three occupational groups related to human service work. Methods: CFA was conducted in the structure proposed by the author of the original tool, based on one model, which included 119 observable variables forming 33 latent variables (single item subscales were excluded from analysis). To our knowledge, this was the first complete validation of the entire model using CFA. Reliability analysis was performed using two methods: internal consistency analysis and test-retest analysis. Predictive validity was assessed by correlating COPSOQ II variables with ten criterion variables related to job demands, job resources, work-family conflicts, mental health and well-being. Results: According to the results, CFA supported the original structure of the COPSOQ II. Most of the 33 subscales were characterized by good or very good psychometric parameters. The obtained results confirmed also the fairly high reliability, as well as high convergence validity of all subscales of COPSOQ II. Conclusion: The final conclusion is that COPSOQ II is characterised by satisfactory psychometric properties and could be successfully used to fulfil the demand for reliable and comprehensive assessment methods also in Polish job market settings.
Study type
Occupational health
Baka, Ł., Prusik, M., Pejtersen, J.H., Grala, K. (2022). Full evaluation of the psychometric properties of COPSOQ II. One-year longitudinal study on Polish human service staff. PLoS ONE, 17(1), e0262266.
The burden in palliative care assistance: A comparison of psychosocial risks and burnout between inpatient hospice and home care services workers
Fattori, A., Pedruzzi, M., Cantarella, C., & Bonzini, M.
Objective: Literature suggests that home care professionals could be at higher risk of burnout than their colleagues in hospital settings, but research on home-based palliative care is still limited. Our study investigates psychosocial risk factors and burnout among workers involved in palliative care, comparing inpatient hospice, and home care settings. Method: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a single palliative care organization providing inpatient hospice-based and home care-based assistance in a large urban area of Northern Italy. Participants completed a self-administered questionnaire collecting socio-demographic and occupational data, psychosocial risk factors, and burnout scales (Psychosocial Safety Climate 4; Conflict and Offensive Behavior — COPSOQ II; Work Life Boundaries; Work-home Interaction; Peer Support — HSE; Copenhagen Burnout Inventory). Results: The study sample included 106 subjects (95% of the overall eligible working population) who were predominantly female (68%) and nurses (57%), with a mean age of 41 years. Compared to inpatient hospice staff, home care workers reported more frequent communications with colleagues (p = 0.03) and patients/caregivers (p = 0.01), while there were no differences in the perception of work intrusiveness. Inpatient hospice workers showed lower peer support (p = 0.08) and lower psychosocial safety climate (p = 0.001) than home care colleagues. The experience of aggressive behaviors was rare, and it was relatively more frequent among inpatient hospice workers, female workers, and health assistants. Average scores of burnout scales were similar for both groups except for caregiver-related burnout, which was higher among inpatient hospice workers compared to home care colleagues (p = 0.008). The number of subjects at risk for work-related burnout was similar for both groups. Significance of results: Our study confirms the presence of psychological and physical fatigue in both home-based and inpatient hospice palliative care. Results suggest that home care assistance may not be characterized by higher psychological burden compared to inpatient hospice setting. Given the general tendency to increase home-based care in our aging population, it is essential to broaden the knowledge of psychosocial risks in this specific context to properly protect workers’ health.
Study type
Occupational health
Health care workers
Fattori, A., Pedruzzi, M., Cantarella, C., & Bonzini, M. (2022). The burden in palliative care assistance: A comparison of psychosocial risks and burnout between inpatient hospice and home care services workers. Palliative and Supportive Care, 1–8.
The Portuguese Third Version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire: Preliminary Validation Studies of the Middle Version among Municipal and Healthcare Workers
Cotrim, T. P., Bem-Haja, P., Pereira, A., Fernandes, C., Azevedo, R., Antunes, S., Pinto, J. S., Kanazawa, F., Souto, I., Brito, E., & Silva, C. F.
A third version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ III) was developed internationally aiming to respond to new trends in working conditions, theoretical concepts, and international experience. This article aims to present the preliminary validation studies for the Portuguese middle version of COPSOQ III. This is an exploratory cross-sectional study viewing the cross-cultural adaption of COPSOQ III to Portugal, ensuring the contents and face validity and performing field-testing in order to reduce the number of items and to obtain insight into the data structure, through classic test theory and item response theory approaches. The qualitative study encompassed 29 participants and the quantitative one 659 participants from municipalities and healthcare settings. Content analysis suggested that minor re-wording could improve the face validity of items, while a reduced version, with 85 items, shows psychometric stability, achieving good internal consistency in all subscales. The COPSOQ III Portuguese middle version proved to be a valid preliminary version for future validation studies with various populations, able to be used in correlational studies with other dimensions.
Cotrim, T. P., Bem-Haja, P., Pereira, A., Fernandes, C., Azevedo, R., Antunes, S., Pinto, J. S., Kanazawa, F., Souto, I., Brito, E., & Silva, C. F. (2022). The Portuguese Third Version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire: Preliminary Validation Studies of the Middle Version among Municipal and Healthcare Workers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1167.
Potential of micro-exercise to prevent long-term sickness absence in the general working population: prospective cohort study with register follow-up
Andersen, L.L., Skovlund, S.V., Vinstrup, J. et al.
This study assesses the potential of workplace-based micro-exercise (brief and simple exercise bouts) to prevent long-term sickness absence (LTSA) at the population level. In the Work Environment and Health in Denmark Study (2012–2018), we followed 70,130 workers from the general working population, without prior LTSA, for two years in the Danish Register for Evaluation of Marginalisation. We used Cox regression with model-assisted weights and controlled for various confounders. From 2012 to 2018, the percentage of workers in Denmark using workplace-based micro-exercise during and outside of working hours increased from 7.1 to 10.9% and from 0.8 to 1.4%, respectively. The incidence of long-term sickness absence (at least 30 days) was 8.4% during follow-up. The fully adjusted model showed reduced risk of long-term sickness absence from using micro-exercise during working hours, (HR 0.86, 95% CI 0.77–0.96), but not when used outside of working hours. If used by all workers, micro-exercise during working hours could potentially prevent 12.8% of incident long-term sickness absence cases (population attributable fraction). In conclusion, micro-exercise performed during working hours holds certain potential to prevent incident long-term sickness absence in the general working population. Large-scale implementation of workplace-based micro-exercise may represent an unexploited opportunity for public health promotion.
Study type
Occupational health
Andersen, L.L., Skovlund, S.V., Vinstrup, J. et al. (2022). Potential of micro-exercise to prevent long-term sickness absence in the general working population: prospective cohort study with register follow-up. Scientific Reports, 12, 2280.
Conflict or connection? A feasibility study on the implementation of a training based on connecting communication in a nursing curriculum
Bakker, E., Dekker-van Doorn, C. M., Kox, J., Miedema, H. S., Francke, A. L., & Roelofs, P.
Background: Nursing students frequently experience offensive behaviour and communication problems with patients, clinical supervisors, and nursing and faculty staff. A communication training was developed based on connecting communication to prevent and manage conflict, and build interpersonal trust-based relationships. Objectives: Feasibility study to evaluate the acceptability, demand, implementation, integration, and limited efficacy of a training based on connecting communication within a nursing curriculum. Design: Mixed method design. Participants: Third-year nursing students (n = 24). Setting: A Dutch Bachelor of Nursing degree programme in Rotterdam. Methods: Between November 2019 and March 2020, data were collected from students and trainers, using quantitative and qualitative methods. Feasibility aspects, including limited efficacy testing, were measured with pre- and post-training surveys. Descriptive statistical analyses and (non)parametric tests were used to analyse feasibility aspects and baseline and follow-up scores for empathy, self-compassion, and exposure to violence. In addition, reflection reports of students and two paired interviews with the two trainers were analysed using qualitative content analysis with a deductive approach. Results: The post-training survey and reflection reports showed a positive assessment of the training on acceptability, demand, and integration. Students rated the training as helpful in improving their communication skills and in dealing with conflict situations. Furthermore, they recommended to implement the training in earlier years of the educational programme. According to the trainers, miscommunication, students' lack of preparation for lessons, and the timing of the training prohibited full participation in the training. The pretest-posttest survey results show statistically significant improved self-compassion (3.77 vs. 4.10; p = 0.03) and decreased self-judgement (4.21 vs. 3.50; p = 0.03). Empathy and exposure to violence did not change. Conclusions: From the perspective of nursing students and trainers involved, this 10-week training based on connecting communication is feasible to implement in the Bachelor of Nursing degree programme, preferably before clinical placements.
Study type
Bakker, E., Dekker-van Doorn, C. M., Kox, J., Miedema, H. S., Francke, A. L., & Roelofs, P. (2022). Conflict or connection? A feasibility study on the implementation of a training based on connecting communication in a nursing curriculum. Nurse education today, 111, 105302.
Occupational health, frontline workers and COVID-19 lockdown: new gender-related inequalities?
Utzet,M., Bacigalupe, A., Navarro, A.
Introduction: The abrupt onset of COVID-19, with its rapid spread, has had brutal consequences in all areas of society, including the workplace. In this paper, we report the working conditions, health, and tranquilisers and opioid analgesics use of workers during the first months of the ensuing pandemic, according to whether they were frontline workers or not and also according to sex. Methods: Our analysis is based on cross-sectional survey data (collected during April and May 2020) from the wage-earning population in Spain (n=15 070). We estimate prevalences, adjusted prevalence differences and adjusted prevalence ratios by sex and according to whether the worker is a frontline worker or not. Results: Employment and working conditions, exposure to psychosocial risks, as well as health status and the consumption of tranquilisers and opioid analgesics all showed sex and sectoral (frontline vs non-frontline) inequalities, which placed essential women workers in a particularly vulnerable position. Moreover, the consumption of tranquilisers and opioid analgesics increased during the pandemic and health worsened significantly among frontline women workers. Conclusions: The exceptional situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic provides an opportunity to revalue essential sectors and to dignify such employment and working conditions, especially among women. There is an urgent need to improve working conditions and reduce occupational risk, particularly among frontline workers. In addition, this study highlights the public health problem posed by tranquilisers and opioid analgesics consumption, especially among frontline women.
Study type
Occupational health
Utzet,M., Bacigalupe, A., Navarro, A. (2022). Occupational health, frontline workers and COVID-19 lockdown: new gender-related inequalities?. J Epidemiol Community Health.
Higher Work-Privacy Conflict and Lower Job Satisfaction in GP Leaders and Practice Assistants Working Full-Time Compared to Part-Time: Results of the IMPROVEjob Study
Göbel, J., Schmidt, M., Seifried-Dübon, T., Linden, K., Degen, L., Rind, E., Eilerts, A.-L., Pieper, C., Grot, M., Werners, B., Schröder, V., Jöckel, K.-H., Rieger, M. A., & Weltermann, B. M.
Background: Work-privacy conflict (WPC) has become an important issue for medical professionals. The cluster-randomized controlled IMPROVEjob study aimed at improving job satisfaction (primary outcome), with additional outcomes such as examining the work-privacy conflict in German general practice personnel. Using baseline data of this study, the relationship between work-privacy conflict and job satisfaction (JS) was analyzed. In addition, factors associated with higher WPC were identified. Methods: At baseline, 366 participants (general practitioners (GPs) in leadership positions, employed general practitioners, and practice assistants) from 60 German practices completed a questionnaire addressing socio-demographic data and job characteristics. Standardized scales from the German version of the COPSOQ III requested data concerning job satisfaction and work-privacy conflict. Both scores range from 0 (lowest) to 100 (highest). Multilevel analysis accounted for the clustered data. Statistical analyses were performed using IBM SPSS and RStudio software, with a significance level set at p < 0.05. Results: Job satisfaction was 77.16 (mean value; SD = 14.30) among GPs in leadership positions (n = 84), 79.61 (SD = 12.85) in employed GPs (n = 28), and 72.58 (SD = 14.42) in practice assistants (n = 254). Mean values for the WPC-scale were higher for professionals with more responsibilities: GPs in leadership positions scored highest with 64.03 (SD = 29.96), followed by employed physicians (M = 45.54, SD =30.28), and practice assistants (M = 32.67, SD = 27.41). General practitioners and practice assistants working full-time reported significantly higher work-privacy conflict than those working part-time (p < 0.05). In a multilevel analysis, work-privacy conflict was significantly associated with job satisfaction (p < 0.001). A multiple regression analysis identified working hours, as well as and being a practice owner or an employed physician as factors significantly influencing WPC. Discussion: WPC was high among general practice leaders and practice personnel working full-time. Future interventions to support practice personnel should focus on reducing WPC, as there is good evidence of its effects on job satisfaction.
Study type
Occupational health
General Practitioners
Göbel, J., Schmidt, M., Seifried-Dübon, T., Linden, K., Degen, L., Rind, E., Eilerts, A.-L., Pieper, C., Grot, M., Werners, B., Schröder, V., Jöckel, K.-H., Rieger, M. A., & Weltermann, B. M. (2022). Higher Work-Privacy Conflict and Lower Job Satisfaction in GP Leaders and Practice Assistants Working Full-Time Compared to Part-Time: Results of the IMPROVEjob Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(5), 2618.
Work and active aging: is there a relationship between health and meaning in life?
Torres, I., Gaspar, T. and Rodrigues, P.
Purpose: This study aims to explain the health impact of work demands and organization, job content, leadership and values in the workplace. It also explores the extent to which health conditions influence the meaning in life in late career. Design/methodology/approach: The sample consisted of 1,330 Portuguese-based individuals aged 55–75 years. The structural equation modeling (SEM) was used for the data analysis and to test the research questions. Findings: The results showed that stress and burnout are influenced by work demands and organization, job content, leadership and values in the workplace. Employment status had no influence. Health status affects the meaning in life. Research limitations/implications: Although participants were asked to answer the questionnaire bearing in mind their last work experience, retirees could have had difficulty reporting on their last work; therefore, in future research, the use of a qualitative methodology could also be equated as to complement richer information regarding past experiences in the work context. Practical implications: Considering the main goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for sustainable development, this study contributes, namely, to the third one – Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. In fact, directing a look at the condition in which older people work and at their health contributes not only to more productive organizations, to less spending of public money on health, but also to a more inclusive society. Bearing in mind workers are progressively retiring later and that the exposure to certain work conditions during the late career is problematic for organizations and for society in general, this study has practical and social implication.
Study type
Occupational health
Torres, I., Gaspar, T. and Rodrigues, P. (2022). Work and active aging: is there a relationship between health and meaning in life?. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, Vol. 15 No. 2, 235-253.
Effects of health-promoting leadership, employee health on employee engagement: employability as moderating variable
Liu, L., Zhang, C. and Fang, C.-C.
Purpose: Employee health is a major challenge for enterprises. Fostering a healthy work environment and promoting employee engagement are key to addressing this challenge. Health-promoting leadership and employee health are the driving forces of corporate development; at the same time, employability is the core element of employee relations. Based on self-determination theory, this study aims to explore the effects of health-promoting leadership and employee health on employee engagement in light of employee employability. Design/methodology/approach: The data of this study encompass 723 valid questionnaires from employees of MSME in China. This study focuses on health-promoting leadership and employee health, engagement relationship and the above relationship moderating by employability. Findings: Health-promoting leadership plays a key role in the workplace, results show that health-promoting leadership has a positive impact on employee health and employee engagement, while employee health did not have a positive effect on employee engagement. Employability negatively moderated the relationship between employee health and employee engagement. Research limitations/implications: This study is based on cross-sectional survey data collected at the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic rapidly and continuously changed the organizational responses to employee health. Future studies could utilize longitudinal methods or focus on measurement instruments of the culture of health, to create additional insights about health promoting.
Study type
Occupational health
Liu, L., Zhang, C. and Fang, C.-C. (2022). Effects of health-promoting leadership, employee health on employee engagement: employability as moderating variable. International Journal of Workplace Health Management, Vol. 15 No. 1, 1-18.
Measuring job stress in transportation workers: psychometric properties, convergent validity and reliability of the ERI and JCQ among professional drivers
Useche, S.A., Alonso, F., Cendales, B. et al.
Background: The accumulated evidence has shown how professional drivers are, in psychosocial terms, among the most vulnerable workforces, and how their crashes (some of them preceded by stressful working conditions) constitute both an occupational and public health concern. However, there is a clear lack of validated tools for measuring stress and other key hazardous issues affecting transport workers, and most of the existing ones, frequently generic, do not fully consider the specific features that properly describe the work environment of professional driving. This study assessed the psychometric properties, convergent validity and consistency of two measures used for researching occupational stress among professional drivers: the Siegrist’s ERI (Effort-Reward Imbalance Inventory) and Karasek’s JCQ (Job Content Questionnaire). Methods: We examined the data collected from 726 Spanish professional drivers. Analyses were performed using Structural Equation Models, thus obtaining basic psychometric properties of both measures and an optimized structure for the instruments, in addition to testing their convergent validity. Results: The results suggest that the abbreviated versions of ERI (10 items) and JCQ (20 items) have clear dimensional structures, high factorial weights, internal consistency and an improved fit to the task’s dynamics and hazards, commonly faced by of professional drivers; a short set of items with low psychometrical adjustment was excluded, and the root structure of the questionnaires was kept. Conclusions: This study supports the value and reliability of ERI-10 and JCQ-20 for measuring job stress among professional drivers. Also, there is a high consistency between both measures of stress, even though they belong to different theoretical conceptions of the phenomenon. In practical settings, these instruments can be useful for occupational researchers and practitioners studying stress-related issues from the perspective of human factors.
Study type
Occupational health
Professional drivers
Useche, S.A., Alonso, F., Cendales, B. et al. (2021). Measuring job stress in transportation workers: psychometric properties, convergent validity and reliability of the ERI and JCQ among professional drivers. BMC Public Health, 21, 1594.
More Than Just "Stressful"? Testing the Mediating Role of Fatigue on the Relationship Between Job Stress and Occupational Crashes of Long-Haul Truck Drivers
Useche, S. A., Alonso, F., Cendales, B., & Llamazares, J.
Introduction: Recent evidence consistently highlights the adverse work environment of long-haul professional drivers, whose task structure typically involves the performance of extensive shifts, driving under stressful working conditions. In this regard, job stress and fatigue - that are highly prevalent in this workforce - seem to play a crucial role in explaining this group's negative traffic safety outcomes. The aim of this study was to assess whether work-related fatigue is a mechanism that mediates the relationship between job stress, health indicators and occupational traffic crashes of long-haul truck drivers (LHTD). Methods: The data used in this study were collected from 521 Spanish long-haul truck drivers (97% males) from all 17 regions of Spain, with a mean age of 47 years. Results: Utilizing structural equation models (SEM), it was found that work-traffic crashes of long-haul truck drivers could be explained through work-related fatigue that exerts a full mediation between job stress (job strain), health-related factors and traffic crashes suffered during the previous two years. Discussion: Overall, the findings of this research support that a) stressful working conditions and health issues of drivers have significant effects on traffic crashes, and b) fatigue is a mechanism relating stress-related factors and work-traffic crashes of long-haul drivers. This study highlights the need of stress- and fatigue-management policies and interventions, in order to reduce the crash risk of long-haul truck drivers.
Study type
Occupational health
Truck drivers
Useche, S. A., Alonso, F., Cendales, B., & Llamazares, J. (2021). More Than Just "Stressful"? Testing the Mediating Role of Fatigue on the Relationship Between Job Stress and Occupational Crashes of Long-Haul Truck Drivers. Psychology research and behavior management, 14, 1211–1221.
Association between psychosocial factors in workers and multisite pain: cross-sectional study
Faria, Beatriz Suelen Ferreira, Gonçalves, Josiane Sotrate and Sato, Tatiana de Oliveira
Background and objectives: Psychosocial factors may be associated with multisite pain, which is characterized by pain symptoms in more than one part of the body. The aim of the present study was to determine associations between psychosocial factors and multisite pain in a population of workers. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted involving 195 workers (educators, administrative technicians, healthcare workers, cleaners, and zookeepers). Psychosocial factors were evaluated using the short form of the second version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire. Multisite pain was identified using the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire. Results: Multisite pain was associated with quantitative demands (OR=1.31; 95% CI: 1.06-1.63), work pace (OR=1.20; 95% CI: 1.01-1.43), emotional demands (OR=1.39; 95% CI: 1.18-1.63), commitment to the workplace (OR=0.75; 95% CI: 0.62-0.91), predictability (OR=0.86; 95% CI: 0.76-0.99), job satisfaction (OR=0.53; 95% CI: 0.32-0.88), work-family conflict (OR=1.37; 95% CI: 1.16-1.62), justice (OR=0.81; 95% CI: 0.69-0.94), general health perception (OR=0.54; 95% CI: 0.38-0.76), burnout (OR=1.41; 95% CI: 1.17-1.69), and stress (OR=1.41; 95% CI: 1.18-1.68). Conclusion: Several psychosocial factors were associated with multisite pain, indicating that these factors could be considered in the multisite pain management.
Study type
Occupational health
Faria, Beatriz Suelen Ferreira, Gonçalves, Josiane Sotrate and Sato, Tatiana de Oliveira (2022). Association between psychosocial factors in workers and multisite pain: cross-sectional study. BrJP, 2–7.
Assessment of lifestyle changes during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in Gondar town, Northwest Ethiopia
Kifle, Z.D., Woldeyohanins, A.E., Asmare, B., Atanaw, B., Mesafint, T., Adugna, M.
Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 has had a global effect on people’s lifestyles. Many people have developed irregular eating patterns and become physically inactive, which leads to an aggravation of lifestyle-related diseases and unhealthier lifestyles; these, subsequently raise the severity of coronavirus disease 2019. This study aimed to assess lifestyle changes during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in Gondar town, North West, Ethiopia. Method: Community-based cross-sectional study design was conducted among households at Gondar town from June to August 2021. The study participants were selected by a systematic random sampling technique from proportionally allocated kebeles. Data were collected using face-to-face interview techniques and were entered and analyzed by using a statistical package for the social sciences version 24; P-values < 0.05 were considered as statistically significant. Result: Overall, 348 study participants were included in the study. Among those respondents, 52.3% (182) were female study participants and the mean age of the respondents was 30.95±14.4. In this study, there was a significant decrement in non-homemade food from 20.4% to 13.4% at (P = <0.001). Concerning water intake, 11.5% (40) of respondents consumed ≥8 cups/day before the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, and the percentage increased to 14.7% (51) during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic (p = 0.01). Of the participants, 46% participants were reported never engaging in any physical activity before the coronavirus pandemic, and the percentage decreased to 29.9% during the pandemic (P = 0.002). The respondents also exhibited increment tension in large from 4.9% to 22.7% before and during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, respectively. Furthermore, about 6.3% of the study participants slept badly before the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemics and the effects of sleeping badly and restlessly increased to 25.9% during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic (P = <0.001). Conclusion: The current study demonstrates that there is a noticeable alteration in food consumption, food choices, regular mealtime, sleeping habits, mental exhaustion, and practice of physical activity.
Study type
Occupational health
Kifle, Z.D., Woldeyohanins, A.E., Asmare, B., Atanaw, B., Mesafint, T., Adugna, M. (2022). Assessment of lifestyle changes during coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in Gondar town, Northwest Ethiopia. PLoS ONE, 17(3), e0264617.
The relative importance of various job resources for work engagement: A concurrent and follow-up dominance analysis
Hakanen, J. J., Bakker, A. B., & Turunen, J.
Job resources are known to be key drivers of work engagement, but surprisingly, little is known about the relative importance of specific job resources in comparison to one another. We investigated the relative importance of eight job resources both cross-sectionally and over a 3-year time period. We hypothesized that job resources at the task level are “universally” important and contribute relatively more to work engagement than other types of job resources. We employed dominance analyses to a large cross-sectional data set (N=11,468 from 87 organizations), focusing specifically on 11 jobs, and to a two-wave data set (N=2,334). Three job resources emerged as the most important both for concurrent and future work engagement across the jobs and samples: skill discretion, job feedback, and team empowerment. Practically, this study suggests that interventions to enhance work engagement could focus on increasing skill discretion and job feedback and on building team empowerment.
Study type
Occupational health
Hakanen, J. J., Bakker, A. B., & Turunen, J. (2021). The relative importance of various job resources for work engagement: A concurrent and follow-up dominance analysis. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 1– 17.
Prevalence and correlates of physical activity among public healthcare workers in Hungary
Rovo, G., Makai, A., Prémusz, V., Baumann, P., Laczkó, T., Betlehem, J., et al.
Background: Due to unfavorable working conditions, health professionals often suffer several psychosomatic and somatic symptoms. Although these symptoms could be relieved by physical activity, their lifestyles are often inadequate. We assessed the physical activity levels of workers in the Hungarian healthcare system through the lens of occupational health. Material and methods: We surveyed the physical activity levels of 285 healthcare workers using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ – Long Form). SPSS 24.0 was used to perform statistical analysis. Results: According to their overall MET/minute/week values, participants were divided into 3 groups based on physical activity levels: insufficient, sufficient, and high physical activity. The most populated activity category was the high physical activity category with a result of 90.68%. Occupational activity accounted for one-third (32.01%) of total activity scores while leisure time activity accounted for 11.52% of total activity. Correlation analysis was carried out focused on Body Mass Index (BMI), age, and physical activity (PA). Only leisure time activity showed a significant correlation (p<0.05). Conclusions: Our research acknowledges that physical activity during working hours with respect to the target group does not contribute to physical activity in leisure time.
Study type
Occupational health
Health care workers
Rovo, G., Makai, A., Prémusz, V., Baumann, P., Laczkó, T., Betlehem, J., et al. (2020). Prevalence and correlates of physical activity among public healthcare workers in Hungary. Health Prob Civil, 14(3), 221-227.
Discrimination, stress, and well-being in the workplace: A comparison of Australian migrant and nonmigrant workers
Satyen, L., & Becerra, A. F.
Research on workplace discrimination and its effects among migrant workers in Australia is limited. This study examined perceived ethnic discrimination in the workplace, levels of occupational stress, and general well-being across Australian migrant and nonmigrant workers with a nationally representative sample of 344 Australian migrant (32%) and nonmigrant (68%) workers. Results showed that migrant workers had higher scores on perceived discrimination and occupational stress, and lower scores on personal well-being. These findings highlight the need to understand the experiences, risks, and needs of culturally diverse workers in Australia to improve their well-being and provide them with culturally relevant support.
Study type
Occupational health
Satyen, L., & Becerra, A. F. (2022). Discrimination, stress, and well-being in the workplace: A comparison of Australian migrant and nonmigrant workers. Journal of Employment Counseling, 00, 1– 11.
Factors associated with burnout among medical laboratory professionals in Ontario, Canada: An exploratory study during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic
Nowrouzi-Kia, B., Dong, J., Gohar, B., Hoad, M.
Objective: The objective of this study was to examine factors associated with burnout among medical laboratory technologists (MLT) in Ontario, Canada during the second wave of coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Methods: We employed a cross-sectional design and used a self-reported questionnaire designed for MLT in Ontario, Canada. Results: There were 441 (47.5% response rate) MLT who were included in the analytic sample. Most of the respondents were women, with a mean age of 43.1 and a standard deviation of 11.7. The prevalence of experiencing burnout was 72.3% for MLT. In the adjusted demographic model, those ≥50 (OR = 0.36, 95% CI: 0.22–0.59) were 0.36 or about one third as likely to experience burnout as those under 50. Similarly, those who held a university degree were less likely to experience burnout compared with high school degree (OR = 0.35, 95% CI: 0.15–0.79). In the adjusted occupational model, high quantitative demands (OR = 2.15, 95% CI: 1.21–3.88), high work pace (OR = 2.21, 95% CI: 1.25–3.98), high job insecurity (OR = 2.56, 95% CI: 1.39– 4.82), high work life conflict (OR = 5.08, 95% CI: 2.75–9.64) and high job satisfaction (OR = 0.43, 95% CI: 0.20–0.88), high self-rated health (OR = 0.32, 95% CI: 0.17–0.56) were significant. Conclusion: This study provides preliminary evidence regarding the factors associated with burnout in MLT. Additional research is needed to understand their relationship with workers health and well-being and in the delivery of health services.
Study type
Occupational health
Laboratory technicians
Nowrouzi-Kia, B., Dong, J., Gohar, B., Hoad, M. (2022). Factors associated with burnout among medical laboratory professionals in Ontario, Canada: An exploratory study during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 1–15.
Facilitating stress prevention in micro and small-sized enterprises: protocol for a mixed method study to evaluate the effectiveness and implementation process of targeted web-based interventions
Engels, M., Boß, L., Engels, J. et al.
Background: Workplace-related stress is a major risk factor for mental and physical health problems and related sickness absence and productivity loss. Despite evidence regarding the effectiveness of different workplace-based interventions, the implementation of stress prevention interventions is rare, especially in micro and small-sized enterprises (MSE) with fewer than 50 employees. The joint research project “PragmatiKK”+ aims to identify and address the specific barriers to the implementation of stress prevention interventions in MSE. This study protocol describes a mixed method study design to evaluate the effectiveness of adapted stress prevention interventions and the implementation process via an integrated web-based platform (“System P”) specifically targeted at MSE. Methods: First, we develop a web-based intervention, which accounts for the specific working conditions in MSE and addresses stress prevention at a structural and behavioral level. Second, we use common methods of implementation research to perform an effect and process evaluation. We analyze the effectiveness of the web-based stress prevention interventions by comparing depressive symptoms at baseline and follow-up (after 6 months and 12 months). Indicators for a successful implementation process include acceptability, adoption, feasibility, reach, dose, and fidelity, which we will measure with quantitative web-based questionnaires and qualitative interviews. We will also analyze the accumulated usage data from the web-based platform. Discussion: Collecting data on the implementation process and the effectiveness of a web-based intervention will help to identify and overcome common barriers to stress prevention in MSE. This can improve the mental health of employees in MSE, which constitute more than 90% of all enterprises in Germany.
Study type
Engels, M., Boß, L., Engels, J. et al. (2022). Facilitating stress prevention in micro and small-sized enterprises: protocol for a mixed method study to evaluate the effectiveness and implementation process of targeted web-based interventions. BMC Public Health, 22, Article number: 591.
Structural equation modeling of the influence of primary school teachers' demographics on their psychosocial work hazards
Ugwuanyi, C. S., Okeke, C. C., & Okeke, C. I. O.
Most workers, especially teachers experience one form of psychosocial work hazards or the other. In the Nigerian context, there is a high prevalence of psychosocial work hazards and no study has been conducted to ascertain the influence of teachers’ demographics on their psychosocial work hazards. This study explored the influence of primary school teachers’ demographics on their psychosocial work hazards using the structural equation modeling approach. Drawing from the tenets of Job-Demand-Control-Support theory, a correlational survey research design was used, using a sample of 254 primary school teachers, and the study was based on a quantitative research approach. The study's data were gathered utilizing a 28-item questionnaire adapted from the 30-item Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire developed by Kristensen and coworkers in 2005. The internal consistency reliability index of the questionnaire items was 0.74. The data were analyzed using a combination of frequency, percentage, chi-square test of independent samples, hierarchical multiple regression analysis, and structural equation modeling. It was revealed that demographic characteristics of teachers correlated with their psychosocial work hazards. However, it was found that only the age and location of the teachers had significant (p < .05) relationships with their psychosocial work hazards. The age and location of the teachers are significant determinants of their psychosocial work hazards. This our findings call for more research on the subject matter as some recent studies have documented that other demographics of teachers had significant relationships with psychosocial work hazards. It was therefore recommended that teachers’ demographics should be considered as important factors in the recruitment of teachers.
Study type
Occupational health
Ugwuanyi, C. S., Okeke, C. C., & Okeke, C. I. O. (2022). Structural equation modeling of the influence of primary school teachers' demographics on their psychosocial work hazards. Journal of Community Psychology, 1– 17.
Assessment of psychosocial work hazards and workplace deviant behaviours of teachers in rural community-based schools
Ede, M. O., Aye, E. N., & Okeke, C. I.
This is a cross-sectional study that assessed the psychosocial work hazards and workplace deviant behaviours of teachers in rural community-based schools. A total of 254 primary school teachers participated in the study. Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) and Work Deviance Behaviour Scale were employed to elicit the teachers' responses. The descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage), and Pearson's correlation (r) statistical analysis were used to analyse the data. The results showed that the primary school teachers experience elements of psychosocial work hazards. It was also indicated that primary school teachers rarely exhibit work deviant behaviours. There is a significant positive relationship between psychosocial work hazards and workplace deviant behaviours of primary school teachers in Enugu State. In conclusion, it was suggested that teachers experience psychosocial work hazards and exhibit workplace deviant behaviours in primary schools in Enugu State Nigeria. Therefore, professionals in workplaces including schools should design practicable interventions that would help to reduce workplace deviance among employees in different works of life. With this, these should be reflected in decision-making and policies implementations to rural communities and beyond.
Study type
Occupational health
Ede, M. O., Aye, E. N., & Okeke, C. I. (2022). Assessment of psychosocial work hazards and workplace deviant behaviours of teachers in rural community-based schools. Journal of Community Psychology, 1– 17.
Job satisfaction in midwives and its association with organisational and psychosocial factors at work: a nation-wide, cross-sectional study
Hansson, M., Dencker, A., Lundgren, I. et al.
Background: Midwives report a challenging work environment globally, with high levels of burnout, insufficient work resources and low job satisfaction. The primary objective of this study was to identify factors in the organisational and psychosocial work environment associated with midwives’ job satisfaction. A secondary objective was to identify differences in how midwives assess the organisational and psychosocial work environment compared to Swedish benchmarks. Methods: This nation-wide, cross-sectional web survey study analysed midwives’ assessment of their organisational and psychosocial work environment using the COPSOQ III instrument. A multivariable, bi-directional, stepwise linear regression was used to identify association with job satisfaction (N = 1747, 99.6% women). A conventional minimal important score difference (MID ± 5 as a noticeable difference with clinical importance) were used to compare midwives’ results with Swedish benchmarks. Results: A multivariable regression model with 13 scales explained the variance in job satisfaction (R2 = .65). Five scales, possibilities for development, quality of work, role conflict, burnout and recognition, explained most of the variance in midwives’ job satisfaction (R2 = .63) and had β values ranging from .23 to .10. Midwives had adverse MID compared to Swedish benchmarks with higher difference in mean values regarding quantitative demands (8.3), work pace (6.0) emotional demand (20.6), role conflicts (7.9) and burnout (8.3). In addition, lower organisational justice (-6.4), self-rated health (-8.8), influence (-13.2) and recognition at work (-5.8). However, variation and meaning of work showed a beneficial difference in mean values with 7.9 and 13.7 respectively. Conclusions: Midwives reported high levels of meaningfulness in their work, and meaningfulness was associated with job satisfaction. However, midwives also reported adversely high demands and a lack of influence and recognition at work and in addition, high role conflict and burnout compared to Swedish benchmarks. The lack of organisational resources are modifiable factors that can be taken into account when structural changes are made regarding organisation of care, management and resource allocation. Midwives are necessary to a high quality sexual, reproductive and perinatal health care. Future studies are needed to investigate if job satisfaction can be improved through professional recognition and development, and if this can reduce turnover in midwives.
Study type
Occupational health
Hansson, M., Dencker, A., Lundgren, I. et al. (2022). Job satisfaction in midwives and its association with organisational and psychosocial factors at work: a nation-wide, cross-sectional study. BMC Health Services Research, 22, 436.
The Swedish HealthPhys Study: Study Description and Prevalence of Clinical Burnout and Major Depression among Physicians
Hagqvist, E., Ekberg, K., Lidwall, U., Nyberg, A., Landstad, B. J., Wilczek, A., Bååthe, F., & Sjöström, M.
Objectives: The study purpose was to describe the Swedish HealthPhys cohort. Using data from the HealthPhys study, we aimed to describe the prevalence of clinical burnout and major depression in a representative sample of Swedish physicians across gender, age, worksite, hierarchical position, and speciality in spring of 2021, during the third wave of the Covid-19 pandemic. Method: The HealthPhys questionnaire was sent to a representative sample of practising physicians (n = 6699) in Sweden in February to May of 2021 with a 41.3% response rate. The questionnaire included validated instruments measuring psychosocial work environment and health including measurements for major depression and clinical burnout. Results: Data from the HealthPhys study showed that among practising physicians in Sweden the prevalence of major depression was 4.8% and clinical burnout was 4.7%. However, the variations across sub-groups of physicians regarding major depression ranged from 0% to 10.1%. For clinical burnout estimates ranged from 1.3% to 14.5%. Emergency physicians had the highest levels of clinical burnout while they had 0% prevalence of major depression. Prevalence of exhaustion was high across all groups of physicians with physicians working in emergency departments, at the highest (28.6%) and anaesthesiologist at the lowest (5.6%). Junior physicians had high levels across all measurements. Conclusions: In conclusion, the first data collection from the HealthPhys study showed that the prevalence of major depression and clinical burnout varies across genders, age, hierarchical position, worksite, and specialty. Moreover, many practising physicians in Sweden experienced exhaustion and were at high risk of burnout.
Study type
Occupational health
Hagqvist, E., Ekberg, K., Lidwall, U., Nyberg, A., Landstad, B. J., Wilczek, A., Bååthe, F., & Sjöström, M. (2022). The Swedish HealthPhys Study: Study Description and Prevalence of Clinical Burnout and Major Depression among Physicians. Chronic Stress.
A cross-sectional study on public health nurses' disaster competencies and influencing factors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Korea
Hong, E., Jung, A. & Woo, K.
Public health nurses are performing various roles during the COVID-19 pandemic: counseling, surveillance, specimen collection, epidemiological investigation, education, and vaccination. This study investigated their disaster competencies in the context of emerging infectious diseases, and identified their influencing factors based on Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory. A convenience sample of 242 was selected from public health nurses working in a metropolitan city of South Korea. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, and multiple regression analysis using the SPSS Statistics ver. 23.0. Results showed that the significant factors influencing disaster competencies included “willingness to respond to a disaster,” “preventive behavior,” “experience of receiving education on emerging infectious diseases response,” “public health center experience,” “job satisfaction,” and “education.” This regression model explained 33.2% of the variance in disaster competencies. “Willingness to respond to a disaster” was the strongest factor affecting disaster competencies. Based on these results, it is concluded that interventions to improve disaster competencies and psychological well-being of public health nurses are needed. Additionally, strategies such as creating a supportive work environment, deploying experienced nurses primarily on the front line, and reducing the tasks of permanent public health nurses should be implemented.
Study type
Occupational health
South Korea
Hong, E., Jung, A. & Woo, K. (2022). A cross-sectional study on public health nurses' disaster competencies and influencing factors during the COVID-19 pandemic in Korea. BMC Public Health, 22, 731.
Association of perceived work pace and physical work demands with occupational accidents: a cross-sectional study of ageing male construction workers in Denmark
Hansen, P.W., Schlünssen, V., Fonager, K. et al.
Background: Occupational accidents continue to be a significant public health challenge worldwide. Construction workers in particular are at high risk of occupational accidents, and thus it is of major importance to identify possible predictors of occupational accidents among construction workers. We aimed to investigate the association between self-reported work pace and physical work demands and occupational accidents among ageing male construction workers in Denmark. Methods: Data on perceived work pace, physical work demands, and occupational accidents was acquired from questionnaires sent to ageing construction workers in Denmark in 2016 as part of the ALFA project (ALdring og Fysisk Arbejde; Ageing and Physical Work). A sample of 1270 Danish male construction workers above 50 years of age was included in the present study. Multiple logistic regression models were applied, with adjustments for age, smoking, body mass index, musculoskeletal disorders, occupation, work experience, and support at work. Results: Of 1270 construction workers, 166 (13.1%) reported an occupational accident within the last 12 months. There was no significant association between perceived work pace and occupational accidents, but physical work demands were associated with higher odds for occupational accidents, with an odds ratio of 2.27 (95% confidence interval 1.26–4.10) for medium physical work demands and 2.62 (95% confidence interval 1.50–4.57) for high physical work demands. Conclusions: Ageing male construction workers with high physical work demands had statistically significant higher odds of having an occupational accident. By contrast, perceived work pace was not associated with occupational accidents in this large cross-sectional study.
Study type
Occupational health
Construction workers
Hansen, P.W., Schlünssen, V., Fonager, K. et al. (2022). Association of perceived work pace and physical work demands with occupational accidents: a cross-sectional study of ageing male construction workers in Denmark. BMC Public Health, 22, 18.
P.0715 Sleep, stress, burnout, and depressive symptoms among healthcare workers from COVID-19 services: findings from a cross-sectional study on psychosocial risks European Neuropsychopharmacology
Gouveia P, Moura P, Lopes D, Henriques A, Pires A.
Study type
Occupational health
Health care workers
Gouveia P, Moura P, Lopes D, Henriques A, Pires A. (2021). P.0715 Sleep, stress, burnout, and depressive symptoms among healthcare workers from COVID-19 services: findings from a cross-sectional study on psychosocial risks European Neuropsychopharmacology. Journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 53, S523-S523.
The Gutenberg health study: a five-year prospective analysis of psychosocial working conditions using COPSOQ (Copenhagen psychosocial questionnaire) and ERI (effort-reward imbalance)
Nuebling, M., Hegewald, J., Starke, K.R. et al.
Background: Psychosocial working conditions were previously analyzed using the first recruitment wave of the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS) cohort (n = 5000). We aimed to confirm the initial analysis using the entire GHS population at baseline (N = 15,010) and at the five-year follow-up. We also aimed to determine the effects of psychosocial working conditions at baseline on self-rated outcomes measured at follow-up. Methods: At baseline, working GHS participants were assessed with either the Effort-Reward-Imbalance questionnaire (ERI) (n = 4358) or with the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) (n = 4322); participants still working after five years received the same questionnaire again (ERI n = 3142; COPSOQ n = 3091). We analyzed the association between working conditions and the outcomes job satisfaction, general health, burnout, and satisfaction with life at baseline, at follow-up and also prospectively from baseline to follow-up using linear regression models. We examined the outcome variance explained by the models (R2) to estimate the predictive performance of the questionnaires. Results: The models’ R2 was comparable to the original baseline analyses at both t0 and t1 (R2 range: ERI 0.10–0.43; COPSOQ 0.10–0.56). However, selected scales of the regression models sometimes changed between assessment times. The prospective analysis showed weaker associations between baseline working conditions and outcomes after five years (R2 range: ERI 0.07–0.19; COPSOQ 0.07–0.24). This was particularly true for job satisfaction. After adjusting for the baseline levels of the outcomes, fewer scales still explained some of the variance in the distribution of the outcome variables at follow-up. The models using only data from t0 or t1 confirmed the previous baseline analysis. We observed a loss of explained variance in the prospective analysis models. This loss was greatest for job satisfaction, suggesting that this outcome is most influenced by short-term working conditions. Conclusions: Both the COPSOQ and ERI instruments show good criterion validity and adequately predict contemporaneously measured self-reported measurements of health and (occupational) well-being. However, the COPSOQ provides a more detailed picture of working conditions and might be preferable for improvment strategies in workplaces. Additional prospective research with shorter follow-up times would be beneficial for estimating dose-response relationships.
Study type
Occupational health
Nuebling, M., Hegewald, J., Starke, K.R. et al. (2022). The Gutenberg health study: a five-year prospective analysis of psychosocial working conditions using COPSOQ (Copenhagen psychosocial questionnaire) and ERI (effort-reward imbalance). BMC Public Health, 22, 24.
Offensive behaviours against school leaders: Prevalence, perpetrators and mediators in Australian government schools
Arnold, B., Rahimi, M., Riley, P.
Offensive behaviour towards school employees is widespread and involves a number of potentially harmful acts. There is evidence that school employees’ experiences of offensive behaviour are shaped by demographic, role and school-based factors that mediate the likelihood of victimisation. However, very few studies have investigated the prevalence and correlates of offensive behaviour against school leaders. This study analysed 13,028 survey responses from the Australia Principal Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing survey that were completed between the years 2011 and 2019. The analysis determined the prevalence of bullying, threats of violence and physical violence against government school leaders, the main perpetrators of these offenses and the moderating effects of key socio-demographic factors. Results from the study demonstrated that considerable proportions of Australian government school leaders were subjected to offensive behaviour with an average (pooled) prevalence of 36.2% for bullying, 48.6% for threats of violence and 38.7% for physical violence. School leaders report that students and parents are responsible for most offensive behaviours, but that colleagues also contribute considerably to incidents of bullying. Our findings illustrate that offensive behaviours against Australian school leaders are very high and that particular groups of school leaders are at elevated risk of victimization, especially female school leaders and to a lesser extent assistant principals and those inner or outer regional areas.
Study type
Occupational health
Arnold, B., Rahimi, M., Riley, P. (2021). Offensive behaviours against school leaders: Prevalence, perpetrators and mediators in Australian government schools. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 1–17.
Building perspective awareness as a workplace practice
Andersson, P., Dellve, L., Gillberg, G. and Lindgren, H.
Purpose: The present study aims to describe the implementation of a facilitated dialogue model intended to improve communication across professional logics and knowledge boundaries in two units of a large health-care organization in Sweden. Design/methodology/approach: This is a mixed-methods study with interviews, field observations and follow- up questionnaires that were conducted during the implementation process. Findings: The conclusion drawn in this study is that it is possible to change and improve the dialogue between health-care professionals with the help of a tailored, facilitated dialogue model. The authors found that different professional logics can indeed meet and share perspectives if the right conditions are provided. Moreover, an improved dialogue between different professional groups may contribute to work satisfaction, engagement, social cohesion and communication between professionals. Practical implications: This study shows that the right organizational conditions, such as support from managers, must exist if the model’s inherent possibilities are to be used. Inhouse facilitation may be a sustainable model for facilitated workplace dialogue when its implementation is supported by the overall organization. Originality/value: The contribution is an empirically based analysis of a new form of model for mediating perspectives within an organization with distinct professional roles. This study shows how, under the right conditions, the model can contribute to a perspective awareness and thus a more mature work organization.
Study type
Health care workers
Andersson, P., Dellve, L., Gillberg, G. and Lindgren, H. (2022). Building perspective awareness as a workplace practice. Journal of Workplace Learning, Vol. 34 No. 4, 373-387.
Do good psychosocial working conditions prolong working lives? Findings from a prospective study in Sweden
Stengård, J., Leineweber, C., Virtanen, M. et al.
Due to an ageing population, governments in European countries are striving to keep older workers longer in the workforce. Remarkably few studies have paid attention to the influence of psychosocial working conditions on timing of retirement for older workers in and beyond normative retirement age. The aim of the present study was to examine whether good psychosocial working conditions contribute to prolonged working lives among older workers (59 years and above). A particular question was whether such conditions increase in importance with age. Seven waves (2006–2018) of the Swedish Longitudinal Occupational Survey of Health (SLOSH) were used (N = 6000, observations = 10,632). Discrete-time event history analyses showed that higher levels of job resources (decision authority [OR 1.13, 95% CI 1.06–1.22], skill use [OR 1.17, 95% CI 1.07–1.29], learning opportunities [OR 1.22, 95% CI 1.13–1.31], social support [OR 1.29 (95% CI 1.16–1.42], work-time control [OR 1.07, 95% CI 1.01–1.13], and reward [OR 1.40, 95% CI 1.24–1.57])—but not lower levels of job demands (quantitative and emotional demands or effort)—were associated with working longer (continued work two years later). Also, low effort-reward imbalance (OR 0.84 [95% CI 0.73–0.96]) was associated with working longer. In addition, skill use, work-time control, reward, and low effort-reward imbalance increased in importance with age for continued work. These results suggest that providing older workers with control over their work tasks, giving opportunities for learning and using their skills, as well as rewarding and acknowledging their achievements, may keep them in the workforce longer. Especially, job resources may grow in importance with age.
Study type
Occupational health
Stengård, J., Leineweber, C., Virtanen, M. et al. (2021). Do good psychosocial working conditions prolong working lives? Findings from a prospective study in Sweden. European Journal of Ageing.
Gender Differences in the Work and Home Spheres for Teachers, and Longitudinal Associations with Depressive Symptoms in a Swedish Cohort
Stengård, J., Mellner, C., Toivanen, S. et al.
The high level of stress among teachers is a frequently reported problem globally but less is known about how demands and resources among teachers affect depressive symptoms, and to what extent gender differences in these conditions can explain potential differences in depressive symptoms. The present study investigated gender differences in teachers’ self-reported depressive symptoms, and differences in their demands and resources in both work and home spheres. Associations between demands and resources, respectively, and depressive symptoms as well as gender differences in these associations were examined. Results from univariate and parallel growth modelling (N = 1,022), using data from six time points (2008 to 2018), found higher levels of depressive symptoms, higher emotional and quantitative work demands, and more time doing unpaid work among female teachers, whereas male teachers reported more time on leisure activities. Emotional and quantitative work demands were associated with depressive symptoms at baseline, and these associations also developed in parallel over time. Leisure time had a negative association with depressive symptoms at baseline. There were no gender differences in the strength of these associations. Findings suggest that gender differences in teachers’ depressive symptoms could be attributable to women’s greater demands in the work sphere and fewer resources in the home sphere than men as opposed to their being more vulnerable to workplace stressors.
Study type
Occupational health
Stengård, J., Mellner, C., Toivanen, S. et al. (2022). Gender Differences in the Work and Home Spheres for Teachers, and Longitudinal Associations with Depressive Symptoms in a Swedish Cohort. Sex Roles, 86, 159–178.
Exploring systematic and unsystematic change of dynamic leader behaviours: a weekly diary study on the relation between instrumental leadership, stress, and health change
Poethke, U., Klasmeier, K.N., Diebig, M.
Diary studies in the leadership literature have linked leader behaviours to several outcomes of followers. As a side effect, they demonstrated that leaders show a certain degree of dynamism of their behaviours across time. Building on conservation of resources theory, we put leader dynamism and its influence on followers into focus and develop a theoretical model integrating two forms of dynamic instrumental leadership – systematic and unsystematic leadership change – to explore how these two forms of leadership dynamism are related to linear change of followers’ stress and health over time. It is also tested whether these relationships are moderated by workload change. We collected data from 234 employees over nine weeks (N = 2,327 measurement points) in a weekly diary study. Results showed that systematic instrumental leadership change was positively related to health change, but not to stress change. Unsystematic instrumental leadership change was neither related to linear change in stress nor health. Different forms of workload change moderated the relation between both components of leadership change with stress and health. Our work provides answers to detrimental effects of dynamic leader behaviours on health-related follower outcomes over time by highlighting the dynamism of these relationships.
Study type
Occupational health
No information
Poethke, U., Klasmeier, K.N., Diebig, M. (2021). Exploring systematic and unsystematic change of dynamic leader behaviours: a weekly diary study on the relation between instrumental leadership, stress, and health change. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.
Occupational Profile, Psychosocial Aspects, and Work Ability of Brazilian Workers During COVID-19 Pandemic: IMPPAC Cohort
Andrade, M. A., Castro, C., Batistão, M. V., Mininel, V. A., & Sato, T. O.
Background: The IMPPAC cohort (Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic on psychosocial aspects and work ability among Brazilian workers) seeks to understand the impact of the pandemic on Brazilian workers. This article describes the occupational profile, psychosocial aspects, and work ability determined during the baseline and follow-up measurements of the cohort. Methods: Workers were invited to participate through media advertisements, social networks, and e-mails. From June to September 2020, 1211 workers were included in the cohort. Follow-up measurements finished on October 2021 with 633 workers. Data were collected through standardized questionnaires using Google Forms. Psychosocial aspects were assessed using the COPSOQ II-Br. Work ability was assessed using the Work Ability Index (WAI). Results: At baseline and follow-up, high proportion of workers were in the risk zone with regard to work pace, emotional work demands, influence on work, work-family conflict, burnout, and stress. Approximately 75% of the workers reported good to excellent work ability at baseline and follow-up. Conclusion: The occupational profile, psychosocial aspects, and work ability of Brazilian workers from the IMPPAC cohort were described. Psychosocial aspects and WAI were similar at baseline and follow-up.
Study type
Occupational health
Andrade, M. A., Castro, C., Batistão, M. V., Mininel, V. A., & Sato, T. O. (2022). Occupational Profile, Psychosocial Aspects, and Work Ability of Brazilian Workers During COVID-19 Pandemic: IMPPAC Cohort. Safety and health at work, 13(1), 104–111.
Does social support at home moderate the association between social support at work and work functioning among cancer patients?
Schallig, M.M.T., Bültmann, U., Ranchor, A.V. et al.
Purpose: The aims of this study were to examine (1) the longitudinal associations of supervisor and colleague social support with work functioning in cancer patients who have returned to work and (2) the moderating role of social support at home. Methods: Data from the longitudinal Work Life after Cancer study were used (n = 384). Work functioning (low versus moderate to high work functioning) was measured with the validated Work Role Functioning Questionnaire 2.0. Social support at work was measured from both supervisor and colleagues with the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire. Social support at home was measured with the Social Support List-Discrepancies. Logistic generalized estimating equations were used to analyse associations between supervisor and colleague social support and work functioning, and to examine the possible moderating effect of social support at home. Results: More supervisor (OR: 1.21; 95% CI: 1.10, 1.32) and colleague (1.13; 1.03, 1.24) social support were significantly associated with moderate to high work functioning. The association between colleague social support and work functioning was attenuated for those who did not experience enough social support at home but remained almost significant for supervisor social support (1.17; 1.00, 1.37). Conclusions: Supervisor social support is associated with better work functioning regardless of social support at home, while colleague social support is only associated with better work functioning when cancer patients experience enough social support at home. Implications for Cancer Survivors: Occupational physicians may play a key role in creating awareness that social support at work and at home are beneficial for cancer patients’ work functioning.
Study type
Occupational health
Schallig, M.M.T., Bültmann, U., Ranchor, A.V. et al. (2021). Does social support at home moderate the association between social support at work and work functioning among cancer patients?. Journal of Cancer Survivorship.
Psychosocial Risk Factors on Mining Workers Processing Copper and Gold Minerals during Covid-19 Pandemic
Lestari, K. S., Muhamad, A. F., Susanto, A., Putro, E. K., Wilmot, J. C., Savira, Y. M., Listiarini, A., Zulfakar, D., & Sunarno, S. D. A. M.
Introduction: In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, psychosocial issues as part of health and safety have become a popular mental health issue, particularly among gold and copper miners. This situation has led some companies to fire their unskilled and unproductive workers to minimize the production costs. However, there is no specific regulation for the workers that could be a barrier of this unpredicted situation. This condition mostly becomes a negative stressor for the workers at the jobsite. At some point, it develops to a critical health and safety condition known as risky and unhealthy behavior that brings to fatality. The aim of this research is to analyze the psychosocial risk factors that adversely affect the psychology of copper and gold mining workers during the pandemic. Method: This is a cross-sectional study with COPSOQ III, used to identify factors contributing to workers’ psychology, while Dolan & Arsenault’s questionnaire was used to analyze stress symptoms, with a Cronbach α value of 0.83-0.84. Results: Multivariate tests were conducted on the variables of work experience, body mass index, marital status, emotional demands, vertical trust, and organizational justice. Significance values were obtained for the variables of work experience (0.590 body mass index (0.517), marital status (0.122), emotional demands (0.187), vertical trust (0.000), and organizational justice (0.119). Of the six variables, only vertical trusthad a significant value. Conclusion: Psychological risk factors on copper and gold mining workers during the pandemic are only influenced by a vertical trust.
Study type
Occupational health
Mining workers
Lestari, K. S., Muhamad, A. F., Susanto, A., Putro, E. K., Wilmot, J. C., Savira, Y. M., Listiarini, A., Zulfakar, D., & Sunarno, S. D. A. M. (2021). Psychosocial Risk Factors on Mining Workers Processing Copper and Gold Minerals during Covid-19 Pandemic. The Indonesian Journal Of Occupational Safety and Health, 10(3), 309–315.
Technostress and Digital Competence Among Health Professionals in Swiss Psychiatric Hospitals: Cross-sectional Study
Golz, C., Peter, K.A., Müller, T.J., Mutschler, J., Zwakhalen, S.M.G., Hahn, S.
Background: Psychiatric hospitals are becoming increasingly digitized because of the disruptive rise in technical possibilities. This digitization leads to new tasks and demands for health professionals, which can have an impact on technostress. It is unclear whether digital competence reduces technostress and how technostress affects health professionals’ mental and physical health. Objective: This study aims to assess the association between digital competence and technostress, considering individual characteristics and the association between technostress and long-term consequences for health professionals. Methods: Cross-sectional data from 3 Swiss psychiatric hospitals were analyzed using multiple linear regression. The dependent variables for the models were digital competence, technostress, and long-term consequences (intention to leave the organization or the profession, burnout symptoms, job satisfaction, general health status, quality of sleep, headaches, and work ability). One model was calculated for each long-term consequence. The mean scores for technostress and digital competence could range between 0 (fully disagree) and 4 (fully agree), where a high value for technostress indicated high technostress and a high value for digital competence indicated high digital competence. Results: The sample comprised 493 health professionals in psychiatric hospitals. They rated their technostress as moderate (mean 1.30, SD 0.55) and their digital competence as high (mean 2.89, SD 0.73). Digital competence was found to be significantly associated with technostress (β=−.20; P<.001). Among the individual characteristics, age (β=.004; P=.03) and profession were significantly associated with both digital competence and technostress. Technostress is a relevant predictor of burnout symptoms (β=10.32; P<.001), job satisfaction (β=−6.08; P<.001), intention to leave the profession (β=4.53; P=.002), organization (β=7.68; P<.001), general health status (β=−4.47; P<.001), quality of sleep (β=−5.87; P<.001), headaches (β=6.58; P<.001), and work ability (β=−1.40; P<.001). Conclusions: Physicians and nurses who have more interaction with digital technologies rate their technostress higher and their digital competence lower than those in other professions. Health professionals with low interaction with digital technologies appear to overestimate their digital competence. With increasing digitization in psychiatric hospitals, an increase in the relevance of this topic is expected. Educational organizations and psychiatric hospitals should proactively promote the digital competence of health professionals to manage expected disruptive changes.
Study type
Occupational health
Health care workers
Golz, C., Peter, K.A., Müller, T.J., Mutschler, J., Zwakhalen, S.M.G., Hahn, S. (2021). Technostress and Digital Competence Among Health Professionals in Swiss Psychiatric Hospitals: Cross-sectional Study. JMIR Ment Health, 8(11, e31408.
COPSOQ III in Germany: validation of a standard instrument to measure psychosocial factors at work
Lincke, HJ., Vomstein, M., Lindner, A. et al.
Background: Over the last almost 20 years COPSOQ (Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire) has become a well-established instrument to measure psychosocial stress at work. In Germany, a first validated version of COPSOQ was introduced in 2005. After the COPSOQ international network took over responsibility for the development of COPSOQ, a new version was published in 2019 (COPSOQ III). The German version of this questionnaire is now to be validated. Methods: Measurement qualities of German COPSOQ III are explored in adherence to the to the usual requirements of a validation study as defined by DIN EN ISO 10075-3. A sample of observations from more than 250,000 participants surveyed with the COPSOQ in Germany is used for univariate and multivariate statistical analysis. Results: With its 84 items the German COPSOQ III includes all psychosocial work factors that are internationally obligatory and is still compatible with almost 70% of the content in the 2005 German version. Typical psychometric properties of the questionnaire (e. g., validity and reliability) are either good or very good for most of the 84 items and 31 scales. Beyond basic results, congruences with widely used theoretical approaches like the Demand-Control(−Support) model or the Job Demands-Resources model are generally satisfactory. Conclusions: With the launch of COPSOQ III in Germany, new workplace psychosocial aspects could be explored. Like the preceding version, the questionnaire is a highly useful instrument for research as well as for risk assessment in enterprises. COSPQO III covers a multitude of theoretical approaches and gives comprehensive information on psychosocial working conditions to deduce actions for their improvement.
Lincke, HJ., Vomstein, M., Lindner, A. et al. (2021). COPSOQ III in Germany: validation of a standard instrument to measure psychosocial factors at work. Journal of Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, 16, 50.
An approach to employees’ job performance through work environmental variables and leadership behaviours
López-Cabarcos, M.A., Vázquez-Rodríguez, P., Quiñoá-Piñeiro, L.M.
This study examines how the combined effects of work environmental factors and leadership behaviours lead to the presence (or absence) of industrial employees job performance by applying fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). A sample composed of supervisor-subordinate dyads was used to test the propositions of this study. The results show that the most important variables are transformational leadership and social support. Employee empowerment and task significance seem to play a secondary role in leading to employee job performance. These findings support the need for managers to use positive leadership to manage human resources. This paper contributes to the advancement of the knowledge of employee job performance through the identification of the combinations of conditions that can lead to the presence or absence of this important organizational outcome. Directions for future studies are commented on at the end of the paper.
Study type
Occupational health
Industrial workers
López-Cabarcos, M.A., Vázquez-Rodríguez, P., Quiñoá-Piñeiro, L.M. (2022). An approach to employees’ job performance through work environmental variables and leadership behaviours. Journal of Business Research, 140, 361-369.
Informal care-giving and the intention to give up employment: the role of perceived supervisor behaviour in a cohort of German employees
Montano, D., Peter, R.
Current social policies in the European Union addressing employment, retirement and long-term care are expected to result in increasing employment rates among informal carers. The present investigation contributes to previous research by focusing on how specific work-related factors, in this case supervisor behaviour, may facilitate the fulfilment of the demands arising from paid work and care and ultimately influence the desire to give up employment. To this end, population data from the German Cohort Study on Work, Age, Health and Work Participation conducted in 2011 and 2014 are analysed (n = 3916). Three research hypotheses investigating the associations between care-giving, supervisor behaviour, the intention to give up employment and work-private-life conflict are tested by means of cumulative link models. The results suggest that the intention to give up employment is stronger among employed carers. In addition, the perception that one’s supervisor is considerate towards subordinates and is effective in planning, coordinating work and solving conflicts is found to be negatively related to the desire to give up employment, especially among carers. The statistical analyses reveal that supervisor behaviour mediates the association between the level of work-private-life conflict and the intention to give up employment. It is concluded that the working conditions may exert a substantial influence on the levels of psychosocial load carers experience by facilitating or hindering the extent to which carers are allowed to accommodate their work schedules and job assignments to the conflicting demands of their dual role as workers and carers.
Study type
Occupational health
Montano, D., Peter, R. (2021). Informal care-giving and the intention to give up employment: the role of perceived supervisor behaviour in a cohort of German employees. Eur J Ageing.
Migrant domestic workers' character strengths and the role of work-related factors: A strengths-based perspective
Nalipay, M.J.N., King, R.B., Garabiles, M.R., Capio, C.M. and Yeung, S.S.S.
Most studies on migrant domestic workers (MDW) focus on their problems and vulnerabilities, whereas not much is known about their positive attributes and character strengths. Hence, this study intends to deviate from the usual deficit-based view of MDW, which portrays them as victims, to a strengths-based perspective, which highlights their character strengths. In this study, we examined MDW's character strengths (i.e. positive human attributes that contribute to the thriving of oneself and others) and work-related factors associated with it. The participants of the study were 631 Filipino female MDW in Hong Kong. We examined how work-related factors (employer support and working conditions) predicted different character strength domains (courage, humanity, justice, moderation, transcendence and wisdom) through strengths use. Results of structural equation modelling revealed that employer support consistently predicted all six domains of character strengths through increased strengths use. These findings highlight the important role of employer support on MDW's character strengths. More importantly, it can raise critical awareness on MDW's strengths and well-being, and provide a platform for future strengths-based programmes and policies.
Study type
Occupational health
Hong Kong
Domestic workers
Nalipay, M.J.N., King, R.B., Garabiles, M.R., Capio, C.M. and Yeung, S.S.S. (2022). Migrant domestic workers' character strengths and the role of work-related factors: A strengths-based perspective. Int J Psychol.
A Mixed Methods Analysis of Case Manager Stress at A Homelessness Services Center
Twis, M., Petrovich, J., Cronley, C., Nordberg, A., Woody, D.
Purpose: Extant literature has demonstrated connections between workplace environment and worker stress, as well as between worker stress and direct service provision. Current research on direct service provision to people experiencing homelessness, however, has not established a clear association between the workplace environment and the quality of direct services provided to clients receiving case management. This study extends the existing research by establishing connections between all of these constructs, specifically within the context of case management services to people experiencing homelessness. Method: For this mixed methods study, the authors sampled 16 case managers providing direct services to people experiencing homelessness in one homelessness services organization (HSO) in a large metropolitan area. Through focus group interviews and web-based surveys, the authors collected data on the workplace environment, worker stress, and direct service provision. The authors then analyzed the data using a concurrent nested approach for mixed methods analysis. Results: The results of this study suggest that case managers in homelessness HSOs often experience a stressful workplace environment due to workplace cultural norms, inefficient processes, and high expectations placed upon them by both clients and administrators. The stressful workplace environment can interact with client trauma to produce secondary traumatic stress in direct service providers, which then influences client-case manager rapport development. Discussion: Study findings point toward specific policies and practices that homelessness HSOs ought to adopt in order to mitigate case managers’ workplace stress and secondary traumatic stress, and negative influences of these stressors on rapport development between case managers and clients experiencing homelessness.
Study type
Occupational health
United States of America
Twis, M., Petrovich, J., Cronley, C., Nordberg, A., Woody, D. (2021). A Mixed Methods Analysis of Case Manager Stress at A Homelessness Services Center. Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work, 19:1, 19-41.
Online teaching in radiology as a pilot model for modernizing medical education: results of an international study in cooperation with the ESR
Stoehr, F., Müller, L., Brady, A.P. et al.
Background: Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), it proved necessary to rapidly change medical education from on-site to online teaching. Thus, medical educators were forced to rethink the purpose of teaching and the best form of transmission of knowledge. In cooperation with the European Society of Radiology (ESR), we investigated the attitudes of radiologists in Europe and North America toward innovative online teaching concepts. Methods: In total, 224 radiologists from 31 different countries participated in our cross-sectional, web-based survey study. On a 7-point Likert scale, participants had to answer 27 questions about the online teaching situation before/during the pandemic, technical and social aspects of online teaching and the future role of online teaching in radiology. Results: An overwhelming majority stated that radiology is particularly well-suited for online teaching (91%), that online teaching should play a more prominent role after the pandemic (73%) and that lecturers should be familiar with online teaching techniques (89%). Difficulties include a higher workload in preparing online courses (59%), issues with motivating students to follow online courses (56%) and the risk of social isolation (71%). Before the pandemic, only 12% of teaching was provided online; for the future, our participants deemed a proportion of approximately 50% online teaching appropriate. Conclusion: Our participants are open-minded about online teaching in radiology. As the best way of transferring knowledge in medical education is still unclear, online teaching offers potential for innovation in radiology education. To support online teaching development, a structured, framework-based “online curriculum” should be established.
Study type
Occupational health
Stoehr, F., Müller, L., Brady, A.P. et al. (2021). Online teaching in radiology as a pilot model for modernizing medical education: results of an international study in cooperation with the ESR. Insights Imaging, 12, 141.
The effects of psychological risk factors at work on cognitive failures through the accident proneness
Abbasi, M., Falahati, M., Kaydani, M. et al.
Background: Various agents such as psychosocial items and accident proneness can affect cognitive failures through different paths. The probable paths are the direct effects of workplace psychosocial items on cognitive failures and their indirect effects on cognitive failures through the mediator variable of accident proneness, which has not yet been studied by others. Thus, the present study aimed to investigate these paths. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 164 male employees of Karoon Sugar Company in 2018. The participants were asked to complete a background and demographic questionnaire, Broadbent cognitive failures scale, accident proneness questionnaire, and Copenhagen psychosocial questionnaire. Obtained data were analyzed and modeled using the statistical descriptive method, ANOVA, independent t-test, Pearson correlation test, and path analysis in the SPSS and AMOS software. Results: The results of the path analysis showed that, not only, some psychosocial risk items had a significant direct effect on cognitive failures, but also, they could affect cognitive failures through the accident proneness, indirectly. Work-family conflict and social support from supervisors by coefficients of 0.188 and – 0.187 had the highest direct effects, respectively. The highest indirect effects belonged to justice and respect, and work-family conflict by coefficients of - 0.220 and 0.199, respectively. The highest total effects were also related to the work-family conflict and justice and respect by coefficients of 0.387 and – 0.381, respectively. Conclusions: In total, our results showed that some psychological items could, directly and indirectly, increase cognitive failure through accident proneness.
Study type
Occupational health
Industrial workers
Abbasi, M., Falahati, M., Kaydani, M. et al. (2021). The effects of psychological risk factors at work on cognitive failures through the accident proneness. BMC Psychol, 9, 162.
Multi-level analysis of individual and work environment factors associated with nurses' perceived emotional exhaustion
Clari, M., Gonella, S., Gatti, P., Garzaro, G., Paleologo, M., Cortese, C. G., & Dimonte, V.
Background: Several factors at the individual- and work environment-level were suggested to correlate with emotional exhaustion development in nurses. Aim: To explore nurses' perceived emotional exhaustion and associated factors by employing hierarchical modelling techniques. Methods: 1539 nurses completed the cross-sectional survey. Generalized Linear Mixed Model was performed to identify predictors of emotional exhaustion. Results: At the individual level, female gender, high workload and emotional job demands increased the risk of emotional exhaustion; instead, higher education, satisfaction with the role of follower, perceiving nursing profession as meaningful, feeling independent at work, and group closeness were protective factors. At the work environment level, hospital ward type did not affect emotional exhaustion. Conclusions: Emotional exhaustion is largely influenced by ward culture and organizational policies, and to a lower extent by socio-demographic variables. Moreover, it emerges as an intrinsic risk of the nursing profession rather than being associated with the clinical area profile.
Study type
Occupational health
Clari, M., Gonella, S., Gatti, P., Garzaro, G., Paleologo, M., Cortese, C. G., & Dimonte, V. (2021). Multi-level analysis of individual and work environment factors associated with nurses' perceived emotional exhaustion. Applied nursing research, 63, 151514.
Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the short version of COPSOQ II-Brazil
Gonçalves, J. S., Moriguchi, C. S., Chaves, T. C., & Sato, T. O.
Objectives: Translate and culturally adapt the short version of Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II (COPSOQ II) into Brazilian Portuguese (COPSOQ II-Br) and evaluate its psychometric properties. Methods: Translation and cultural adaptation followed the standardized guidelines. Structural validity was assessed using exploratory factorial analysis. Test-retest reliability was evaluated by intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC3,1) and internal consistency by Cronbach’s alpha. Floor and ceiling effect was considered acceptable if less than 15% of participants reported the lowest or highest scores. Measurement error was assessed by standard error of measurement (SEM), while construct validity was tested by correlating the COPSOQ II-Br, the Job Content Questionnaire and the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire. Results: The study evaluated a total of 211 civil servants and service providers in the test and 157 in the retest. After cross-cultural adaptation, the COPSOQ II-Br structure comprised seven domains and 11 dimensions. Most dimensions showed acceptable floor and ceiling effects, excepting “Work family conflicts” (floor effect of 26.1%), and “Meaning and commitment” and “Job satisfaction,” with ceiling floor of 27.5% and 22.3%, respectively. Cronbach’s alpha values reached the recommended levels (varied between 0.70 and 0.87). Test-retest reliability indicated that all dimensions had ICC between 0.71 and 0.81. SEM ranged from 0.6 to 2.2 and the construct validity showed good results with the tested instruments (significant positive and negative correlations). Conclusions: All psychometric properties of the short version COPSOQ II-Br are suitable for use in Brazil. The instrument is thus validated and can be used by occupational health and human resources professionals to evaluate psychosocial working conditions.
Study type
Civil servants
Gonçalves, J. S., Moriguchi, C. S., Chaves, T. C., & Sato, T. O. (2021). Cross-cultural adaptation and psychometric properties of the short version of COPSOQ II-Brazil. Revista de saude publica, 55, 69.
Supporting participation in paid work of cancer survivors and their partners in the Netherlands: protocol of the SusTained Employability in cancer Patients and their partnerS (STEPS) multi-centre randomized controlled trial and cohort study
Zegers, A.D., Coenen, P., Bültmann, U. et al.
Background: Many cancer survivors experience physical and/or psychosocial problems affecting return to work (RTW) and work retention. Current interventions on RTW lack evidence regarding effectiveness, while interventions for work retention are missing. Partners of cancer survivors may also experience work- and health-related outcomes; yet, these consequences are not well understood. Here, the protocol of the STEPS study is described. The study aims are to: 1) evaluate the (cost-)effectiveness of a rehabilitation program for RTW and work retention in cancer survivors, and 2) assess health- and work-related outcomes among cancer survivors’ partners. Methods: In a multicentre Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT), 236 working-age cancer survivors with an employment contract will be randomly allocated to a usual care group or an intervention group receiving a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program, combining occupational therapy facilitating work retention (e.g., energy management and self-efficacy training) and reintegration consultation addressing work-related issues (e.g., RTW planning and discussing workplace or task modifications with the supervisor). Alongside the RCT, a prospective cohort study will be conducted among cancer survivors’ partners (n = 267). Participants in the RCT and cohort study will be asked to complete questionnaires at baseline, and after six and 12 months, assessing work- and health-related outcomes. Generalized estimating equations will be used to assess intervention’s effectiveness, compared to usual care, regarding primary (i.e., working hours per week) and secondary outcomes. Also economic and process evaluations will be performed. For the cohort study, logistic or linear regression modelling will be applied assessing work- and health-related outcomes (primary outcome: working hours) of cancer survivors’ partners, and what factors predict these outcomes. Results: The study is planned to start in September 2021; results are expected in 2023. Conclusion: Compared to usual care, the STEPS intervention is hypothesized to be (cost-)effective and the intervention could be a valuable addition to standard care helping cancer survivors to sustain employment. Further, it is expected that living with a cancer survivor has a substantial impact on work and health of partners, while specific groups of partners that are at particular risk for this impact are likely to be identified. Trial registration: Dutch Trial Register (NTR;NL9094; 15-12-2020).
Study type
Zegers, A.D., Coenen, P., Bültmann, U. et al. (2021). Supporting participation in paid work of cancer survivors and their partners in the Netherlands: protocol of the SusTained Employability in cancer Patients and their partnerS (STEPS) multi-centre randomized controlled trial and cohort study. BMC Public Health, 21, 1844.
An internet-based compassion course for healthcare professionals: Rationale and protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Bratt, A. S., Johansson, M., Holmberg, M., Fagerström, C., Elmqvist, C., Rusnergh, M., Kaldoai, V.
Background: Severe stress is one of the most common causes of sick leave in Sweden. Previous research has shown that compassion interventions for healthcare professionals can decrease work-related stress through the introduction of self-care, self-awareness, and emotion regulation abilities when experiencing difficult situations. Internet-based stress management interventions have hitherto shown promising results in reducing stress. However, further research is needed to examine the effectiveness of internet-based compassion interventions for healthcare professionals. Objective: In the present study protocol, a randomised controlled trial is described, aiming to examine the effects of an internet-based compassion course for healthcare professionals on work-related stress and stress of conscience. Method: Healthcare professionals will be offered an internet-based stress management course of five modules across a period of five weeks. The design is a randomised controlled study consisting of three groups enrolled in one of the following: a compassion course (n = 120), a cognitive behavioural stress management course (n = 120), or placed on a waitlist followed by either the compassion course or the cognitive behavioural stress management course (n = 36). We hypothesise that the internet-based compassion course would reduce the participants’ stress of conscience to a greater degree compared to the other two groups. The secondary hypothesis is that the compassion course would increase the participants’ professional quality of life (i.e., higher job satisfaction and lower empathy fatigue) and self-compassion. In addition, the internet-based compassion course is expected to reduce the participants’ work-related stress and sick leave rates to the same degree (non-inferiority) as the cognitive behavioural stress management course and to a higher degree when compared to the waitlist condition. The primary outcome measure is the Stress of Conscience Questionnaire (SCQ) and the secondary outcome measures are the Professional Quality of Life Scale (PROQOL), the Work-related Stress Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ), and the Self-compassion Scale (SCS). Assessments will be performed at baseline, four weekly assessments during treatment, post-treatment (5 weeks), and follow-ups at 10 weeks, 15 weeks, and 6 months. The repeated measures data will be analysed using a generalised estimating equation for repeated measurements to examine whether changes over time differ between the groups and whether the improvements persist over time. Discussion: The clinical trial is expected to provide novel data on the effects of compassion interventions and add to the existing knowledge of internet-based interventions for stress management in healthcare professionals.
Study type
Health care workers
Bratt, A. S., Johansson, M., Holmberg, M., Fagerström, C., Elmqvist, C., Rusnergh, M., Kaldoai, V. (2021). An internet-based compassion course for healthcare professionals: Rationale and protocol for a randomised controlled trial. Internet Interventions.
Psychosocial Working Conditions Play an Important Role in the Return-to-Work Process After Total Knee and Hip Arthroplasty
Kamp, T., Brouwer, S., Hylkema, T.H. et al.
Purpose: Both personal and work-related factors affect return to work (RTW) after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) and total hip arthroplasty (THA). Little is known about work-related factors associated with the recovery process. This study aimed to determine which work-related factors are associated with time to RTW for both TKA and THA patients. Methods: A prospective multicenter survey study was conducted that included patients aged 18–63, had a paid job and were scheduled to undergo primary TKA/THA. Surveys were completed preoperatively, 6 weeks, and 3, 6, and 12 months postoperatively, and included four domains of work-related factors: work characteristics, physical working conditions, psychosocial working conditions and work adjustments. Control variables included age, sex, education, and comorbidity. Time to RTW was defined as days from surgery until RTW. Multivariate linear regression analyses were conducted separately for TKA/THA patients. Results: Enrolled were 246 patients (n = 146 TKA, n = 100 THA, median age 56 years, 57% female). Median time to RTW was 79 days (IQR 52.0–146.0). Mainly physical tasks (TKA: B 58.2, 95%CI 9.5–106.8; THA: B 52.1, 95%CI 14.1–90.2) and a combination of physical and mental tasks (TKA: B 50.2, 95%CI 6.4–94.0; THA B 54.0, 95%CI 24.2–83.7) were associated with longer time to RTW after both TKA and THA. More possibilities for personal job development (B − 12.8, 95%CI − 25.3–0.4) and more work recognition (B − 13.2, 95%CI − 25.5 to − 0.9) were significantly associated with shorter time to RTW after TKA. Higher quality of supervisor leadership (B − 14.1, 95%CI − 22.2 to − 6.0) was significantly associated with shorter time to RTW after THA. Conclusion: The findings of this study stress the importance of psychosocial working conditions, besides type of job tasks, in RTW after TKA/THA. Further research on work-related factors is needed, as arthroplasty is being performed on an increasingly younger population of knee and hip OA patients for whom participating in work is of critical importance.
Study type
Occupational health
Kamp, T., Brouwer, S., Hylkema, T.H. et al. (2021). Psychosocial Working Conditions Play an Important Role in the Return-to-Work Process After Total Knee and Hip Arthroplasty. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation.
Job quality trajectories among baby-boomers in Germany and their consequences for the motivation to work – results from the lidA cohort study
Stiller, M., Garthe, N., & Hasselhorn, H.
In light of a large proportion of older workers leaving the German labour market in the near future, policy makers aim to extend working lives to ensure sustainability of the social security system. In this context, safe and healthy working conditions are considered a precondition for encouraging employment participation. To understand better the role of the work environment in pre-retirement years, we draw upon an established model of five job quality profiles for the German ageing workforce. We explored seven-year profile development and linked selected manual and non-manual job quality trajectories to the motivation to work (MTW) using data from the 2011, 2014 and 2018 assessments of the lidA cohort study (valid N = 2,863). We found that older workers shifted to physically less-demanding profiles. Individual profile stability was prevalent among one-third of the workers. In 2018, there was a higher MTW when job quality remained favourable or improved early, while later improvements were associated with lower MTW. Early deterioration of job quality was associated with lower MTW levels among workers with non-manual trajectories only. The results highlight the dynamic job quality situation of the older German workforce and the importance of adopting a person-centred perspective when investigating working conditions and its effects. They further underline the need to consider quality of work when designing and implementing strategies to extend working lives.
Study type
Occupational health
Stiller, M., Garthe, N., & Hasselhorn, H. (2021). Job quality trajectories among baby-boomers in Germany and their consequences for the motivation to work – results from the lidA cohort study. Ageing and Society, 1-23.
Longitudinal Reciprocal Relationships Between the Psychosocial Work Environment and Burnout
Shahidi, F. V., Smith, P. M., Oudyk, J. MSc., Gignac, M. A.M.
Objective: To examine longitudinal reciprocal relationships between the psychosocial work environment and burnout. Methods: We used two-wave cross-lagged panel models to estimate associations between a wide range of psychosocial work factors (ie, job demands, job control, job insecurity, coworker support, supervisor support, and organizational justice) and burnout in a broadly representative sample of the general working population in Canada (n = 453). Results: Bidirectional associations between the psychosocial work environment and burnout were observed. Results supported the causal predominance of psychosocial work factors over burnout. Higher job demands, lower job control, higher job insecurity, and lower organizational justice predicted burnout over time. Burnout only predicted lower supervisor support over time. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that stress at work is better understood as a cause rather than a consequence of burnout in the general working population. Our findings highlight the importance of the psychosocial work environment as a structural determinant of burnout. To fully realize their potential benefits, workplace mental health interventions should consider and explicitly address the role that adverse psychosocial working conditions play in the development and maintenance of mental health problems.
Study type
Occupational health
Shahidi, F. V., Smith, P. M., Oudyk, J. MSc., Gignac, M. A.M. (2022). Longitudinal Reciprocal Relationships Between the Psychosocial Work Environment and Burnout. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 64(3), 226-235.
The Show Must Go On. The Effects of Crisis on Health-Oriented Leadership and Follower Exhaustion During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Klebe, L., Klug, K., Felfe, J.
By disrupting routines at work, the Covid-19 pandemic may have undermined the extent and effectiveness of health-oriented leadership (HoL) in terms of staff-care and self-care. In a survey with two measurement points in the spring of 2020 (Nt1=264; Nt2=123), we examined whether the stronger the crisis the lower HoL is, while becoming more effective in terms of follower health. Crisis severity turned out to be indirectly related to exhaustion via staff-care and self-care. Staff-care was more effective for follower health the stronger the crisis was. The results were largely supported in a subsample when exhaustion was measured 1 week later. Moreover, the Covid-19 pandemic was indirectly related to crisis severity via hindrance stressors. Findings underline that staff-care was jeopardized but gained in importance during the pandemic. By displaying staff-care, leaders can buffer negative crisis effects on followers. Organizations should strengthen HoL to protect the health of both leaders and followers during crises.
Study type
Occupational health
Klebe, L., Klug, K., Felfe, J. (2021). The Show Must Go On. The Effects of Crisis on Health-Oriented Leadership and Follower Exhaustion During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie A&O, 65:4, 231-243.
Health outcomes and psychosocial risk exposures among healthcare workers during the first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak
Moreno Martínez, M., Fernández-Cano, M. I., Feijoo-Cid, M., Llorens Serrano, C., & Navarro, A.
The aim is to describe the health and psychosocial risk factors of Spanish healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Methods: A cross-sectional study by means of an online questionnaire (April-May 2020). The data comes from the database resulting from the COTS project "Working conditions, insecurity, and health in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic". The sample consisted of 1989 health care workers. Results: Women, young people (doctors and nurses) and the middle-aged (assistants) had poorer health and greater exposure to psychosocial risks. Geriatric assistants were the most-affected occupational group. Conclusions: gender, occupation, and age are focuses of inequality in the exposure of health care workers to psychosocial risks.
Study type
Occupational health
Health care workers
Moreno Martínez, M., Fernández-Cano, M. I., Feijoo-Cid, M., Llorens Serrano, C., & Navarro, A. (2022). Health outcomes and psychosocial risk exposures among healthcare workers during the first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak. Safety science, 145.
Long working hours and risk of 50 health conditions and mortality outcomes: a multicohort study in four European countries
Ervasti, J., Pentti, J., Nyberg, S. T., Shipley, M. J., Leineweber, C., Sørensen, J. K., Alfredsson, L., Bjorner, J. B., Borritz, M., Burr, H., Knutsson, A., Madsen, I., Magnusson Hanson, L. L., Oksanen, T., Pejtersen, J. H., Rugulies, R., Suominen, S., Theorell, T., Westerlund, H., Vahtera, J., … Kivimäki, M.
Background: Studies on the association between long working hours and health have captured only a narrow range of outcomes (mainly cardiometabolic diseases and depression) and no outcome-wide studies on this topic are available. To achieve wider scope of potential harm, we examined long working hours as a risk factor for a wide range of disease and mortality endpoints. Methods: The data of this multicohort study were from two population cohorts from Finland (primary analysis, n=59 599) and nine cohorts (replication analysis, n=44 262) from Sweden, Denmark, and the UK, all part of the Individual-participant Meta-analysis in Working Populations (IPD-Work) consortium. Baseline-assessed long working hours (≥55 hours per week) were compared to standard working hours (35-40 h). Outcome measures with follow-up until age 65 years were 46 diseases that required hospital treatment or continuous pharmacotherapy, all-cause, and three cause-specific mortality endpoints, ascertained via linkage to national health and mortality registers. Findings: 2747 (4·6%) participants in the primary cohorts and 3027 (6·8%) in the replication cohorts worked long hours. After adjustment for age, sex, and socioeconomic status, working long hours was associated with increased risk of cardiovascular death (hazard ratio 1·68; 95% confidence interval 1·08-2·61 in primary analysis and 1·52; 0·90-2·58 in replication analysis), infections (1·37; 1·13-1·67 and 1·45; 1·13-1·87), diabetes (1·18; 1·01-1·38 and 1·41; 0·98-2·02), injuries (1·22; 1·00-1·50 and 1·18; 0·98-1·18) and musculoskeletal disorders (1·15; 1·06-1·26 and 1·13; 1·00-1·27). Working long hours was not associated with all-cause mortality. Interpretation: Follow-up of 50 health outcomes in four European countries suggests that working long hours is associated with an elevated risk of early cardiovascular death and hospital-treated infections before age 65. Associations, albeit weak, were also observed with diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders and injuries. In these data working long hours was not related to elevated overall mortality.
Study type
Occupational health
Ervasti, J., Pentti, J., Nyberg, S. T., Shipley, M. J., Leineweber, C., Sørensen, J. K., Alfredsson, L., Bjorner, J. B., Borritz, M., Burr, H., Knutsson, A., Madsen, I., Magnusson Hanson, L. L., Oksanen, T., Pejtersen, J. H., Rugulies, R., Suominen, S., Theorell, T., Westerlund, H., Vahtera, J., … Kivimäki, M. (2021). Long working hours and risk of 50 health conditions and mortality outcomes: a multicohort study in four European countries. The Lancet regional health. Europé, 11.
Burdens, resources, health and wellbeing of nurses working in general and specialised palliative care in Germany – results of a nationwide cross-sectional survey study
Diehl, E., Rieger, S., Letzel, S. et al.
Background: Palliative care in Germany is divided into general (GPC) and specialised palliative care (SPC). Although palliative care will become more important in the care sector in future, there is a large knowledge gab, especially with regard to GPC. The aim of this study was to identify and compare the burdens, resources, health and wellbeing of nurses working in GPC and SPC. Such information will be helpful for developing prevention programs in order to reduce burdens and to strengthen resources of nurses. Methods: In 2017, a nationwide cross-sectional survey was conducted. In total, 437 nurses in GPC and 1316 nurses in SPC completed a questionnaire containing parts of standardised instruments, which included parts of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ), the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-2), the Resilience Scale (RS-13) Questionnaire, a single question about back pain from the health survey conducted by the Robert Koch Institute as well as self-developed questions. The differences in the variables between GPC and SPC nurses were compared. Results: SPC nurses reported higher emotional demands as well as higher burdens due to nursing care and the care of relatives while GPC nurses stated higher quantitative demands, i.e. higher workload. SPC nurses more often reported organisational and social resources that were helpful in dealing with the demands of their work. Regarding health, GPC nurses stated a poorer health status and reported chronic back pain as well as a major depressive disorder more frequently than SPC nurses. Furthermore, GPC nurses reported a higher intention to leave the profession compared to SPC nurses. Conclusions: The findings of the present study indicate that SPC could be reviewed as the best practice example for nursing care in Germany. The results may be used for developing target group specific prevention programs for improving health and wellbeing of nurses taking the differences between GPC and SPC into account. Finally, interventional and longitudinal studies should be conducted in future to determine causality in the relationship of burdens, resources, health and wellbeing.
Study type
Occupational health
Diehl, E., Rieger, S., Letzel, S. et al. (2021). Burdens, resources, health and wellbeing of nurses working in general and specialised palliative care in Germany – results of a nationwide cross-sectional survey study. BMC Nurs, 20, 162.
Illegitimate tasks: obstacles to trans equality at work
García Johnson, C.P. and Otto, K.
Purpose: This study aims to explore the relationship between the reported frequency of illegitimate tasks undertaken at work (FREQIT) and gender identity among cisgender individuals and persons with a (?) transgender or gender non-conforming (TGNC) identity. Design/methodology/approach: This research combines an experimental approach with a field-study. Study 1 contained a vignette experiment where participants reported their likelihood to assign illegitimate tasks (IT) to either a cisgender or a TGNC employee. Study 2 measured perceptions of tasks-illegitimacy (PERTI), FREQIT, perceptions of organisational gender climate (PGC), burnout and intention to quit among a sample of cisgender and TGNC participants. Findings: In Study 1, individuals in a supervisory position were more likely to assign IT to TGNC than cisgender employees. In Study 2, gender identity influenced burnout, intentions to quit and PGC, serially mediated by PERTI and FREQIT. The results from Study 2 did not support the initial model, which proposed that lower PERTI would lead TGNC employees to report a higher FREQIT, leading to lower occupational well-being scores. Instead, TGNC participants’ burnout, intention to quit and PGC scores improved as a consequence of their lower PERTI. However, when comparing cisgender and TGNC individuals, the latter presented higher levels of burnout, intentions to quit and lower PGC scores. Originality/value: This is the first study measuring the effects of IT on TGNC individuals’ occupational well-being. It underscores the importance to reduce cisgender biases and transphobia and to address IT as obstacles to trans equality in the workplace.
Study type
Occupational health
García Johnson, C.P. and Otto, K. (2021). Illegitimate tasks: obstacles to trans equality at work. Gender in Management.
Eating habits and lifestyle changes among higher studies students post-lockdown in Bangladesh: A web-based cross-sectional study
Md Mahbubul Alam Shaun, Md Wahidur Rahman Nizum, Shahnaz Munny, Fahmida Fayeza, Sujan Kanti Mali, Mohammad Tazrian Abid, Al- Riaj Hasan
Background: The Coronavirus is still exhibiting cases in Bangladesh thus educational institutes are still ceased over one year, it becomes burdens to students at post lockdown period. Objectives: Identifying the changes in eating habits and lifestyles including, physical activity, sleeping hours, and sleep quality after the cancellation of lockdown than the period of restrictions. Methods: A quasi-experimental cross-sectional study was conducted among 394 students in Bangladesh using a structured questionnaire from February 3, 2021, to February 13, 2021. Results: Consuming homemade foods drops by 8.63% at post lockdown than lockdown period. At post lockdown, 26.67% of students gained weight whereas 47.46% of respondents never engaged in any physical works. There has been a significant correlation between weight gain and physical activities (p = 0.007). Not continuing the academic activities from home was significantly associated with weight changes (AOR = 1.73; 95% CI: 1.01, 2.95), meals per day (AOR = 3.25; 95% CI: 1.79, 5.92), screen time for entertainment (AOR = 3.08; 95% CI: 1.78, 5.33), sleeping hours (AOR = 2.23; 95% CI: 1.30, 3.83), and sleep quality (AOR = 2.38; 95% CI: 1.35, 4.23) whereas female gender was related to meals per day (AOR = 1.77; 95% CI: 1.06, 2.95) and sleep quality (AOR = 1.76; 95% CI: 1.09, 2.85). However, 43.91% of respondents never felt any sleep disturbances. The rates of students who always experienced mentally tired, resentment, and sadness at post lockdown was lower than lockdown period. All of these changes were significant (p < 0.000) in terms of the lockdown situation. Conclusions: This study shows notable changes in eating habits and lifestyles after lockdown which may indicate the tendency to adopt normal life than restrictions.
Study type
Occupational health
Md Mahbubul Alam Shaun, Md Wahidur Rahman Nizum, Shahnaz Munny, Fahmida Fayeza, Sujan Kanti Mali, Mohammad Tazrian Abid, Al- Riaj Hasan (2021). Eating habits and lifestyle changes among higher studies students post-lockdown in Bangladesh: A web-based cross-sectional study. Heliyon, 7 (8), e07843.
Development and validation of an occupational health triage tool
Steel, J.S., Luyten, J., Godderis, L.
Background: As work and health are closely interlinked, it is important to carefully monitor employees. However, limited resources restrict in-depth follow-up. Aims: This study was aimed to develop a low-cost screening instrument for employees’ overall health status, that can be used across industries and that allows triaging workers to in-depth health surveillance in case of indications of health or functioning problems. Methods: We developed a new questionnaire-based algorithm built on multiple predictors to assess the need for further follow-up. We used a systematic review, Delphi panel (n = 9) and focus group (n = 5) to determine the predictors, tested for language pitfalls in a pilot study and evaluated the questionnaire’s validity in two separate studies. Study 1 (n = 60) analysed the discriminatory power of the instrument by comparing it to the assessment of an occupational physician in a sample of employees from diverse occupational settings. Study 2 (n = 869) appraised the factor structure and internal consistency of the screening tool in a sample of employees from the hospital sector. Results: Risk factors, current physical and mental health, functioning, absenteeism, job satisfaction and lifestyle were identified as the most relevant predictors. Study 1 showed the survey had good criterion validity (area under the curve = 0.72). Study 2 (N = 869, 28% response) demonstrated the internal consistency (Cronbach’s α = 0.94), and a factor analysis confirmed a second-order factor structure with adequate model fit (comparative fit index = 0.96, root mean square error of approximation = 0.04 and standardized root mean square residual = 0.07). Conclusions: This questionnaire can be used to triage workers for occupational health follow-up and can, additionally, be useful to describe the epidemiology of work-related illness.
Study type
Health care workers
Steel, J.S., Luyten, J., Godderis, L. (2021). Development and validation of an occupational health triage tool. Occupational Medicine, Vol 71 (6-7), 267–276.
Effects of Work Demand and Changes in Leisure Activity on Postretirement Memory
Zulka, L.E., Thorvaldsson, V., Hansson, I., Hassing, L.B.
This study evaluated the interactions between prior cognitive work demands and changes in cognitively stimulating leisure activities during the retirement transition and their relationship to changes in postretirement memory. We drew data (N = 631) from five waves of repeated annual measurements as part of the HEalth, Ageing and Retirement Transitions in Sweden study. We modeled memory trajectories using piecewise growth-curve models. Findings revealed that increased cognitive stimulation from leisure activities had beneficial effects on postretirement memory development among individuals reporting previously low cognitive work demands. Our findings provide partial evidence supporting public health recommendations, stating that retirees from less intellectually demanding occupations will gain from increases in cognitive leisure following retirement.
Study type
Occupational health
Zulka, L.E., Thorvaldsson, V., Hansson, I., Hassing, L.B. (2021). Effects of Work Demand and Changes in Leisure Activity on Postretirement Memory. GeroPsych.
Association between job satisfaction levels and psychological factors
Chand, R.
It is essential that employees at a workplace have adequate job satisfaction levels. However, this remains a highly neglected facet in Pakistan. This study aims to explore the psycho-social wellbeing and job satisfaction of banking sector employees in Hyderabad. It was hypothesized that quantitative demands bring down satisfaction while opportunities for growth, freedom, and social support impact it positively. Data was randomly gathered from the employees of National Bank of Pakistan, United Bank Limited, Habib Bank Limited, Muslim Commercial Bank and Allied Bank Limited, through the Copenhagen psychosocial questionnaire. The results were concurrent with the hypothesis and exhibited that satisfaction levels can be boosted through measures like extra remuneration and less overtime.
Study type
Occupational health
Bank staff
Chand, R. (2021). Association between job satisfaction levels and psychological factors. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science, 9(7), 70-75.
Does workplace social capital predict care quality through job satisfaction and stress at the clinic? A prospective study
Berthelsen, H., Owen, M., Westerlund, H.
Background: Welfare societies like Sweden face challenges in balancing the budget while meeting the demand for good quality healthcare. The aim of this study was to analyse whether care quality, operationalized as survival of dental fillings, is predicted by workplace social capital and if this effect is direct or indirect (through stress and/or job satisfaction among staff at the clinic), controlling for patient demographics. Methods: The prospective design includes A) work environment data from surveys of 75 general public dental clinics (aggregated data based on 872 individual ratings), and B) register-based survival of 9381dental fillings performed during a 3-month period around the time of the survey, and C) patient demographics (age, gender, income level and birth place). Using a multi-level discrete-time proportional hazard model, we tested whether clinic-level social capital, stress, and job satisfaction could predict tooth-level filling failure, controlling for patient demographics. One direct and two indirect pathways, moderated by filling tooth, location, and filling type, were tested. Results: High workplace social capital reduced the risk of early failure of fillings in molar teeth, mediated by group-perceived job satisfaction (indirect path: OR = 0.93, p < .05, direct path from job satisfaction: OR = 0.89, p < .05). Contrary to expectations, we found no support for a direct effect from social capital on care quality or for the indirect pathway via stress at the clinic level. Conclusions: Workplace social capital boosted the quality of dental fillings through increased levels of job satisfaction. In addition, staff at clinics with higher social capital reported less stress and higher levels of job satisfaction. These results indicate that promotion of social capital may improve both occupational health and care quality.
Study type
Occupational health
Berthelsen, H., Owen, M., Westerlund, H. (2021). Does workplace social capital predict care quality through job satisfaction and stress at the clinic? A prospective study. BMC Public Health, 21, 1320.
Nurses’ rest breaks and organizational leaving intentions
Wendsche, J., Paridon, H., Blasche, G.
Improving nurses’ staff retention is highly needed since risks of turnover are high in this profession. Prior research uncovered job demands as important driver and job resources as protective factor for the development of nurses’ organizational leaving intentions. However, research on beneficial effects of rest break design as an important job resource on nurses’ leaving intentions is sparse and their interactions with present job demands have been widely neglected. Therefore, we aimed to examine if different rest break characteristics (i.e. break length, break disturbances, and social breaks) predict nurses’ organizational leaving intentions while also considering job demands (i.e. quantitative, cognitive, and emotional demands, and social conflicts) and other well-known person-related and work-related turnover antecedents. We conducted a cross-sectional paper-pencil survey study with 167 nurses from Germany. We found a positive relation between rest break disturbances and organizational leaving intentions even after adjusting for person-related and work-related confounders. Rest break length and the frequency of social breaks were no significant predictors when considering all rest break characteristics in combination. Moreover, high quantitative demands and high social conflicts at work related to higher leaving intentions. Fewer rest break disturbances increased the negative relation between cognitive demands and leaving intentions. In order to reduce nurses’ organizational leaving intentions and to improve staff retention, nursing management should prevent disturbances of nurses’ rest breaks in addition to other work design interventions such as reducing quantitative demands and social conflicts and especially when implementing cognitive challenging tasks.
Study type
Occupational health
Wendsche, J., Paridon, H., Blasche, G. (2021). Nurses’ rest breaks and organizational leaving intentions. Psychology, Health & Medicine.
Work-related stress and intention to leave among midwives working in Swiss maternity hospitals – a cross-sectional study
Peter, K.A., Meier-Kaeppeli, B., Pehlke-Milde, J. et al.
Background: Health systems around the globe are struggling to recruit qualified health professionals. Work-related stress plays an important role in why health professionals leave their profession prematurely. However, little is known about midwives’ working conditions and intentions to leave their profession, although this knowledge is key to work force retention. Therefore, we aimed to investigate work-related stress among midwives working in Swiss maternity hospitals, as well as differences between midwives and other health professionals and the stressors associated with midwives’ intention to leave the profession. Methods: We conducted a data analysis of two cross-sectional studies encompassing midwives working in labour, postpartum and/or gynaecology wards of 12 public Swiss maternity hospitals. Data was collected by self-report questionnaire assessing potential stressors and long-term consequences of stress at work. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics, Kruskal Wallis tests and logistic regression modelling. Results: A total of 98 midwives took part in the study and one in three midwives reported doing overtime sometimes-always. Also, the score for work-private life conflicts was significantly higher among midwives than among other health professionals, with the exception of physicians (M = 37.0 versus 50.2, p < .001). Midwives’ meaning of work score (M = 89.4) was significantly higher than that of other health professionals (e.g. nurses (M = 83.0, p < .001) or physicians (M = 82.5, p < .01)). Generation Y midwives showed a significantly higher intention to leave their organisation than did the baby boomers (Mean scores 29.3 versus 10.0, p < .01). Results of the regression model revealed that if midwives could compensate for their overtime in the same month, their intention to leave the profession was lower (OR = 0.23, p < .05). Additionally, the more midwives were affected by work-private life conflicts (OR = 3.01, p < .05) and thoughts about leaving their organisation (OR = 6.81, p < .05), the higher was their intention to leave their profession prematurely. Conclusions: The comparison with other health professions and the higher intention to leave the profession of younger midwife generations are important findings for heads of institutions as well as policy makers, and should stimulate them to develop strategies for keeping midwives on their staff. More extensive studies should implement and test interventions for reducing work-related stress and increasing the job and occupational satisfaction of midwives.
Study type
Occupational health
Peter, K.A., Meier-Kaeppeli, B., Pehlke-Milde, J. et al. (2021). Work-related stress and intention to leave among midwives working in Swiss maternity hospitals – a cross-sectional study. BMC Health Serv Res, 21, 671.
Consequences of Managers’ Laissez-faire Leadership During Organizational Restructuring
Lundmark, R., Richter, A., Tafvelin, S.
This study draws upon conservation of resources theory to investigate if laissez-faire leadership influences employees’ perceptions of role clarity, and two forms of well-being (job satisfaction and work-related burnout), in the context of organizational restructuring. Moreover, role clarity is studied as a mechanism linking laissez-faire leadership to employee well-being. These relationships were tested using a three-wave time-lagged investigation conducted over a two-year period with a sample of 601 employees working in the Swedish process industry. The results of the structural equation modelling analyses showed that laissez-faire leadership was negatively related to role clarity 9 months later. In turn, role clarity mediated the relationship between laissez-faire leadership and employee well-being. This study contributes to the understanding of how laissez-faire leadership in the context of organizational restructuring may affect employee outcomes. We discuss implications for theories and practices, as well as directions for future research.
Study type
Occupational health
Industrial workers
Lundmark, R., Richter, A., Tafvelin, S. (2022). Consequences of Managers’ Laissez-faire Leadership During Organizational Restructuring. Journal of Change Management, 22:1, 40-58.
Health-oriented leadership as a job resource: can staff care buffer the effects of job demands on employee health and job satisfaction?
Krick, A., Felfe, J. and Pischel, S.
Purpose: Drawing upon the job-demands resources and the job demands-control-support model, the authors examined the buffering effect of health-oriented leadership (HoL) in terms of staff care on the relationship between job demands and employee health and job satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach: Cross-sectional data from two studies (N1 = 314 and N2 = 260) were analyzed using moderation analyses. Findings: Study 1 showed that staff care mitigates the effect of job demands on strain and health complaints. Study 2 found that staff care also buffered the effect of job demands on general health and job satisfaction. Practical implications: Particularly under high job demands, staff care is an important resource for employees' health and satisfaction. Organizations should promote leaders' staff care. Originality/value: Findings provide further evidence for the beneficial role of leaders in terms of HoL.
Study type
Occupational health
Krick, A., Felfe, J. and Pischel, S. (2022). Health-oriented leadership as a job resource: can staff care buffer the effects of job demands on employee health and job satisfaction?. Journal of Managerial Psychology, Vol. 37 No. 2, 139-152.
Association between psychosocial risks and performance of radiology technicians in emergency context: outcomes of a cross-section study
Paiva, I., Simões, H., Matos, P., Duarte, E., Figueiredo, J.P., Vidal, D., Tavares, O.
Background: The workers' demand, the introduction of new technologies and the increase in working hours are some of the main factors that result in the emergence of psychosocial risks. These risks compromise workers mental and physical health, and the well-being, leading to consequences not only at the individual level but also at the organizational level. This work aims to determine the capacity of the radiology technicians to work, the psychosocial risks to which they may be exposed, as well as the possible influence of these on their professional performance. Methods: The Work Ability Index (ICT) and the psychosocial risk scale identified as Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) were applied in a sample of 29 professionals (urgency sector of the University Hospital of Coimbra, Portugal), from a universe of 36 radiology technicians. Results: The ICT did not differ according to gender, age and qualification among the professionals under study. However, single technicians presented better ICT compared to the other groups. Radiology technicians with a bachelor's degree were more exposed to psychosocial risks in terms of job performance, transparency of the work role, professional rewards, justice and respect, as well as professional self-efficacy. Conclusions: Studies on psychosocial risks have shown the importance of understanding how the former directly and indirectly influence the professional performance of workers, but also the need to develop strategies to prevent the same risks by improving working conditions and performance of the workers.
Study type
Occupational health
Hospital staff
Paiva, I., Simões, H., Matos, P., Duarte, E., Figueiredo, J.P., Vidal, D., Tavares, O. (2021). Association between psychosocial risks and performance of radiology technicians in emergency context: outcomes of a cross-section study. European Journal of Public Health, 31.
Work ability and psychosocial risk factors among professionals at a higher education institution
Simões, H., Ferreira, A., Figueiredo, J.P., Loureiro, A., Seco, S., Gonçalves, A.
Background: Currently, we live in a society that is too competitive and with aggressive physical and social environments, which triggers profound changes in work conditions and requirements. Pressures are constantly being felt that foster the increase in psychosocial risks, altering the psychological, physical and social balance of the human being with serious implications for the health of the worker. Methods: The present study aimed to understand whether the ability of professionals in a Higher Education Institution to work is influenced by sociodemographic variables (age, gender, marital status, educational qualifications, function); whether psychosocial factors are influenced by sociodemographic variables (age, gender, marital status, educational qualifications, function) and whether the ability to work varies depending on psychosocial factors. For data collection, a two parts questionnaire was applied. The first part of the questionnaire was dedicated to collecting sociodemographic data and assessing the perception of workers' ability to work, through the Work Ability Index (WAI). The second part concerned the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ), to identify factors of exposure to psychosocial risk factors. Results: The average work capacity was 41.07 points, which corresponded to a ‘good’ work capacity. In the COPSOQ results, no critical values were identified in the subscales. We found that the ability to work varies according to psychosocial risk factors. Conclusions: We conclude that the variable age influences the ability to work. As for the remaining sociodemographic variables, although this study did not show statistically significant differences, they also seem to influence the WAI.
Study type
Occupational health
No information
Academic personnel
Simões, H., Ferreira, A., Figueiredo, J.P., Loureiro, A., Seco, S., Gonçalves, A. (2021). Work ability and psychosocial risk factors among professionals at a higher education institution. European Journal of Public Health, 31.
Psychosocial risk factors and work capacity in health professionals
Pocinho, M., Santos, C., Saraiva, A.
Background: Modern societies put enormous pressure on workers by putting their health at risk. Psychosocial risks are considered those related to the conception, organization and management of work, social and environmental factors, which can cause psychological, social or physical damage to the worker and the work capacity expresses the generic evaluation of a worker's productive capacities, worker's health, and their psychological resources. Important factor for maintaining a working life. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between work ability and exposure to psychosocial risk factors in health professionals. Methods: The sample consisted of 309 primary health care professionals, and validated instruments were applied to assess the Work Ability Index (WAI) and psychosocial risks in the work contexts (COPSOQ). Results: It was found that female professionals are more exposed to psychosocial risk factors: Offensive Behaviors and Quantitative Requirements (P < 0.05). Mental and physical demands influence work ability (P < 0.05). There was a correlation between psychosocial risk factors and work ability in 11 COPSOQ subscales. Conclusions: Thus, it is pertinent to evaluate and manage psychosocial risks and to take measures that enable a positive combination between psychosocial characteristics and individual resources, in order to minimize psychosocial risks and situations of vulnerability in health professionals.
Study type
Occupational health
No information
Health care workers
Pocinho, M., Santos, C., Saraiva, A. (2021). Psychosocial risk factors and work capacity in health professionals. European Journal of Public Health, 31.
Psychosocial factors and burnout among oncology nurses in Brunei Darussalam: A pilot study
Jais, F. A., Yan Choo, T., Kahan, H., Shahbudin, S., Abdul-Mumin, K. H., & Rahman, H. A.
Background: Existing evidence showed that adverse psychosocial factors contribute to burnout in oncology nurses and impose profound implications to nursing practice. Due to the complexity of this relationship, more studies are still needed. Objective: To investigate the prevalence and relationship between burnout and psychosocial factors among oncology nurses. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study design was conducted in 2018 using the Maslach Burnout Inventory and the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire to measure burnout and psychosocial factors, respectively. Descriptive and multivariate regression using maximum likelihood procedures were used for analysis. Results: Out of three burnout variables, emotional exhaustion demonstrated a highly significant relationship towards psychosocial factors, particularly quality of leadership (p <0.001), justice and respect (p <0.001), and rewards (p <0.001) – congruent to a high prevalence of emotional exhaustion reported. Conclusion: Improvement in leadership quality, rewards, justice and respect could minimise emotional exhaustion among oncology nurses. These findings further inform management and policymakers to target these specific psychosocial factors in addition to using other interventions to counter the harmful effects of burnout. A positive psychosocial workplace would consequently decrease the risk of nurses’ intention to leave, reduce nurse shortages, and increase the quality of patient care.
Jais, F. A., Yan Choo, T., Kahan, H., Shahbudin, S., Abdul-Mumin, K. H., & Rahman, H. A. (2021). Psychosocial factors and burnout among oncology nurses in Brunei Darussalam: A pilot study. Belitung Nursing Journal, 7(5), 418–424.
Job strain in German novice physical therapists
Stadelmaier, J., Reichert, B., Räbiger, J.
Introduction: International research shows high levels of job demands and psychological resources for physical therapists, and job strain is considered to be moderate. So far, publications are based on therapists with varying length of service. Little is known about job strain during the first year in the profession. Aim: To investigate the level of job strain of German novice physical therapists and to identify common workplace stressors. Methods: We conducted a web-based survey among physical therapists who had been working for 12 month or less. Using a self-administrated questionnaire, job strain was measured by its effects on work commitment, general health, job satisfaction, burnout and turnover intention. Subgroup analyses based on age, sex and rating of professional training were performed. Stressors at work were evaluated by priority and frequency of appearance. Results: Data of 153 physical therapists was analysed. Low levels of job strain were reported. Novice physical therapists showed high levels of workplace commitment and general health, and low levels of turnover. Moderate ratings were recorded for job satisfaction and symptoms of burnout. Inadequate compensation for work, high caseload, time pressure and physical stress were the most common stressors mentioned. Therapists who rated their professional training as positive reported lower levels of job strain. No significant differences between women and men or between therapists of different age were found. Conclusion: Although many workplace stressors are reported, novice physical therapists show low levels of job strain. Vocational training may be one important protective factor with regard to job strain.
Study type
Occupational health
Physical therapists
Stadelmaier, J., Reichert, B., Räbiger, J. (2021). Job strain in German novice physical therapists. International journal of health professions, Vol 8 (1), 3–19.
Association of the working environment noise with occupational stress in industrial workers
Aminian, O., Saraie, M., Ahadi, M. et al.
Aim: We aimed to investigate the association of the working environment noise with the psychosocial status and occupational stress level of the workers of an industrial company. Subject and methods: In this cross-sectional study, we enrolled all the employees at an industrial company. The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire was used to measure the workplace psychosocial factors and stress levels of the participants. Based on the sound level measurements, the company sections were divided into two areas: the areas with noise ≥85 dB (dB) A and the areas with noise <85 dB A. Then the participants were categorized into two groups based on the working area and the study variables were compared between the two groups. Results: We enrolled 401 workers from an industrial company. For 154 (38.4%) workers, the level of noise was equal to or above 85 dB A. According to the results of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire, scores of the two groups were significantly different for scales related to cognitive, emotional, and sensory demands, possibilities for development, and predictability as well as workplace demand domain, which showed noise exposure level was significantly associated with perceived workplace demands (P = 0.002). Conclusion: This study showed a slight association between the psychosocial status and the level of noise in the workplace environment.
Study type
Occupational health
Industrial workers
Aminian, O., Saraie, M., Ahadi, M. et al. (2021). Association of the working environment noise with occupational stress in industrial workers. J Public Health (Berl.).
Validation of the Arabic Version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II (A-COPSOQ II) among Workers in Oil and Gas Industrial Sector
Osman, N.A., Bedwani, R.N., Shehata, G.M., Emam, M.M., Rabie, A.M.
Introduction: The undisputed increase of the relevance of measuring the work-related psychosocial factors is confronted with a lack of qualifi ed well-documented measuring instruments covering all important aspects. Aim: To develop and validate a standardized Arabic version of the COPSOQ II for evaluating the psychosocial environment at the oil and gas workplace. Method: COPSOQ network guidelines for validation studies were followed. The original Danish COPSOQ II (Long version) was meticulously translated and comprehensively validated among an adaptation sample of 500 oil and gas industry workers in the Suez Oil Processing Company in Egypt. Only 438 workers completed the questionnaire in Arabic and English languages with demonstrated sociodemographic data (Yielding a response rate of 87.6%). Psychometric properties of COPSOQ II scale items were depicted in terms of descriptive statistics, feasibility analysis, and internal consistency. Furthermore, A-COPSOQ II was tested for factorial validity using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Results: Mean age of the study participants was 35 ± 6 years. Scales of Arabic COPSOQ depicted a great Concordance and Reliability (C-α > 0.7). Content Validity Index (CVI) was estimated to be 0.87; ranging from 0.7 - 0.9. Models of exploratory factor analyses projected a refl ective working model with reasonable results in 33 out of 41 overall scales. Confi rmatory factor analysis revealed an acceptable fi t (X2 = 745.67, X2/df = 2.09, SRMR = 0.058, CFI = 0.87). Conclusion: Arabic version of COPSOQ II is a relevant and culturally accepted conceptual instrument for tracking psychosocial hazards and promoting a safe environment for all workers.
Osman, N.A., Bedwani, R.N., Shehata, G.M., Emam, M.M., Rabie, A.M. (2021). Validation of the Arabic Version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II (A-COPSOQ II) among Workers in Oil and Gas Industrial Sector. J Biomed Res Environ Sci, 2(6), 496-508.
Off-stage Heroes: The Antecedents and Consequences of Job Passion among Civil Aviation Maintenance Crew
Chen, SC.
Objective: The main goals of this study are to identify the possible factors that may affect the level of passion that aircraft technicians have for their job and how job passion may lead to safety motivation. Background: Aircraft maintenance technicians play an essential role in ensuring flight safety since they are obligated to carry out critical responsibilities related to maintaining flight devices. However, the significance and professionalism of civil aircraft technicians tend to be underestimated due to limited academic discussion of job-related issues. In practice, the particular job characteristics and working environment have led to various job demands and requirements for job resources, which may be related to the level of passion of the aircraft maintenance crews. Method: Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to analyze the empirical data collected with the questionnaire survey. The sealable stamped addressed envelopes were attached to guarantee for the innominate approach, and a total of 411 usable samples was returned. Results: Significant relations found between work-family conflict, professional development and job passion in the expected directions, while non-significant results were presented between work-load, social support, and job passion. In addition, job passion significantly and positively related to air technicians’ safety motivation. Conclusion: Aircraft technicians undertake their workload without responding to it in a significantly negative manner, unless the designated work causes work-family conflict. A vision of career development is crucial to continuously elevate job passion in these individuals. Passionate aircraft technicians are motivated to contribute to aviation safety.
Study type
Occupational health
No information
Aircraft maintenance technicians
Chen, SC. (2021). Off-stage Heroes: The Antecedents and Consequences of Job Passion among Civil Aviation Maintenance Crew. The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 32:2-3, 95-113.
Physical and psychosocial working conditions as predictors of 5-year changes in work ability among 2078 employees in Germany
Burr, H., Lange, S., Freyer, M. et al.
Objective: To examine 5-year prospective associations between working conditions and work ability among employees in Germany. Methods: A cohort study (2011/2012–2017), based on a random sample of employees in employments subject to payment of social contributions aged 31–60 years (Study on Mental Health at Work; S-MGA; N = 2,078), included data on physical and quantitative demands, control (influence, possibilities for development, control over working time), relations (role clarity and leadership quality) and work ability (Work Ability Index, WAI; subscale ‘subjective work ability and resources’). Data were analysed using linear regression. Results: Physical demands and control were associated with small 5-year changes in work ability (ΔR2 = 1%). Among the subgroup of employees with ≥ 25 sickness days, possibilities for development, control and quality of leadership were associated with changes in work ability (ΔR2 = 8%). Conclusions: The impact of working conditions on long term changes in work ability seems to be negligible. However, in vulnerable subpopulations experiencing poor health, working conditions may be associated to a larger extent to work ability over this time span.
Study type
Occupational health
Burr, H., Lange, S., Freyer, M. et al. (2021). Physical and psychosocial working conditions as predictors of 5-year changes in work ability among 2078 employees in Germany. Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 95, 153–168.
Promoting recovery in daily life: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Reis, D., Hart, A., Lehr, D. & Friese, M.
Background: Work-related stress shows steadily increasing prevalence rates and has tangible consequences for individual workers, their organizations, and society as a whole. One mechanism that may help offset the negative outcomes of work-related stress on employees’ well-being is recovery. Recovery refers to the experience of unwinding from one's job when not at work. However, employees who experience high levels of work-related stress and are thus particularly in need of recovery tend to struggle to switch-off. Due to the detrimental effects of this prolonged and sustained mental representation of job stressors, interventions promoting recovery may contribute to improvements in employees' mental health. Methods: In this randomized, waitlist controlled trial, we will investigate the effectiveness of two 6-week online training programs (cognitive behavioral and mindfulness-based). The sample will include employees working at least part-time during regular work hours. Besides the pre-post-follow-up assessments, the trial will include measurement bursts with the goal of examining the underlying mechanisms. We expect that both interventions will reduce work-related perseverative thinking (PT) compared with the waitlist control groups (primary outcome). Also, we expect that both interventions will result in similar improvements, but the underlying mechanisms will differ (process outcomes). In the cognitive-behavioral intervention group, we expect that the main mechanism responsible for lower PT levels will be an increase in recovery experiences across time. In the mindfulness-based group, we expect that the main mechanism responsible for lower PT levels will be an increase in facets of mindfulness across time. Discussion: In the present study, we will investigate mechanisms underlying assumed changes in work-related PT in great detail. Besides evaluating the overall effectiveness of the two interventions in terms of pre-post-follow-up changes, we will look at the underlying processes at different levels—that is, within days, within weeks, across weeks, and between individuals. Accordingly, our study will offer a fine-grained approach to investigating potential determinants, mediators, and moderators of the processes that may, in the end, be responsible for work-related strain. From a public health perspective, if effective, the online training programs may offer valuable, low-threshold, and low-intensity interventions for a broad range of occupations.
Study type
Reis, D., Hart, A., Lehr, D. & Friese, M. (2021). Promoting recovery in daily life: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychology, 9(1), 91.
Job strain and sense of coherence: Associations with stress-related outcomes among teachers
Ramberg, J., Låftman, S. B., Nilbrink, J., Olsson, G. & Toivanen, S.
Background: Teachers constitute an occupational group experiencing high levels of stress and with high sick-leave rates. Therefore, examining potentially protective factors is important. While prior research has mainly focused on the link between teachers’ own experiences of their work environment and stress-related outcomes, it is also possible that colleagues’ perception of the work environment and their possibilities for dealing with work-related stress contribute to influencing individual teachers’ stress. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate how teachers’ reports of high job strain (i.e. high demands and low control) and sense of coherence (SOC), as well as the concentration of colleagues reporting high strain and high SOC, were associated with perceived stress and depressed mood. Methods: The data were derived from the Stockholm Teacher Survey, with information from two cross-sectional web surveys performed in 2014 and in 2016 (N=2732 teachers in 205 school units). Two-level random intercept linear regression models were performed. Results: High job strain at the individual level was associated with higher levels of perceived stress and depressed mood, but less so for individuals with high SOC. Furthermore, a greater proportion of colleagues reporting high SOC was associated with lower levels of perceived stress and depressed mood at the individual level. Conclusions: High SOC may be protective against work-related stress among teachers. Additionally, the proportion of colleagues reporting high SOC was related to less individual stress, suggesting a protective effect of school-level collective SOC.
Study type
Occupational health
Ramberg, J., Låftman, S. B., Nilbrink, J., Olsson, G. & Toivanen, S. (2021). Job strain and sense of coherence: Associations with stress-related outcomes among teachers. Scandinavian journal of public health.
Professional Social Media Usage and Work Engagement: A Four-Wave Follow-Up Study of Finnish Professionals Before and During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Oksa, R., Kaakinen, M., Savela, N., Hakanen, J. J. & Oksanen, A.
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has changed work life profoundly and concerns regarding the mental well-being of employees’ have arisen. Organizations have made rapid digital advancements and have started to use new collaborative tools such as social media platforms overnight. Objective: Our study aimed to investigate how professional social media communication has affected work engagement before and during the COVID-19 pandemic and the role of perceived social support, task resources, and psychological distress as predictors and moderators of work engagement. Methods: Nationally representative longitudinal survey data were collected in 2019-2020, and 965 respondents participated in all 4 surveys. Measures included work engagement, perceived social support and task resources, and psychological distress. The data were analyzed using a hybrid linear regression model. Results: Work engagement remained stable and only decreased in autumn 2020. Within-person changes in social media communication at work, social support, task resources, and psychological distress were all associated with work engagement. The negative association between psychological distress and work engagement was stronger in autumn 2020 than before the COVID-19 outbreak. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic has exerted pressure on mental health at work. Fostering social support and task resources at work is important in maintaining work engagement. Social media communication could help maintain a supportive work environment.
Oksa, R., Kaakinen, M., Savela, N., Hakanen, J. J. & Oksanen, A. (2021). Professional Social Media Usage and Work Engagement: A Four-Wave Follow-Up Study of Finnish Professionals Before and During the COVID-19 Outbreak. Journal of medical Internet research, 23(6), e29036.
Care for health among Polish men, taking into account social and economic factors, as well as the type of work
Hildt-Ciupińska, K. & Pawłowska-Cyprysiak, K.
Background: Epidemiological studies show that an inappropriate healthy lifestyle is a major incidence factor, inter alia, for cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, obesity, as well as premature deaths, especially among men. Material and Methods: In order to check the attitudes of men towards health and health behaviors, a questionnaire-based research was carried out among 600 men active on the labor market. Several standard questionnaire tools were used: the Positive Health Behaviors Scale (PHBS), the List of Personal Values for measuring the place of health in the value hierarchy; the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control Scale, the Work Ability Index, the Psychological Sex Inventory, and the Work–Life Balance Subscale of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ II). Additionally, an independent questionnaire was developed. Results: In the PHBS, men could score 0–111 pts; the average score was 70.98 pts. A high level of care for health expressed in the scores ranging 80–111 pts was achieved by less than one-third of the respondents. One of the 4 groups (referred to as the “Active”) achieved the best result according to PHBS, with an average score of 77 pts. The worst group (referred to as the “Frustrated”) achieved an average of 54.5 pts. The latter performed physical or mixed work, and half of them worked shifts, including nights. Conclusions: The selected 4 groups were not found to differ from one another as much as the authors had expected, but they pointed to a very important aspect determining health care, namely socio‑‑economic factors. There is a great need to conduct health education among men in Poland, targeted especially at young, low-educated and blue-collar workers. The areas of lifestyle that need to be changed are: nutrition, physical activity and preventive examinations.
Study type
Occupational health
Hildt-Ciupińska, K. & Pawłowska-Cyprysiak, K. (2021). Care for health among Polish men, taking into account social and economic factors, as well as the type of work. Medycyna pracy.
Work-life conflict and cardiovascular health: 5-year follow-up of the Gutenberg Health Study
Hegewald, J., Romero Starke, K., Garthus-Niegel, S., Schulz, A., Nübling, M., Latza, U., Jankowiak, S., Liebers, F., Rossnagel, K., Riechmann-Wolf, M., Letzel, S., Arnold, N., Beutel, M., Gianicolo, E., Pfeiffer, N., Lackner, K., Münzel, T., Wild, P. & Seidler, A.
Introduction: Work-life conflicts (WLC) may impact health, but few studies prospectively consider the impact of WLC on objective outcomes such as cardiovascular disease. Using data from the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS), we examined if WLC at baseline was associated with an increased five-year incidence of cardiovascular events (myocardial infarct, stroke, atrial fibrillation, peripheral artery disease, coronary artery disease, chronic heart failure, sudden cardiac death). We also considered if WLC was associated with incident hypertension and arterial stiffness and if the effects of WLC on cardiovascular health differ for men and women. Methods: A working subsample of the 15,010 GHS cohort participants completed the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire, which included five "work-privacy conflict" questions at baseline and at the five-year follow-up. Relative risks for incident hypertension due to increased WLC at baseline (WLC scores exceeding 60 out of 100) were estimated with Poisson regression in the subgroup of participants without hypertension at baseline (n = 2426). Categories of WLC at baseline and follow-up were also used to examine the risk of hypertension due to chronic/recurrent WLC. In this subgroup, we also examined the association between WLC as a continuous score ranging from 0 to 100 with change to arterial stiffness after five years using linear regression. Hazard ratios were estimated for incident cardiovascular events in a larger subsample of participants without prevalent cardiovascular disease at baseline (n = 3698) using Cox regression. We used various multivariable regression models to adjust for sex, age, socioeconomic status, occupational, household, and cardiovascular risk factors. Results: We found no association between WLC and incident hypertension or increased arterial stiffness. The fully-adjusted relative risk for WLC >60 at baseline and hypertension was 0.93 (95% 0.74–1.17). The risk of hypertension due to chronic/recurrent WLC >60 was increased but not statistically significant (RR = 1.13, 95% CI 0.83–1.54). Overall, hazard ratios for incident cardiovascular events were also not increased. However, stratifying the results by sex resulted in a hazard ratio of 1.47 (95% CI 0.54–3.98) for incident cardiovascular disease among women in the fully adjusted model. Conclusions: Although our results were not statistically significant, they indicate that WLC is negatively impacting the cardiovascular health of women. While these results need to be confirmed with additional research and a longer follow-up, interventions to prevent WLC will promote health and could be especially beneficial for women.
Study type
Occupational health
Hegewald, J., Romero Starke, K., Garthus-Niegel, S., Schulz, A., Nübling, M., Latza, U., Jankowiak, S., Liebers, F., Rossnagel, K., Riechmann-Wolf, M., Letzel, S., Arnold, N., Beutel, M., Gianicolo, E., Pfeiffer, N., Lackner, K., Münzel, T., Wild, P. & Seidler, A. (2021). Work-life conflict and cardiovascular health: 5-year follow-up of the Gutenberg Health Study. PloS one, 16(5), e0251260.
The impact of work-place social capital in hospitals on patient-reported quality of care: a cohort study of 5205 employees and 23,872 patients in Denmark
Clark, A., Prætorius, T., Török, E., Hvidtfeldt, U. A., Hasle, P. & Rod, N. H.
Background: Decision-makers increasingly consider patient-reported outcomes as important measures of care quality. Studies on the importance of work-place social capital–a collective work-place resource–for the experience of care quality are lacking. We determined the association between the level of work-place social capital and patient-reported quality of care in 148 hospital sections in the Capital Region of Denmark. Methods: This cross-sectional study combined section-level social capital from 5205 health care professionals and 23,872 patient responses about care quality. Work-place social capital encompassed three dimensions: trust, justice and collaboration. Patient-reported quality of care was measured as: overall satisfaction, patient involvement, and medical errors. Linear regression analysis and generalized linear models assessed the mean differences in patient reported experience outcomes and the risk of belonging to the lowest tertile of care quality. Results: A higher level of work-place social capital (corresponding to the interquartile range) was associated with higher patient-reported satisfaction and inpatient and acute care patient involvement. The risk of a section belonging to the lowest tertile of patient involvement was lower in sections with higher social capital providing inpatient (RR = 0.39, 0.19–0.81 per IQR increase) and acute care (RR = 0.53, 0.31–0.89). Patient-reported errors were fewer in acute care sections with higher social capital (RR = 0.65, 0.43 to 0.99). The risk of being in the lowest tertile of patient-reported satisfaction was supported for acute care sections (RR = 0.47, 0.28–0.79). Conclusions: Although we found small absolute differences in the association between patient-reported experience measures and social capital, even a small upward shift in the distribution of social capital in the hospital sector would, at the population level, have a large positive impact on patients’ care experience.
Study type
Occupational health
Health care workers
Clark, A., Prætorius, T., Török, E., Hvidtfeldt, U. A., Hasle, P. & Rod, N. H. (2021). The impact of work-place social capital in hospitals on patient-reported quality of care: a cohort study of 5205 employees and 23,872 patients in Denmark. BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 534.
To teach or not to teach? Junior academics and the teaching-research relationship
Cenamor, J.
The global pressure for excellence has boosted the relevance of the teaching–research relationship. Specifically, the management of teaching and research activities represents an important challenge because of time and resource limitations, especially for junior researchers. The traditionally polarized streams in the literature provide arguments to defend three types of relationship between teaching and research: conflicting, complementary, or unrelated. Given the complexity of the phenomenon, an integrative approach may be useful for identifying interdependencies. In this respect, this article provides a holistic approach that includes different teaching and research drivers and distinguishes between direct and indirect relationships. The analysis of data from junior academics in Sweden shows that teaching workload may be negatively linked to perceived success in research, but it can be slightly counteracted via perceived success in teaching. Moreover, the findings also indicate that individual control and a collaborative approach both are positively related to perceived success in research, while only some sources of social support are significant.
Study type
Occupational health
Cenamor, J. (2021). To teach or not to teach? Junior academics and the teaching-research relationship. Higher Education Research & Development.
Monitoring trends in psychosocial and physical working conditions: Challenges and suggestions for the 21st century
Burr, H.
Burr, H. (2021). Monitoring trends in psychosocial and physical working conditions: Challenges and suggestions for the 21st century. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health, 47(5), 329-333.
The impact of nocturnal road traffic noise, bedroom window orientation, and work-related stress on subjective sleep quality: results of a cross-sectional study among working women
Bartels, S., Ögren, M., Kim, J.-L., Fredriksson, S. & Persson Waye, K.
Objective: To examine the effect of work-related stress and road noise exposure on self-rated sleep and potential additive interaction effects. Methods: Sleep and predictor variables were surveyed within two subsamples with 2191 and 1764 working women in a cross-sectional study. Sleep was assessed using a single question on general sleep quality and four questions on specific sleep problems and subsequently dichotomized (poor sleep vs. no poor sleep). Work-related stress was operationalized by job strain and effort-reward imbalance. Nocturnal exposure to road traffic noise was assessed as (a) the orientation of the bedroom window to a quiet façade vs. a low-, medium- or high-trafficked street and (b) energy-equivalent sound pressure levels for night-time modelled at the most exposed façade (Lnight). We distinguished between low (< 45 dB(A)), medium (45–50 dB(A)) and high exposure (> 50 dB(A)). Results: Poor sleep was associated with job strain and effort-reward imbalance. The prevalence of poor sleep did not increase with increasing Lnight, but bedroom window orientation showed a non-significant trend. A quiet façade had a protective effect on sleep in each Lnight category. We found a non-significant trend for an additive interaction between bedroom window orientation and job strain. Conclusion: Noise levels modelled for the most exposed façade likely overestimate the actual exposure and thus may not be a precise predictor of poor sleep. Bedroom window orientation seems more relevant. Potential additive interaction effects between bedroom window orientation and job strain should be considered when interpreting epidemiological study results on noise-induced sleep disturbances.
Study type
Occupational health
Bartels, S., Ögren, M., Kim, J.-L., Fredriksson, S. & Persson Waye, K. (2021). The impact of nocturnal road traffic noise, bedroom window orientation, and work-related stress on subjective sleep quality: results of a cross-sectional study among working women. International archives of occupational and environmental health, 94, 1523–1536.
Work limitations due to neck-shoulder pain and physical work demands in older workers: cross-sectional study
Bayattork, M., Skovlund, S.V., Sundstrup, E. et al.
Purpose: Many older workers are working despite having neck-shoulder pain (NSP), which may give rise to work limitations due to pain, especially among those with high physical work demands. This study investigated the joint association of neck-shoulder pain intensity and physical work demands with work limitations among older workers. Methods: In SeniorWorkingLife, workers ≥ 50 years (n = 11,800) replied to questions about NSP intensity, work limitations due to pain, and physical activity demands at work. The odds ratio for having a higher level of work limitations due to pain in relation to neck-shoulder pain intensity and physical work demands were modeled using logistic regression controlled for various confounders. Results: The results showed that the neck-shoulder pain intensity was associated with work limitations in a dose–response fashion (p < 0.0001). Importantly, a significant interaction existed between neck-shoulder pain intensity and physical activity at work (p < 0.0001), e.g., 77% of workers with high pain and high work demands experienced work limitations due to the pain. Conclusion: Higher neck-shoulder pain intensity and higher physical work demands—and particularly in combination—were associated with higher odds of work limitation due to pain among older workers. Thus, it seems especially important to accommodate work demands through a better work environment for these groups of workers.
Study type
Occupational health
Bayattork, M., Skovlund, S.V., Sundstrup, E. et al. (2020). Work limitations due to neck-shoulder pain and physical work demands in older workers: cross-sectional study. Int Arch Occup Environ Health.
Working conditions and health in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic: Minding the gap
Salas-Nicás, S., Moncada, S., Llorens, C., Navarro, A.
Background: The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has had major consequences in the workplace, both in terms of the number of cases among the working population and the enormous changes made to cope with it. The objective of this study is to describe the impact of COVID-19 on the working conditions and health of wage-earners in Spain. Methods: Cross-sectional study carried out between the end of April and the end of May 2020 among the wage-earning population. Sample included n = 20,328 participants obtained through an online survey. Results: A situation of high-strain was reported by 44.3% of workers, 42.6% were concerned about possible job loss, 75.6% about finding a new job if they lost the present one, 69.7% were worried about salary reduction, 68% about becoming infected at work and 72.3% of being a transmitter of the virus. Among those who regularly went to work, 13.1% did so with symptoms compatible with COVID-19 and 71.2% stated that they had done so without adequate protection measures. 36.7% of workers believe that their health worsened, 41.6% had severe trouble sleeping during the last month, 55.1% were at risk of poor mental health and consumption more than doubled of tranquilisers and opioid analgesics, compared to the pre-pandemic situation. Conclusion: The impact of COVID-19 on the wage-earning population has been enormous, with high exposures to harmful working conditions and very poor health indicators, which, compared to the pre-pandemic situation, means significant deterioration. Important inequalities are observed according to class, gender, age and wage.
Study type
Occupational health
Salas-Nicás, S., Moncada, S., Llorens, C., Navarro, A. (2021). Working conditions and health in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic: Minding the gap. Safety Science, 134.
High-performance work practices, employee well-being, and supportive leadership: spillover mechanisms and boundary conditions between HRM and leadership behavior
Hauff, S., Felfe, J. & Klug, K.
The aim of this paper is to deepen our understanding of the relationships between high-performance work practices (HPWPs) and employee well-being. In particular, we integrate three employee well-being types, proposing that HPWPs positively affect employee health (i.e. health status, sickness absence, and sleep quality), mediated by job satisfaction and employee engagement. We also analyze the influence of supportive leadership as a key contextual factor. We hypothesize that the positive relationships between HPWPs and employee health via job satisfaction and engagement will be reinforced by supportive leadership, since the relationships between HPWPs and a) job satisfaction and b) work engagement should be stronger when leadership is more supportive. These hypotheses are tested with representative data from German-speaking countries (Austria, Germany, and Switzerland; N = 3325). The results support the mediating roles of job satisfaction and work engagement. Interestingly, the remaining direct relationships between HPWPs and sleep quality are negative, which supports a counteracting effects model. We further find a moderating effect where, in contrast to our assumption, supportive leadership attenuates HPWPs’ effects.
Study type
Occupational health
Germany, Austria, Switzerland
Hauff, S., Felfe, J. & Klug, K. (2020). High-performance work practices, employee well-being, and supportive leadership: spillover mechanisms and boundary conditions between HRM and leadership behavior. The International Journal of Human Resource Management.
The Relationship between Empowering Leadership, Work Characteristics, and Work Engagement among Academics: A SEM Mediation Analysis
Helland, E., Christensen, M., & Innstrand, S. T.
Using theories of empowering leadership, empowerment and social exchange, this paper aims to add to the literature on leadership in higher education by exploring how and why empowering leadership is linked to academics’ work engagement through mediation of work characteristics that are crucial to academics: job autonomy, social community at work, recognition, and unreasonable tasks. To investigate this, data from a cross-sectional survey of N = 3759 (n = 3059) academics and doctoral research fellows from three major Norwegian universities were analyzed using structural equation modeling. The results show that empowering leadership is related to academics’ work engagement through the following work characteristics: job autonomy, social community at work, and unreasonable tasks. Empowering leadership was also related to academics’ recognition, but recognition was not, in turn, associated with work engagement. Future researchers may consider prospective, experimental, and qualitative designs to extend the results of this study.
Helland, E., Christensen, M., & Innstrand, S. T. (2020). The Relationship between Empowering Leadership, Work Characteristics, and Work Engagement among Academics: A SEM Mediation Analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 5 (1), 11.
Public managers' role in creating workplace social capital (WSC) and its effect on employees' well-being and health: a protocol of a longitudinal cohort study (PUMA-WSC)
Pihl-Thingvad, S., Hansen, S. W., Winter, V., Hansen, M. S., & Willems, J.
Introduction: Workplace social capital (WSC) has been shown to affect employees’ well-being and health, yet it is not clear how public managers can create WSC and which forms of WSC are most important. This study is the first prospective cohort study to examine the relationship between management behaviour, WSC, well-being and sickness absence. It uses a validated and detailed scale on WSC, which can distinguish between bonding, bridging, linking and organisational WSC over time. The study thereby provides rich data giving a much-needed detailed image of how WSC impacts on public employees’ well-being and health. Additionally, the study pays special attention to the fact that these relationships can be different for different types of employees and therefore tests a set of relevant employee and context-related variables. Methods and analysis: Project preparations in terms of agreements and data preparation of existing data started in 2019. This prospective cohort study considers and collects organisational data from 2016 to 2025. Annual employee surveys of more than 8000 employees (in a large Danish municipality) will be combined with register data in all years. This generates a unique cohort of public employees in different professions that are traceable over several years. The annual surveys include information on the management behaviour, WSC and employee outcomes. Fine-grained information on sickness absences will be matched for all employees and years under study. Moreover, confounders and the nested nature of the data will be considered. Ethics and dissemination: Approval has been obtained from The Regional Committee on Health Research Ethics from Southern Denmark and from the University of Southern Denmark. The results will be presented at conferences and published in international peer-reviewed journals and in a practice-oriented monography targeted at public managers. The result will furthermore be disseminated to the involved employees through seminars and workshops in the participating organisations.
Study type
Occupational health
Pihl-Thingvad, S., Hansen, S. W., Winter, V., Hansen, M. S., & Willems, J. (2020). Public managers' role in creating workplace social capital (WSC) and its effect on employees' well-being and health: a protocol of a longitudinal cohort study (PUMA-WSC). BMJ open, 10 (10).
Eating Habits and Lifestyle during COVID-19 Lockdown in the United Arab Emirates: A Cross-Sectional Study
Cheikh Ismail, L. et al.
The coronavirus disease is still spreading in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with subsequent lockdowns and social distancing measures being enforced by the government. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of the lockdown on eating habits and lifestyle behaviors among residents of the UAE. A cross-sectional study among adults in the UAE was conducted using an online questionnaire between April and May 2020. A total of 1012 subjects participated in the study. During the pandemic, 31% reported weight gain and 72.2% had less than eight cups of water per day. Furthermore, the dietary habits of the participants were distanced from the Mediterranean diet principles and closer to "unhealthy" dietary patterns. Moreover, 38.5% did not engage in physical activity and 36.2% spent over five hours per day on screens for entertainment. A significantly higher percentage of participants reported physical exhaustion, emotional exhaustion, irritability, and tension "all the time" during the pandemic compared to before the pandemic (p < 0.001). Sleep disturbances were prevalent among 60.8% of the participants during the pandemic. Although lockdowns are an important safety measure to protect public health, results indicate that they might cause a variety of lifestyle changes, physical inactivity, and psychological problems among adults in the UAE.
Cheikh Ismail, L. et al. (2020). Eating Habits and Lifestyle during COVID-19 Lockdown in the United Arab Emirates: A Cross-Sectional Study. Nutrients, 12(11), 3314.
Intensity Matters: The Role of Physical Activity in the Job Demands-Resources Model
Fodor, P. D., Pohrt, A., Gekeler, S. B., Knoll, N., Heuse, S.
Research indicates that physical activity is associated with lower perceived job stress and burnout. Recent literature shows that regular vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity (VPA) may have beneficial effects going well beyond those of regular moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity (MPA). However, research investigating the competing roles of VPA and MPA in the context of deleterious job conditions is scarce. Using data from an online-study with 847 employees, we tested if VPA and MPA relate to lower symptoms of burnout and whether they moderate the relationship of job demands and burnout. Results point towards a negative main effect between MPA and burnout whereas no main effect has been found between VPA and burnout. However, results indicate that VPA moderates the deleterious relationship of high job demands and burnout. Findings suggest that employees may benefit from MPA independently from level of job demand whereas VPA may additionally help coping with high job demands.
Study type
Occupational health
Fodor, P. D., Pohrt, A., Gekeler, S. B., Knoll, N., Heuse, S. (2020). Intensity Matters: The Role of Physical Activity in the Job Demands-Resources Model. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 36 (3), 223-229.
Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on psychological distress in health workers: A three-arm parallel randomized controlled trial
Errazuriz, A. et al.
Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) has shown good efficacy for improving wellbeing in employees experiencing occupational stress. However, comparisons with other interventions, longer-term follow-up, and data from varying sociocultural contexts are lacking. This three-arm, parallel randomised controlled trial (RCT) examined the effects of MBSR on psychological distress in non-physician health workers in direct contact with patients. 105 participants were randomly allocated to either: (1) MBSR (N = 35), (2) Stress Management Course (SMC; N = 34) or (3) wait-list (N = 36). Participants and those assessing outcomes were blinded to group assignment. Participants completed questionnaires pre- and post-intervention and four months after the intervention. Psychological distress was measured using the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and Outcome Questionnaire (OQ-45). Secondary outcomes included perceived stress, job satisfaction, mindfulness skills and changes in salivary cortisol. 77 participants completed measures post-intervention and 52 at 4-month follow-up. MBSR showed a post-intervention effect in reducing GHQ-12 (ß = −0.80 [SE = 1.58] p < 0.01) and OQ-45 (ß = −0.72, [SE = 5.87] p < 0.05) psychological distress, compared to SMC and in reducing GHQ-12 (ß = −1.30 [SE = 1.38] p < 0.001) and OQ-45 (ß = −0.71, [SE = 5.58] p < 0.01) psychological distress compared to wait-list condition. In our secondary outcome, only MBSR was associated with a decrease in the cortisol awaking response by 23% (p < 0.05). At follow-up, only effects of MBSR on the psychological distress ‘social role’ subscale (ß = −0.76 [SE = 1.31] p < 0.05) remained significant, compared to SMC. In conclusion, MBSR appears useful in reducing short-term psychological distress in healthcare workers, but these effects were not maintained at follow-up. Trial registration: ISRCTN12039804.
Study type
Health care workers
Errazuriz, A. et al. (2020). Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on psychological distress in health workers: A three-arm parallel randomized controlled trial. Journal of Psychiatric Research.
Psychological Demands and Health: An Examination of the Role of Core Self-evaluations in the Stress-Coping Process
Pujol-Cols, L., Lazzaro-Salazar, M.
This study examined the direct and interactive effects of core self-evaluations (CSEs), psychological demands (i.e., quantitative and emotional demands) and coping strategies on mental and physical health in a sample of Argentinian managers. A total of 112 managers completed an online survey on CSEs, psychological demands, coping strategies, mental health, and physical health. First, the results of the hierarchical regression analyses revealed that both quantitative and emotional demands were significant predictors of individuals’ mental and physical health. Second, CSEs were found to significantly explain individuals’ mental health but not their physical health. Third, the findings showed that CSEs moderated the relationship between emotional demands and physical health, suggesting that the negative effects of emotional demands on physical health are greater for those individuals with less positive CSEs. Fourth, the results demonstrated that CSEs moderated the relationship between problem-solving coping and physical health, which suggests that this strategy is more effective when individuals have more positive CSEs. Finally, practical implications, limitations and future lines of research are discussed in this article.
Study type
Occupational health
Pujol-Cols, L., Lazzaro-Salazar, M. (2020). Psychological Demands and Health: An Examination of the Role of Core Self-evaluations in the Stress-Coping Process. Psychol Stud, 65, 408–419.
Prospective cohort study on the social determinants of health: Tehran University of Medical Sciences employees` cohort (TEC) study protocol
Nedjat, S., Mehrdad, R., Yunesian, M. et al.
Background: In this study, the association between the social determinants of health (SDH) as well as other health risk factors and outcomes will be evaluated at different socioeconomic layers. Methods/design: This is a prospective cohort study that was launched in January 2018 on Tehran University of Medical Sciences’ employees. The initial enrolment phase will continue up to March 2021, or until a sample size of 5500 is reached. In addition to annual phone-calls, the participants will be followed thrice at 5-year intervals. Data are collected through blood and urine samples, complete physical examination, anthropometric evaluation, and the completion of questionnaires related to SDH, such as socioeconomic status and social capital, history of diseases, lifestyle (including, nutrition, physical activity, cigarette and hookah smoking), occupational exposures (including psychosocial factors at work and work-family conflicts), and different aspects of physical, mental and occupational health as health outcomes. The association between independent variables and health (objective or subjective) are examined using multiple models and by controlling the confounding effects. Moreover, the trend in lifestyle changes and its impact on health are evaluated. Discussion: Our study will explore the key social determinants as well as other factors including socioeconomic status and social capital, history of diseases, lifestyle and occupational exposures that affect health. This will provide social and occupational health decision-makers and stakeholders with new and valuable evidence in an era in which we are witnessing huge changes in lifestyle.
Nedjat, S., Mehrdad, R., Yunesian, M. et al. (2020). Prospective cohort study on the social determinants of health: Tehran University of Medical Sciences employees` cohort (TEC) study protocol. BMC Public Health, 20, 1703.
A Time-Lagged Examination of the Greenhaus and Allen Work-Family Balance Model
Landolfi, A., Barattucci, M., & Lo Presti, A.
The work-family interface is a compelling topic that calls into question labor market dynamics and work processes, together with important social and family composition changes. The present study aimed at examining the antecedents of Work-Family Balance (WFB) in Italy consistent with Greenhaus and Allen’s (2011) conceptual model in which the characteristics of work and family roles have an indirect impact on work-family balance through Work-Family Conflict (WFC) and Work-Family Enrichment (WFE), and where job and family satisfaction are considered as predictors of WFB. A total of 568 workers participated in a time-lagged correlational study, filling a questionnaire. The theoretical model was tested by assessing the mediating role of job and family satisfaction as well as related antecedents, conflict, and enrichment between the family and work contexts, through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results partially confirmed the theoretical model: work-to-family enrichment and work-to-family conflict predicted family satisfaction, which also mediated their association with WFB. The results in the family-to-work direction did not support the initial research hypotheses. The hypotheses about associations between demands and resources, conflict and enrichment in both directions, and of the moderating role of core self-evaluations were partially confirmed. The results highlighted that organizations need to carry out periodic assessments of WFC and WFE, in order to provide benefits and resources, to reduce conflict, and increase enrichment, through proper interventions (training activities, professional development, mentoring, and forms of flexibility).
Landolfi, A., Barattucci, M., & Lo Presti, A. (2020). A Time-Lagged Examination of the Greenhaus and Allen Work-Family Balance Model. Behavioral sciences (Basel, Switzerland), 10(9), 140.
Is low-back pain a limiting factor for senior workers with high physical work demands? A cross-sectional study
Nygaard, P.P., Skovlund, S.V., Sundstrup, E. et al.
Background: Low-back pain (LBP) is highly prevalent among senior workers and may affect work ability, especially among those with hard physical work. This study determined the joint association of LBP intensity and physical work demands with work limitiations due to pain in senior workers. Methods: In the SeniorWorkingLife study (2018), 11,738 senior workers (≥50 years) replied to questions about physical work demands, LBP intensity, and work limitations due to pain. Using logistic regression analyses and controlling for potential confounders, associations between the physical work demands and LBP intensity (interaction) with work limitiations due to pain (outcome) was modeled. Results: Higher LBP intensity, as well as higher physical work demands, significantly increased the odds of experiencing work limitiations due to pain, and these two factors interacted with each other (p < 0.0001). In analyses stratified for LBP intensity, higher physical work demands gradually increased the odds of experiencing work limitiations due to pain. Conclusions: Senior workers with a combination of physically demanding work and LBP are more affected by their pain during everyday work tasks compared to workers with similar LBP-intensity in sedentary occupations. Accommodation of work demands seems especially relevant for this group of workers.
Study type
Occupational health
Nygaard, P.P., Skovlund, S.V., Sundstrup, E. et al. (2020). Is low-back pain a limiting factor for senior workers with high physical work demands? A cross-sectional study. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 21, 622.
The Effect of Psychosocial Work Environment on the Health-Related Quality of Life of Health Care Providers
Alshahrani, B., Alumran, A.
Background: Psychosocial work environment is a significant factor in the provision of quality health care. Understanding the psychosocial work environment in the Saudi Arabian health care system is critical in opening up new paths for future workplace interventions and the promotion of quality health care practices. We determined the relationship between psychosocial work environment and quality of life of employees in a major Saudi health care setting. Methods: We designed a quantitative cross-sectional study conducted at King Fahad University Hospital using a Web-based, validated survey targeting all hospital employees. Results: The study results showed that males have significantly higher quality of life and psychosocial work environment scores (t = -2.992, p < .001) than females (t = -2.07, p < 0.05). Employees with day shifts only had significantly higher quality of life scores compared to regular rotation shifts (t = 3.228, p < 0.001). Pearson correlation showed a significant association between quality of life and psychosocial work environment (r = .349, p < .001). The multivariable regression model showed a significant effect of psychosocial work environment, gender, and type of shift on quality of life (adjusted r2 = 0.2665, f = 16.26, p < 0.001). Conclusion: We anticipated that with higher quality of life, employees’ productivity increases. Thus, we expected patient care to improve by increasing health care providers’ quality of life scores. This study showed a significant correlation between psychosocial work environment and quality of life.
Study type
Occupational health
Saudi Arabia
Health care workers
Alshahrani, B., Alumran, A. (2020). The Effect of Psychosocial Work Environment on the Health-Related Quality of Life of Health Care Providers. Research Square.
Feeling of insecurity in Khaki: its effects on burnout and allied consequences in Haryana Police officers
Kumar, A., Narula, S.
The study aimed to assess feeling of insecurity at job, its association with burnout and the role of burnout in the relationships of feeling of insecurity with certain outcomes in Haryana Police officers. Adopting a cross-sectional design (sample size 1,223), the study observed feeling of insecurity at job in the officers; its positive association with burnout; burnout as a mediator in the relationships of feeling of insecurity with job satisfaction, commitment to the workplace, health, work-family conflict, and feeling to quit. The study identified burnout acting more like a suppressor variable in the relationships of feeling of insecurity with organisational citizenship behaviours, and physical aggression. The study found both feeling of insecurity and burnout as unrelated to verbal aggression. For the police administrators, study findings have key practical implications. The findings highlight feeling of insecurity and burnout as key venues to target with appropriate interventions for attenuating their adverse effects.
Study type
Occupational health
Kumar, A., Narula, S. (2020). Feeling of insecurity in Khaki: its effects on burnout and allied consequences in Haryana Police officers. International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management, vol. 21(1), pages 94-117.
Working conditions of healthcare workers and clients’ satisfaction with care: study protocol and baseline results of a cluster-randomised workplace intervention
Montano, D., Kuchenbaur, M., Geissler, H. et al.
Background: In the present investigation the study protocol and the results at baseline of a workplace intervention are reported. It is hypothesised that the reduction of the physical and psychosocial workload of healthcare workers increases 1 their self-assessed physical and mental work ability, and 2. clients’ satisfaction with care. Methods: Two-arm, cluster-randomised trial. Outcome data on workers and clients are collected in questionnaires at baseline, and two follow-ups between 2019 and 2021. Participants of the interventions are healthcare workers of 11 healthcare providers in Germany. At baseline, the intervention arm comprised 22 clusters (n = 174 workers); the control arm, 47 clusters (n = 276). The intervention consists of interviews and workshops, in which employees propose measures aiming to reduce the physical and psychosocial load, and strengthen resources at work. The primary outcome is the workers’ physical and mental work ability. The secondary outcome is the clients’ satisfaction with care. Results: There was no evidence of substantial differences between trial arms at baseline concerning the outcomes. The design effect estimates for physical and mental work ability were 1.29 and 1.05, respectively. At the end of the trial, effect sizes of at least 0.30 and 0.27 at the 80% power and 5% significance levels can be attained. Conclusions: The results suggest that the implementation of the study design has been satisfactory. The intervention is expected to provide evidence of relatively small to medium-size effects of the intervention activities on the work ability of healthcare workers and the clients’ satisfaction with care. Trial registration: Registration trial DRKS00021138 on the German Registry of Clinical Studies (DRKS), retrospectively registered on 25 March, 2020.
Study type
Health care workers
Montano, D., Kuchenbaur, M., Geissler, H. et al. (2020). Working conditions of healthcare workers and clients’ satisfaction with care: study protocol and baseline results of a cluster-randomised workplace intervention. BMC Public Health, 20, 1281.
Changing to improve? Organizational change and change-oriented leadership in hospitals
Øygarden, O., Olsen, E. and Mikkelsen, A.
Purpose: This paper aims to fill gaps in one’s knowledge of the impact of organizational change on two outcomes relevant to hospital service quality (performance obstacles and physician job satisfaction) and in one’s knowledge of the role of middle manager change-oriented leadership in relation to the same outcomes. Further, the authors aim to identify how physician participation in decision-making is impacted by organizational change and change-oriented leadership, as well as how it mediates the relationships between these two variables, performance obstacles and job satisfaction. Design/methodology/approach: The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design including data from Norwegian hospital physicians (N = 556). A hypothetical model was developed based on existing theory, confirmatory factor analysis was carried out in order to ensure the validity of measurement concepts, and the structural model was estimated using structural equation modelling. Findings: The organizational changes in question were positively related to performance obstacles both directly and indirectly through participation in decision-making. Organizational change was also negatively related to job satisfaction, both directly and indirectly. Change-oriented leadership was negatively related to performance obstacles, but only indirectly through participation in decision-making, whereas it was positively related to job satisfaction both directly and indirectly. Originality/value: The authors developed a theoretical model based on existing theory, but to their knowledge no other studies have tested these exact relationships within one model. These findings offer insights relevant to current and ongoing developments in the healthcare field and to the question of how hospitals may deal with continuous changes in ways that could contribute positively towards outcomes relevant to service quality.
Study type
Occupational health
Øygarden, O., Olsen, E. and Mikkelsen, A. (2020). Changing to improve? Organizational change and change-oriented leadership in hospitals. Journal of Health Organization and Management, Vol. 34 No. 6, 687-706.
Differential Work Design for Different Age Groups? A Systematic Literature Review of the Moderating Role of Age in the Relationship Between Psychosocial Work Characteristics and Health
Mühlenbrock, I., Hüffmeier, J.
Aging and the shrinkage of the working population increase the importance of preserving employee health. To analyze how associations between psychosocial work characteristics (e. g., quantitative work demands or social support) and individual health vary across age groups, we systematically reviewed a large sample of relevant published articles. Overall, we included 30 articles that reported 107 associations and found significant evidence of interactions between work characteristics and age for 61 % of these associations. To analyze these interactions further, we formed consistent age groups (younger [≤ 34 years], middle-aged [35 – 49 years], and older employees [≥ 50 years]). While we found differences across these age groups (e. g., a stronger association between low job autonomy and poor health in older employees), we did not identify crossover interactions with contradictory associations between work characteristics and health for different age groups. Implications for future research and an age-sensitive work design are discussed.
Study type
Litterature review
Not relevant
Not relevant
Mühlenbrock, I., Hüffmeier, J. (2020). Differential Work Design for Different Age Groups? A Systematic Literature Review of the Moderating Role of Age in the Relationship Between Psychosocial Work Characteristics and Health. Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie A&O, 64, 171-195.
What makes them happy? Professional care-givers’ job satisfaction
Höld, J., Späth, J. & Kricheldorff, C.
Background: Nurses’ job dissatisfaction can be seen as an early warning indicator of occupational change and (early) termination intentions. A better understanding of job satisfaction and its determinants can help to prevent nurses from leaving their profession. Aim: We assessed the impact of nurses’ perception of job characteristics on their overall job satisfaction in order to identify the most relevant factors. We also investigated the potential mechanisms through which the most relevant factor influences job satisfaction. Method: We used multiple regression analysis based on a standardized survey of about 800 registered nurses (in long-term care facilities) in both inpatient care and outpatient care in Germany as well as qualitative content analysis of about 50 semi-structured interviews with nurses. Results: We found that collaboration with the team and supervisor to be the most relevant factor associated with job satisfaction. A good team can create professional support and ideational support for professional caregivers and enhance their professional development and the quality of care. Discussion: Our results point to the importance of leadership training, team building methods and other measures for establishing and cultivating a pleasant working atmosphere with flexible shift handovers and team meetings.
Study type
Occupational health
Höld, J., Späth, J. & Kricheldorff, C. (2020). What makes them happy? Professional care-givers’ job satisfaction. Z Gerontol Geriat, 53, 655–662.
The WHO/ILO report on long working hours and ischaemic heart disease – Conclusions are not supported by the evidence
Kivimäki, M., Virtanen, M., Nyberg, T.S., Batty, G. D.
Working hours is a ubiquitous exposure given that most adults are employed, and one that is modifiable via legislative change if not always through individual-level choice. According to a recent report from the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Labour Organization (ILO), there is currently sufficient evidence to conclude that long working hours (i.e., ≥55 h per week) elevate the risk of fatal and non-fatal ischaemic heart disease to a clinically meaningful extent. After assessing the data used by the ILO/WHO, we feel that the expert group has not correctly applied their own framework for assessing the strength of the evidence. In the meta-analysis of observational studies in the report, the association between long working hours and incident heart disease appeared stronger in lower quality cohort studies with a high risk of bias (minimally-adjusted hazard ratio 1.20, 95% CI 1.01–1.41, compared to standard 35–40 weekly hours) than in the superior-quality studies with a lower risk of bias for which the estimate was not significantly different from the null (1.08, 95% CI 0.93–1.25). There was also marked effect modification, such that there was no increase in ischaemic heart disease for those working long hours in high socioeconomic status occupations, a finding also reported in analyses of a recent census-based cohort study which was not included in the report. Our meta-analysis of all these studies confirm that the findings are not consistent but differ between subgroups and that the summary age- and sex-adjusted hazard ratio for long working hours in high socioeconomic status occupations does not support excess risk: 0.85, 95% CI 0.63–1.13 (Pinteraction = 0.005, total N = 451,982). For these and other reasons detailed in this commentary, we advance a more cautious interpretation of the existing evidence. The conclusions should be restricted to low socioeconomic status occupations only and more research is still needed to confirm or refute harmfulness and determine clinical relevance.
Study type
Not relevant
Not relevant
Kivimäki, M., Virtanen, M., Nyberg, T.S., Batty, G. D. (2020). The WHO/ILO report on long working hours and ischaemic heart disease – Conclusions are not supported by the evidence. Environment International, Volume 144.
The mediating role of unhealthy behaviors and body mass index in the relationship between high job strain and self-rated poor health among lower educated workers
van Oostrom, S.H., Nachat, A., Loef, B. et al.
Objectives: The objective of this study is to examine the mediating role of unhealthy behaviors and body mass index (BMI) in the relationship between high job strain and self-rated poor health in workers with a low education. Methods: A total of 8369 low educated workers, who participated in the Lifelines cohort study during the period 2012–2017, were included. Self-reported job strain, health behaviors (smoking, physical activity, and fruit and vegetable consumption), and BMI were assessed at baseline, and self-rated health after 2 years. To assess mediation by the health behaviors and BMI, structural equation modeling with logistic and multinomial regression analyses were performed. Results: Workers with high job strain had a higher odds of poor health (OR 1.34; 95% CI 1.13–1.60) compared to those with low job strain. Workers with high job strain were more likely to have a lack of physical activity (OR 1.14; 95% CI 1.01–1.28), but were not more likely to smoke, to be overweight or obese, or to have a low fruit or vegetable consumption. Workers who smoke, have a lack of physical activity or are overweight or obese are more likely to report poor health (OR 1.37; 95% CI 1.16–1.60, OR 1.25; 95% CI 1.08–1.43, OR 1.37; 95% CI 1.16–1.61, OR 2.25; 95% CI 1.86–2.72). Indirect (mediating) effects of unhealthy behaviors and BMI in the relationship between high job strain and poor health were small and not statistically significant. Conclusions: No mediating effects of unhealthy behaviors or BMI were found in the relationship between high job strain and self-rated poor health among workers with a low educational level.
Study type
Occupational health
van Oostrom, S.H., Nachat, A., Loef, B. et al. (2020). The mediating role of unhealthy behaviors and body mass index in the relationship between high job strain and self-rated poor health among lower educated workers. Int Arch Occup Environ Health.
The association between supervisor support and ethical dilemmas on Nurses' intention to leave: The mediating role of the meaning of work
Hognestad Haaland, G., Olsen, E., Mikkelsen, A.
Aim: To examine the association between supervisor support and ethical dilemmas on nurses' intention to leave health care organisations, both directly and through the mediating role of the meaning of work. Background: The shortage of nurses makes it vital that organisations retain nurses and so reduce the costs associated with replacing experienced nurses. Methods: This cross‐sectional study samples 2,946 registered nurses from a selected health region in Norway. Structural equation modelling was used to test a hypothesized model. Results: Social support from the supervisor and ethical dilemmas is associated with nurses' intention to leave, both directly and indirectly through the mediating role of the meaning of work. Conclusion: Health care organisations should enhance social support from supervisors and the meaning of work, and reduce the level of ethical dilemmas in hospitals. Implications for Nursing Management: Health care organisations should continuously develop and offer training in nurse manager skills, such as being empathic, understanding employees' needs and how to communicate and handle ethical dilemmas. Managers should value staff contributions, encourage staff involvement in ethical questions and highlight the impact of nurses' work on improving the welfare of others.
Hognestad Haaland, G., Olsen, E., Mikkelsen, A. (2020). The association between supervisor support and ethical dilemmas on Nurses' intention to leave: The mediating role of the meaning of work. J Nurs Manag, 00: 1– 8.
The moderating role of psychosocial working conditions on the long-term relationship between depressive symptoms and work ability among employees from the Baby Boom generation
Weber, J., Hasselhorn, H.M., Borchart, D. et al.
Objective: Mental disorders have been identified as a leading cause for reduced work ability in industrialized countries. Identification of workplace factors that can increase the work ability of employees with depressive symptoms from the Baby Boom generation is, therefore, highly relevant. This study thus aims to investigate whether changes in psychosocial working conditions can moderate the negative association between depressive symptoms and work ability. Methods: Two waves with a 3-year time lag of the German lidA cohort study with 3609 participants born in 1959 and 1965 (aged 46 and 52 years at first wave) were analyzed. Self-report data about depressive symptoms at baseline and changes of working conditions from baseline to follow-up were used to calculate main and interaction effects on perceived work ability at follow-up. These analyses were controlled for baseline work ability and working conditions. Results: Depressive symptoms were predictive for an unfavorable course of work ability from baseline to follow-up (B = − 0.173, 95% CI = − 0.219 to − 0.128). However, no interaction effect between depressive symptoms and psychosocial working conditions was found. Instead, independent from the level of depressive symptoms, a decrease in quantitative demands (B = − 0.279, 95% CI = − 0.326 to − 0.232) and increases in leadership quality (B = 0.242, 95% CI = 0.192–0.292) and development opportunities (B = 0.177, 95% CI = 0.127–0.277) were related to a more favorable course of work ability. Only small effects were found for social support (B = 0.057, 95% CI = 0.008–0.106) and job control (B = 0.043, 95% CI = − 0.005–0.091). Conclusions: The results indicate that the lagged and negative effect of depressive symptoms on work ability was not moderated by changes in psychosocial working conditions. However, the promotion of favorable working conditions may contribute to a positive development of work ability among employees from the Baby Boom generation independently from the level of depressive symptoms.
Study type
Occupational health
Weber, J., Hasselhorn, H.M., Borchart, D. et al. (2020). The moderating role of psychosocial working conditions on the long-term relationship between depressive symptoms and work ability among employees from the Baby Boom generation. Int Arch Occup Environ Health.
Leaving and staying with the employer—Changes in work, health, and work ability among older workers
Garthe, N., Hasselhorn, H.M.
Objective: The aim of this prospective study was to examine employer changes among older workers and to relate them to psychosocial work factors, health, and work ability. Four groups of employees as elaborated by Hom et al. (2012) were distinguished: Enthusiastic leavers (EL), reluctant leavers (RL), enthusiastic stayers (ES), and reluctant stayers (RS). Methods: Repeated Measures ANOVA analyses were based on data from the second and third waves (2014, 2018) of the German lidA Cohort Study, a representative study of employees born in 1959 or 1965. Results: The largest proportion of participants was ES (73.3%), 13.2% stayed with their employer although they would have preferred to leave (RS). 7.1% changed employer between 2014 and 2018 voluntarily (EL), 6.4% involuntarily (RL). Analyses confirmed that the four groups already differed in 2014 in terms of health, work ability, and psychosocial work factors and that these outcomes change in different characteristic patterns over time. Most outcomes improved substantially following the change among EL. RS already reported poor outcomes in 2014 and exhibited a further deterioration while staying at the undesired workplace. Conclusion: Our findings indicate that an employer change is followed by improvements of work, health, and work ability. We conclude that an inclusive labor market policy for older workers allowing for high job mobility may have the potential to contribute to considerable improvements of workers’ individual working conditions, health, and work ability, thereby increasing the work participation. Also, the considerable group of RL requires increased political and scientific attention.
Study type
Occupational health
Garthe, N., Hasselhorn, H.M. (2020). Leaving and staying with the employer—Changes in work, health, and work ability among older workers. Int Arch Occup Environ Health.
Working conditions as risk factors for early exit from work—in a cohort of 2351 employees in Germany
d’Errico, A., Burr, H., Pattloch, D. et al.
Objectives: We would assess the possible impact of a range of physical and psychosocial working conditions on early exit from paid employment (i.e., before retirement age) in a representative employee population in Germany. Methods: We analysed a cohort from the German Study on Mental Health at Work (S-MGA) with a baseline of 2351 employees in 2011/12, sampled randomly from the register of integrated employment biographies (IEB) at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB). Follow-up ended mid-2015. Early Exit comprised episodes of either pensioning, long-term sickness absence or unemployment ≥ 18 months. Total follow-up years were 8.422. Working conditions were partly assessed by the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ). Through Cox regressions, associations of baseline working conditions with time to event of exit were estimated—adjusting for baseline age, gender, poverty, fixed-term contract and socioeconomic position. Results: In multiple regressions, awkward body postures (HR = 1.24; 95% CI = 1.07–1.44), heavy lifting (1.17; 1.00–1.37) and high work pace (1.41; 1.16–1.72) were associated with exit. The estimated attributable fraction of exit for being exposed to less than optimal work environment was 25%. Regarding specific exit routes, repetitive movements (1.25; 1.03–1.53) increased the risk for the long-term sickness absence; work pace (1.86; 1.22–2.86) and role clarity (0.55; 0.31–1.00) were associated to unemployment; and control over working time (0.72; 0.56–0.95) decreased the risk of the early retirement. Conclusions: Work environment seems to be important for subsequent early exit from work. Physical and psychosocial demands seem to be associated to exit to a stronger extent than resources at work.
Study type
Occupational health
d’Errico, A., Burr, H., Pattloch, D. et al. (2020). Working conditions as risk factors for early exit from work—in a cohort of 2351 employees in Germany. Int Arch Occup Environ Health.
Work profiles of older employees in Germany-results from the lidA-cohort study
Hasselhorn, H.M., Stiller, M., du Prel, JB. et al.
Background: This study investigates whether a typology of work exposure can be established among older workers in Germany. Work exposure comprises physical work, working time quality, work intensity, skills & discretion, social environment, leadership, continued education, earnings and work prospects. Methods: Latent profile analysis was conducted on a representative sample of the socially insured workforce in Germany born in 1959 or 1965 (N = 6277). Seven year-prospective associations between the typology and work-related outcomes (physical and mental health, work ability and work-privacy-conflict) were investigated to establish the distinctness of the profiles. Results: Five profiles were identified: “Poor Quality” (19%), “Relaxed Manuals” (30%), “Strained non-Manuals” (16%), “Smooth Running” (33%) and “High Flying” (3%). These profiles exhibited diverging patterns of association with the selected outcomes, thus representing qualitatively distinct subgroups of older workers in Germany. Conclusions: We conclude that a typological approach may broaden the understanding of the ageing work force and the complex interplay of the overall work situation with outcomes of high individual and social relevance such as health, work ability and employment. The five work profiles identified in this study may constitute crucial clusters needed to reliably mirror today’s over-all work exposure patterns in the older work force in Germany. They may allow for the comprehensible monitoring of quality of work and personal life among the older work force during their last working years and their transition to retirement in current times of extending working lives.
Study type
Occupational health
Hasselhorn, H.M., Stiller, M., du Prel, JB. et al. (2020). Work profiles of older employees in Germany-results from the lidA-cohort study. BMC Public Health, 20, 1452.
Physical and psychosocial work factors as explanations for social inequalities in self-rated health
Brønholt, R.L.L., Hansen, M.B., Islamoska, S. et al.
Objective: We investigated the contribution of physical and psychosocial work factors to social inequalities in self-rated health (SRH) in a sample of Danish 40 and 50 years old occupationally active women and men. Methods: In this longitudinal study, the study population consisted of 3338 Danish women and men. Data were collected by postal questionnaires in 2000 (baseline) and 2006 (follow-up). The independent variable, socioeconomic position (SEP), was assessed by the highest achieved educational level at baseline. We conducted gender-stratified parallel multiple mediation analyses. In the mediation analyses, SEP was categorised as SEP I, II, III, VI and V among men. Among women, SEP was dichotomised into SEP I–IV and V. The outcome, SRH, was assessed at baseline and follow-up. A wide range of physical and psychosocial work factors were included as potential mediators. Results: We found a social gradient in SRH across all levels of SEP among men. Among women, we only found a poorer SRH among those with the lowest SEP. Mediation analyses showed that work factors together accounted for 56% of the social inequalities in SRH among men and 44% among women. In both genders, ergonomic exposures and job insecurity seemed to play the major role for social inequalities in SRH. For women only, we also found noise to contribute to the social inequalities in SRH. Conclusion: Physical and psychosocial work factors partially explained social inequalities in SRH among both genders. Improvement of the working environment can potentially contribute to the reduction of social inequalities in health.
Study type
Occupational health
Brønholt, R.L.L., Hansen, M.B., Islamoska, S. et al. (2020). Physical and psychosocial work factors as explanations for social inequalities in self-rated health. Int Arch Occup Environ Health.
Validation Of The Copsoq And Bdjd-24 As A Job Demand Scale For Assessing Taxi Drivers’ Safety Performance: Specific Vs. General Job Demands
Husain, N., & Mohamad, J.
Background: The Job Demand – Resource Model (JD-R) is a job-stress model that focuses on assessing the effect of the employees’ health-related outcomes, and their performances due to stress induced by their job demands, and job resources. Different occupations possess different combinations of specific job-related demands, and job resources. The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ) is an established self-reported tool that has been widely used to measure general job demands through the JD-R model. In contrast, the BDJD-24 is a model that was developed to assess the specific job demands of the bus drivers’ job demands. Objective: This study aims to measure the validity and reliability of the job demand questionnaire by applying it on the taxi drivers of Malaysia so as to assess their safety performance (safety motivation and safety compliance). Method: A sample of 33 (N = 333) taxi drivers from the Klang Valley, Malaysia was recruited. Participants completed the questionnaire in the native language (Malay). To examine the psychometric properties of the COPSOQ and BDJD-24, we used the Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) derived from SPSS, and then confirmed it with the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) derived from AMOS. Results: The internal consistency was found to be acceptable, between 0.71 to 0.84. The CFA revealed that the taxi drivers’ job demands, as proposed, had a 5-dimensional influence. The five demands (i.e. emotional, hiding emotion, sensory, time, and safety) were clearly distinguished in the factor analysis. The KMO was adequate, at 0.78, and the variance for the 5-factor structure was 51.97%. The CFA also confirmed the correlation among these demands. Discussion: It is found that the COPSOQ and the BDJD-24 measurement were both reliable and valid for measuring the taxi drivers’ job demands. However, the general vs. specific job demands hypothesis, as proposed by the JD-R model, was not supported. The general job demands (emotional demands) were found to be more strongly associated with safety motivation, and safety compliance. The practical implications and limitations of the present study are further discussed in the paper.
Study type
Taxi drivers
Husain, N., & Mohamad, J. (2020). Validation Of The Copsoq And Bdjd-24 As A Job Demand Scale For Assessing Taxi Drivers’ Safety Performance: Specific Vs. General Job Demands. Journal Of Health And Translational Medicine, 41 - 51.
The Correlation Between Psychosocial Risk Factors And Work Performance In Manufacturing Industry
Nuruzzakiyah, M.I., Ezrin Hani, S., & Hanida, A.A.
Nature of psychosocial risk as to the unseen hazards in the working population, potentially exposing the workers towards the adverse effect of mental health. Compromising the well- being of mental health could lead to deterioration of work performance. The objective of this study is to analyze the constructed measure of psychosocial risk factors and work performance of manufacturing workers using statistical analysis. Then, the constructed measure is used to find the correlations between the two factors. A set of the questionnaire is administered to 258 manufacturing workers. The questionnaires were adapted and adopted from Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ III), NIOSH Generic Job Stress Questionnaire, and Individual Work Performance Questionnaire (IWPQ 1.0) and the instrument were found to be reliable (Cronbach Alpha value = 0.7 ). After conducting Exploratory Factor Analysis by using Principal Component Analysis, the construct validity to conduct data collection in the manufacturing industry is tested. Using eight factors understudy that already extracted using factor analysis, it is found that there are significant psychosocial risk factors present in the manufacturing industry. As for the association between psychosocial and work performance, it is found that there is a significant association between psychosocial risk factors and work performance. This study is essential to explore the presence of psychosocial risk factors that underlies in the manufacturing industry, which might affect worker performance and well-being. For future research, it is recommended so that this study can be replicated to other manufacturing industry or different types of industries to see the robustness of the developed instruments. At the same time, the issue of psychosocial risk factors and workers' performance also can be identified, and the mitigation can be planned.
Study type
Occupational health
Manufacture workers
Nuruzzakiyah, M.I., Ezrin Hani, S., & Hanida, A.A. (2020). The Correlation Between Psychosocial Risk Factors And Work Performance In Manufacturing Industry. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, Special Volume (1): 23-29.
The importance of appraisal in stressor–well-being relationships and the examination of personality traits as boundary conditions
Smith, R.W., DeNunzio, M.M., Haynes, N.J. and Thiele, A.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating role of appraisals in three stressor–wellbeing relationships: (1) the mediating role of challenge appraisals in the relationship between daily skill demands and daily work engagement, (2) the mediating role of hindrance appraisals in the relationship between daily interruptions and daily depletion and (3) the mediating role of threat appraisals in the relationship between daily emotional demands and daily anxiety. We also examined the moderating influence of conscientiousness on the daily skill demands–challenge appraisal relationship, the moderating role of extraversion on the daily interruptions–hindrance appraisal relationship and the moderating influence of neuroticism on the daily emotional demands–threat appraisal relationship. Supplemental analyses also examined the moderating influence of the aforementioned personality traits on the respective direct effects of stressors on well-being outcomes. Design/methodology/approach: We tested our hypotheses using a 5-days experience sampling design in a sample of 114 working adults and employed multilevel modeling. Findings: All hypothesized mediating mechanisms were supported, however, the majority of moderation hypotheses were not supported. Originality/value: We sought to extend the relatively recent advancement in the challenge–hindrance framework to provide additional evidence of the utility of distinguishing between challenge, hindrance and threat stressors. Although not supported, this is the one of the first papers to test the moderating influence of personality traits on the stressor–appraisal relationship.
Study type
Occupational health
United States of America
Smith, R.W., DeNunzio, M.M., Haynes, N.J. and Thiele, A. (2020). The importance of appraisal in stressor–well-being relationships and the examination of personality traits as boundary conditions. Journal of Managerial Psychology.
Work‐related stress and wellbeing among nurses: Testing a multi‐dimensional model
Vallone, F., Smith, A.P., Zurlo, M.C.
Aim: Basing on the Demands‐Resources and Individual‐Effects (DRIVE) Model developed by Mark and Smith in 2008, the study aims to propose and test a multi‐dimensional model that combines work characteristics, individual characteristics, and work–family interface dimensions as predictors of nurses' psychophysical health. Methods: Self‐report questionnaires assessing work characteristics (effort; rewards; job demands; job control; social support), individual characteristics (socio‐demographic characteristics; coping strategies; Type A behavioral pattern; Type D personality), work–family interface dimensions (work–family interrole conflict; job and life satisfaction), and health outcomes (psychological disease; physical disease) were completed by 450 Italian nurses. Logistic regression analyses and Hayes' PROCESS tool were used to test the proposed model by exploring main, moderating and mediating hypotheses. Results: Findings confirmed the proposed theoretical framework including work characteristics, individual characteristics, and work–family interface dimensions as significant predictors of nurses' psychophysical disease. Specific main, moderating and mediating effects were found, providing a wide set of multiple risks and protective factors. Conclusions: The study allowed a broader understanding of nurses' work‐related stress process, providing a comprehensive tool for the assessment of occupational health and for the definition of tailored policies and interventions in public healthcare organizations to promote nurses' wellbeing.
Vallone, F., Smith, A.P., Zurlo, M.C. (2020). Work‐related stress and wellbeing among nurses: Testing a multi‐dimensional model. Jpn J Nurs Sci, 17:e12360.
Downsizing and surviving employees' engagement and strain: The role of job resources and job demands
Dlouhy, K., Casper, A.
Downsizing is widely assumed to detrimentally affect surviving employees' engagement and health through increased demands and decreased resources. Building on job demands–resources theory, we assess whether these effects occur and whether job demands and resources moderate the detrimental effects of downsizing on employee health and engagement. We conceptualize downsizing as a stressor event, and we explain its relationship with employee health through the job demands work overload and job insecurity are (two) job demands, as well as its relationship with employee engagement through the job resources supervisor support and opportunities for development are job resources. Using data from two large representative samples of German employees, we show that job demands mediate the negative relationship between downsizing and employees' psychological and physical health and that job resources mediate the negative relationship between downsizing and engagement. We find little support for the assumption that job resources alleviate the indirect effects of downsizing on surviving employees' health, or that job demands strengthen the indirect effects of downsizing on surviving employees' engagement. We discuss how these findings expand our understanding of downsizing and outline practical implications for human resource practitioners.
Dlouhy, K., Casper, A. (2020). Downsizing and surviving employees' engagement and strain: The role of job resources and job demands. Hum Resour Manage, 1-20.
Comparing perceived psychosocial working conditions of nurses and physicians in two university hospitals in Germany with other German professionals - feasibility of scale conversion between two versions of the German Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ)
Wagner, A., Nübling, M., Hammer, A. et al.
Background: In 2015, the WorkSafeMed study assessed, amongst others, perceived psychosocial working conditions in nurses (n = 567) and physicians (n = 381) from two German university hospitals using scales from the German standard version of the COPSOQ (Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire). This standard version is based on the international COPSOQ I and II. Since 2017, a further developed version of the German COPSOQ (G-COPSOQ III) has been available and data from this version are stored in the German COPSOQ database. The aim of the present study was to compare scales depicting perceived psychosocial workloads and strain in hospital staff from the WorkSafeMed study with reference data (hospital care nurses, general hospital physicians, reference values across all occupations) from the German COPSOQ database (2012–2017). As preliminary work, we explored whether a conversion of COPSOQ scales based on data from the WorkSafeMed study to the G-COPSOQ III scales was possible. Methods: We applied a multistep approach for conversion. First, we compared 17 COPSOQ scales used in the WorkSafeMed study with the corresponding scales from the G-COPSOQ III according to content and then decided if a conversion was appropriate. If possible, we converted WorkSafeMed scales - the converted scales comprised the same content and number of items as in G-COPSOQ III. An explorative statistical analysis for each original and converted WorkSafeMed scale followed detecting possible statistical and relevant differences between the scales. We then compared converted WorkSafeMed scales with reference data from the German COPSOQ database. Results: Based on the comparison undertaken according to content, a conversion was possible for 16 scales. Using the data from the WorkSafeMed study, the statistical analysis showed only differences between original and converted COPSOQ scales “control over working time” (mean 40.2 vs. 51.8, dCohen = 0.56) and “social relations” (mean 55.6 vs. 41.8, dCohen = − 0.55). Comparing converted WorkSafeMed scales with reference data revealed higher values for “quantitative demands”, “work-privacy-conflict”, and “job satisfaction” in the WorkSafeMed sample. Conclusions: The conversion of WorkSafeMed scales was appropriate, allowed a comparison with three reference values in the German COPSOQ database and revealed some implications for improving psychosocial working conditions of nurses and physicians in university hospitals in Germany.
Study type
Occupational health
Wagner, A., Nübling, M., Hammer, A. et al. (2020). Comparing perceived psychosocial working conditions of nurses and physicians in two university hospitals in Germany with other German professionals - feasibility of scale conversion between two versions of the German Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ). J Occup Med Toxicol, 15, 26.
Meaning of work in a group of school principals: the role of organizational variables
Buonomo, I., Benevene, P. and Fiorilli, C.
Purpose: Principals’ beliefs about their profession are of great interest for schools in terms of organizational development and success. Furthermore, as meaning is a dimension of eudaimonic well-being, studying the principal meaning of work allows us to deepen the knowledge about their professional well-being, too. According to studies on non-educational contexts, the meaning of work is influenced by several organizational variables (such as possibilities for professional development and organizational commitment). Despite this, several school workers still lack to recognize the role played in this regard. Trying to fulfill these gaps partially, the purpose of this study is to verify the incremental effect of organizational dimensions and positive feedback from colleagues above and beyond positive beliefs about work. Design/methodology/approach: An Italian version of the COPSOQ II adapted to school principals was administered to 1,616 school principals. Hierarchical multiple regression was conducted, considering three blocks of variables, namely, positive personal beliefs about work (job satisfaction and self-efficacy); organizational dimensions (role clarity, possibilities for development and sense of belonging to the workplace); positive feedback from colleagues. Findings: Overall, the variables explained 45% of the variance of the meaning of work. While organizational variables accounted for an incremental 24% of the variance, above and beyond the personal experience of work (F (5, 1,610) = 267.378, p = 0.000), positive feedback from colleagues did not show a significant effect originality. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study regarding the meaning of work at school with specific reference to school principals. Originality/value: To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study regarding the meaning of work at school and with specific reference to school principals.
Study type
Occupational health
School principals
Buonomo, I., Benevene, P. and Fiorilli, C. (2020). Meaning of work in a group of school principals: the role of organizational variables. Journal of Workplace Learning, Vol. 32 No. 6, 389-403.
Assessing Work Stressors in the Health Care Sector by Combining External Observation and Health Professionals’ Self-report in a Cross-sectional Study Design
Peter, K., Hahn, S., Stadelmann, E., Halfens, R.J.G., Schols, J.M.G.A.
Objective: Health professionals are particularly affected by work stressors and various methods have already been used to assess them. Linking health professionals’ self-report and external observations can provide a more detailed assessment of stressors, since conclusions for interventions can be derived from their agreement. Since there is a lack of studies in the health sector linking both data sources, the aim of this study is to identify the convergence between health professionals’ self-reports and external observations. Methods: Data were collected in general hospitals, nursing homes, psychiatric institutions and home-care organizations in a cross-sectional study design. 110 health professionals were observed during one entire shift, by one of eight trained external observers. Health professionals and observer separately filled out a questionnaire on work stressors after the observation. For data analysis multiple regression models using bootstrap were calculated considering possible observer effects. Results: Convergent scores for 3 of 9 tested scales on ‘predictability’ of work, ‘social community’ and ‘social relations’ (p>0.05) at work, were identified. However, health professionals rated their ‘quantitative’ (p=0.001), ‘sensorial’ (p=0.001) and ‘physical demands’ (p=0.001) significantly higher than the external observers did. On the contrary, external observers perceived the ‘possibilities for development’ (p=0.007), ‘influence at work’ (p=0.032) and ‘social support at work’ (p=0.002) as lower than did the health professionals. Results also indicate a significant influence of different work settings (p<0.05) on the convergence of self-assessed and observed work stressors. Conclusions: This study reveal that results on work stressors can be influenced by the chosen method for data collection, which should be considered when using one method only. Moreover, differences between the settings indicate that results on work stressors from one health-care setting cannot be easily transferred to another.
Study type
Occupational health
Health care workers
Peter, K., Hahn, S., Stadelmann, E., Halfens, R.J.G., Schols, J.M.G.A. (2020). Assessing Work Stressors in the Health Care Sector by Combining External Observation and Health Professionals’ Self-report in a Cross-sectional Study Design. Occupational Medicine & Health Affairs, 8, 1.
Analyzing the effect of social interaction on job demands and health in the example of flexible shiftwork
Niessen, P., Stockinger, C., Zoeller, I.
In the literature, shiftwork-related stress is often connected with health complaints. However, it has been shown that these are not equally distributed. Further reasons must exist as to why stress resulting from shiftwork only affects health in some cases. In a study with 653 employees working in highly flexible shiftwork conditions, an examination was made of the factors affecting the relationship between job demands and health status. The results show that satisfaction with leadership influences whether unevenly distributed work and time pressure have a significant impact on health. The factor of other people living in the household significantly influences whether time pressure and emotional stress lead to health complaints. The study concluded that the impact of social interaction as a resource is not limited to the workplace. Social interaction, as a personal resource, can be helpful in both the professional and private spheres.
Study type
Occupational health
Shift workers
Niessen, P., Stockinger, C., Zoeller, I. (2020). Analyzing the effect of social interaction on job demands and health in the example of flexible shiftwork. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics.
Social Networks of Nursing Units as Predictors of Organizational Commitment and Intent to Leave of Nurses
Won, H.-J.
This study attempted to examine the structural characteristics of the social network of nursing units by dividing them into a job-related advice network and a friendship network, and to analyze the relationship between nurse organizational commitment and intent to leave. The subjects were 420 nurses working in 4 hospitals and 30 nursing units. Data were analyzed using UCINET 6.0, SPSS 20.0 and HLM 7.0. In job-related advice networks, degree centrality of head nurse contributed to organizational commitment. Network density contributed to intent to leave. In friendship networks, closeness centrality of head nurses and betweenness centrality of charge nurse contributed to organizational commitment. Density and betweenness centrality of charge nurses contributed to intent to leave. Accordingly, it is necessary to foster good relationships between nurses and to develop various types of strategies for building effective networks.
Study type
Occupational health
South Korea
Won, H.-J. (2020). Social Networks of Nursing Units as Predictors of Organizational Commitment and Intent to Leave of Nurses. The Journal of the Korea Contents Association, 20(6), 187–196.
Why busy leaders may have exhausted followers: a multilevel perspective on supportive leadership
Stein, M., Vincent-Höper, S. and Gregersen, S.
Purpose: This study of leaders and followers working in day-care centers aims to use a multilevel perspective on supportive leadership to examine its role in linking workload at the leader level and emotional exhaustion at the follower level. Integrating theoretical work on social support with conservation of resources (COR) theory, leaders' workload is proposed to be positively related to followers' feelings of emotional exhaustion through constraining the enactment of supportive leadership. Design/methodology/approach: Multisource survey data from 442 followers and their leaders from 68 teams were collected to test the hypotheses. Findings: Multilevel analyses showed that leader workload was negatively related to followers' perception of supportive leadership, which, in turn, was positively related to followers' levels of emotional exhaustion. Leader workload was indirectly and positively related to follower emotional exhaustion via supportive leadership. Research limitations/implications: This study provides initial support for the idea that work contextual factors at the leader level create boundaries for the extent to which leaders may provide support to their followers and draws attention to the accountability of leaders' work contextual factors for followers' well-being. Practical implications: The findings suggest that organizations must not focus narrowly on training leaders on how to benefit followers but should also aim to optimize leaders' levels of workload to enable them to act in a supportive manner. Originality/value: By considering both the receivers (i.e. followers) and providers (i.e. leaders) of support simultaneously, we take a crossover approach to COR theory and acknowledge that work contextual factors at higher organizational levels may spread to employee well-being at lower levels of the organization.
Study type
Occupational health
Preschool teachers
Stein, M., Vincent-Höper, S. and Gregersen, S. (2020). Why busy leaders may have exhausted followers: a multilevel perspective on supportive leadership. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 41 No. 6, 829-845.
Telework in academia: associations with health and well-being among staff
Heiden, M., Widar, L., Wiitavaara, B. et al.
As the development of technical aids for telework has progressed, work has become more flexible in time and space. Among academics, the opportunity to telework has been embraced by most, but it is unclear how it relates to their health and well-being. The aim of this study was to determine how frequency and amount of telework is associated with perceived health, stress, recuperation, work-life balance, and intrinsic work motivation among teaching and research academics. An electronic questionnaire was sent to junior lecturers, senior lecturers, and professors at Swedish public universities. It included the General Health Questionnaire, Work Stress Questionnaire, items for assessing recuperation, the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction at Work scale, and parts of Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire, as well as questions about the frequency and amount of telework performed. In total, 392 academics responded to the survey. Multivariate analysis of variance showed significant differences between groups of academics with different telework frequency (p < 0.05). Univariate analyses of variance showed that ratings of stress related to indistinct organization and conflicts were higher among academics that telework several times per week or more than among academics that telework less than once per month. In regression analyses of associations between amount of telework (in hours per week) and the dependent variables, no significant effects were found. Although it cannot be concluded whether stress is a cause or an effect of frequent telework, the findings warrant further attention to academics who telework frequently.
Study type
Occupational health
Heiden, M., Widar, L., Wiitavaara, B. et al. (2020). Telework in academia: associations with health and well-being among staff. High Educ.
Improving Early Care and Education Professionals’ Teaching Self-Efficacy and Well-Being: A Mixed Methods Exploratory Study
Tanaka, R. N., Boyce, K. L., Chinn, C. C., Murphy, N. K.
Research Findings: Early care and education (ECE) professionals experience a myriad of challenges that adversely impact their well-being as well as their ability to have the greatest teaching impact on the children they serve. There is general agreement that Professional Development (PD) can improve teaching practices. The current study examined the impact of a PD experience that included both adaptive work (e.g., addressing educators’ existing strengths, challenges, belief systems, stress levels, and self-care) and technical training (e.g., strategies for addressing children’s challenging behavior). This PD experience was implemented with 62 ECE professionals living on the islands of Hawai’i over 10 weeks and consisted of in-person sessions, web-based sessions, and a community of practice. Findings from this study suggest high ratings of effectiveness of the PD experience and positive improvements in ECE professionals’ ratings of their teaching self-efficacy and well-being. Practice or Policy: The results from this study suggest that PD incorporating adaptive work can improve teaching self-efficacy and could be implemented as part of every PD session. PD that incorporates an emphasis on teachers’ well-being and actively strives to promote their well-being may be as important to ECE professionals as some other strategies targeted to improve work environments and classroom quality.
Study type
Occupational health
United States of America
Preschool teachers
Tanaka, R. N., Boyce, K. L., Chinn, C. C., Murphy, N. K. (2020). Improving Early Care and Education Professionals’ Teaching Self-Efficacy and Well-Being: A Mixed Methods Exploratory Study. Early Education and Development, 31:7, 1089-1111.
Prevalence and predictors of suicidal thoughts and behaviours among Australian police and emergency services employees
Kyron, M.J., Rikkers, W., Page, A.C. et al.
Objective: This study presents rates of suicide thoughts and behaviours of police and emergency services personnel around Australia. In addition, it examines personal (i.e. mental health, substance use) and working environment risk and protective factors. Method: A stratified random sample of personnel from 33 Australian emergency services organisations were invited to participate in a mental health and wellbeing survey. In total, 14,868 Australian ambulance, fire and rescue, police and state emergency services employees participated and self-reported any suicidal thoughts, plans and/or attempts in the 12 months prior to the survey or at any stage in their life. Logistic regressions assessed factors associated with suicidal thoughts and behaviours. Results: Employees reported notably higher rates of suicidal thoughts and plans than the general Australian adult population, but not attempts. Male, single/divorced, non-heterosexual or longer-serving employees reported higher rates of suicidal thoughts and behaviours across each sector. Perceptions of stigma regarding mental health conditions from others in the workplace, negative impact of work on one’s private life and low meaning of work were associated with suicidal thoughts, while bullying significantly differentiated who planned and attempted suicide from those who reported suicidal thoughts only. Higher resilience and social support were associated with lower suicidal thoughts, while intermittent explosive anger and illegal drug use were associated with higher rates of suicidal thoughts. Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms significantly differentiated who planned suicide, while misuse of prescription drugs and psychological distress differentiated who attempted suicide from those who only reported suicidal thoughts. Conclusion: Amid inherently stressful occupations, it is important that workplaces function in a way that supports their personnel. Access to mental health services should be promoted and readily available to personnel.
Study type
Occupational health
Australia, New Zealand
Police, Emergency Service Personnel
Kyron, M.J., Rikkers, W., Page, A.C. et al. (2020). Prevalence and predictors of suicidal thoughts and behaviours among Australian police and emergency services employees. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry.
The Association Between Prosocialness, Relational-Interdependent Self-construal and Gender in Relation to Burnout Among Swedish Clergy
Buratti, S., Geisler, M. & Allwood, C.M.
Serving as a clergyperson is a highly variable profession and in recent decades, the role has evolved and expanded even further. Consequently, the demands have increased and with it the risk for stress-related ill-health and absenteeism. The aim of the current study was to evaluate, in a larger sample of Swedish clergy (N = 871), two possible antecedents of burnout, namely prosocialness and relational-interdependent self-construal. A further aim was to explore potential gender differences in the investigated associations. The direct and indirect relationships of prosocialness and relational-interdependent self-construal to two dimensions of burnout, exhaustion, and disengagement were investigated in a structural equation-modelling framework. The results showed that clergy who reported higher prosocialness experienced more stress in their work, in terms of both quantitative and emotional demands, which in turn was associated with higher levels of exhaustion and disengagement. But prosocialness was also found to be directly associated with lower levels of disengagement, as well as indirectly associated with higher levels of role clarity. However, no direct or indirect associations were found between relational-interdependent self-construal and any dimension of burnout. Regarding gender differences, female clergy reported higher levels of prosocialness and job demands, less role clarity, and in turn more exhaustion compared to male clergy. This indicated a more stressful situation for female clergy. Our study contributes new insights into the role that personality plays in different dimensions of burnout in clergy, as well as insights into an understanding of gender differences in burnout among clergy.
Study type
Occupational health
Buratti, S., Geisler, M. & Allwood, C.M. (2020). The Association Between Prosocialness, Relational-Interdependent Self-construal and Gender in Relation to Burnout Among Swedish Clergy. Rev Relig Res, 62, 583–602.
Design and validity of a questionnaire for measuring psychosocial risk factors and burnout
Jacobo-Galicia, G., Máynez-Guaderrama, A. I.
In recent years, burnout has emerged as one of the most important work risks. Continuous chronical emotional and interpersonal stressors at the workplace can lead to burnout. Among those, psychosocial risk factors are things, events, or circumstances that may affect workers' health due to their work and workplace conditions and may result in burnout. The purpose of this research was to design and validate a scale to evaluate the relationship between psychosocial risk factors and burnout within the aerospace manufacturing industry. A reliable, valid scale was obtained, which can be applied to operative personnel.
Study type
Occupational health
Manufacture workers
Jacobo-Galicia, G., Máynez-Guaderrama, A. I. (2020). Design and validity of a questionnaire for measuring psychosocial risk factors and burnout. DYNA, 87(214), 66-74.
Joint association of physical and psychosocial working conditions with risk of long-term sickness absence: Prospective cohort study with register follow-up
Sundstrup, E., Andersen, L.L.
Aims: The interplay between physical and psychosocial working conditions for the risk of developing poor health is not well understood. This study aimed to determine the joint association of physical and psychosocial working conditions with risk of long-term sickness absence (LTSA) in the general working population. Methods: Based on questionnaire responses about physical working conditions and psychosocial working conditions (influence at work, emotional demands, support from colleagues and support from managers) and two-year prospective follow-up in a national register on social transfer payments, we estimated the risk of incident LTSA of >30 days among 9544 employees without previous LTSA from the Danish Work Environment Cohort Study. The analyses were censored for all events of permanent labour market drop-out (retirement, disability pension, immigration or death) and controlled for potential confounders. Results: In the total cohort, more demanding physical working conditions were associated with risk of LTSA in a dose–response fashion (trend test, p<0.0001). The combination of poor overall psychosocial working conditions (index measure of influence at work, emotional demands, support from managers and support from colleagues) and hard physical working conditions showed the highest risk of LTSA. However, poor overall psychosocial working conditions did not interact with physical working conditions in the risk of LTSA (p=0.9677). Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that workplaces should strive to improve both psychosocial and physical work factors in order to ensure the health of workers.
Study type
Occupational health
Sundstrup, E., Andersen, L.L. (2020). Joint association of physical and psychosocial working conditions with risk of long-term sickness absence: Prospective cohort study with register follow-up. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
The relationship between psychosocial characteristics of the work environment and job satisfaction in an Italian public ECE service: A cross-lagged study
Viotti, S., Sottimano, I., Converso, D., Guidetti, G.
The present study uses a revised version of the Motivation–Hygiene theory as a theoretical framework to examine the cross-lagged associations in a sample of Italian pre-kindergarten (pre-k) teachers between job satisfaction and two types of psychosocial characteristics of the work environment: motivating factors (i.e., job demands, work meaning, and role clarity) and hygiene factors (i.e., work–family conflict, rewards, peer support, and superior support). In total, 349 pre-k teachers employed in a municipal early childhood education system of a city in Northwest Italy completed a questionnaire at two time points one year apart. Cross-lagged path analysis indicated a positive reciprocal relationship between job satisfaction and work meaning. The paths from job demands and superior support at Time 1 to job satisfaction at Time 2 were found to be significant. Finally, the path from job satisfaction at Time 1 to role clarity at Time 2 was positive and significant. The present study confirms the results of previous literature suggesting that motivating factors are more strictly associated than hygiene factors with job satisfaction. Moreover, it expands current knowledge by highlighting the importance of examining both the directionality of associations between the psychosocial characteristics of the work environment and job satisfaction. From a practical point of view, the study findings are important because they help identify possible interventions to promote the quality of work life and improve the quality of the service provided by Italian pre-k teachers.
Study type
Occupational health
Preschool teachers
Viotti, S., Sottimano, I., Converso, D., Guidetti, G. (2020). The relationship between psychosocial characteristics of the work environment and job satisfaction in an Italian public ECE service: A cross-lagged study. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Volume 53, 464-475.
Factors associated with musculoskeletal symptoms and heart rate variability among cleaners – cross-sectional study
Sotrate Gonçalves, J., de Oliveira Sato, T.
Background: The professionals who perform cleaning activity constitute a major economic sector in Brazil. Cleaners may develop health problems related to the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. It is necessary to understand the working and health conditions of cleaners in Brazil. Thus, the aim of this study was to identify factors associated with musculoskeletal symptoms and heart rate variability (HRV) among cleaners. Methods: A cross-sectional study conducted at a public higher education institution with 45 outsourced cleaners following approval from the institutional ethics committee. The participants answered a questionnaire addressing sociodemographic, occupational and health data, the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire, the Physical Activity Questionnaire (work and leisure) and the short version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire. Clinical data (height, body mass, waist-to-hip ratio and blood pressure) and heart rate variability (HRV) were also collected. Logistic and linear regression models were created to identify factors associated with symptoms and HRV. Results: The sample consisted of women (100%) predominantly older than 50 years of age (44%), without a conjugal life (64%), with three or more children (59%), low educational level (58%) and who worked less than 12 months at the company (87%). Systemic arterial hypertension (23%) was the most reported health problem. The highest frequency of musculoskeletal symptoms was identified in the lower limbs (ankles/feet: 31% in the previous 12 months and 24% in the previous 7 days; knees: 31% in the previous 12 months and 20% in the previous 7 days). Moreover, the workers reported not practicing physical activity during leisure time (84%). Psychosocial aspects indicated health risks for the dimensions “influence at work” (74%), “burnout” (59%) and “stress” (52%). Associations were found between ankle/foot symptoms and body mass index, shoulder symptoms and predictability, and knee symptoms and self-rated health and burnout. HRV indices were associated with age. Conclusions: This study outlined the profile of female cleaners and identified risk factors. The workers exhibited musculoskeletal symptoms, which were associated with the body mass index and some psychosocial factors. HRV indices were associated with age. Thus, health promotion and prevention measures should be taken to benefit this population of workers.
Study type
Occupational health
Sotrate Gonçalves, J., de Oliveira Sato, T. (2020). Factors associated with musculoskeletal symptoms and heart rate variability among cleaners – cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health, 20, 774.
The relationship between personality, work, and personal factors to burnout among clinical psychologists: exploring gender differences in Sweden
Allwood, M. C., Geisler, M., Buratti, S.
This study investigated the effects of gender, personality (prosocialness, relational-interdependent self-construal, and brooding), job demands, affective work rumination, and personal-to-work conflict on burnout (exhaustion and disengagement), among clinical public-health psychologists in Sweden. The participants answered a self-report questionnaire (n = 828). Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that affective work-rumination, brooding and personal-to-work conflict were most strongly associated with exhaustion, whereas affective work-rumination, brooding, role conflict, and prosocialness most strongly predicted disengagement. Furthermore, in the full models, quantitative job demands and relational-interdependent self-construal related to exhaustion, whereas emotional demands related to disengagement. Interestingly, role conflict had a positive relation and emotional demands a negative relation to disengagement. Women reported higher exhaustion, but not higher disengagement, than men. Women also reported higher levels on most of the independent variables. In sum, the results show that a broad range of factors influence burnout among clinical psychologists.
Study type
Occupational health
Allwood, M. C., Geisler, M., Buratti, S. (2020). The relationship between personality, work, and personal factors to burnout among clinical psychologists: exploring gender differences in Sweden. Counselling Psychology Quarterly.
Work factors facilitating working beyond state pension age: Prospective cohort study with register follow-up
Andersen, L.L., Thorsen, S.V., Larsen, M., Sundstrup, E., Boot, C.R., Rugulies, R.
Objectives The demographic changes in Europe underline the need for an extension of working lives. This study investigates the importance of physical work demands and psychosocial work factors for working beyond the state pension age (65 years). Methods We combined data from three cohorts of the general working population in Denmark (DWECS 2005 and 2010, and DANES 2008), where actively employed workers aged 55-59 years replied to questionnaires about work environment and were followed until the age of 66 years in the Danish AMRun register of paid employment. Using logistic regression analyses, we calculated prevalence ratios (PR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the association between physical and psychosocial work factors and working beyond state pension age, adjusted for age, sex, cohort, cohabiting, sector, income, vocational education, working hours, lifestyle, and previous sickness absence. Results Of the 2884 workers aged 55-59 years, 1023 (35.5%) worked beyond the state pension age. Higher physical work demands was associated with a lower likelihood (PR 0.69, 95% CI 0.58-0.82) and a good psychosocial work environment was associated with higher likelihood (average of 7 items: PR 1.81, 95% CI 1.49-2.20) of working beyond state pension age. Stratified analyses did not change the overall pattern, ie, a good overall psychosocial work environment - as well as several specific psychosocial factors - increased the likelihood of working beyond state pension age, both for those with physically active and seated work. Conclusion While high physical work demands was a barrier, a good psychosocial work environment seems to facilitate working beyond state pension age, also for those with physically active work.
Andersen, L.L., Thorsen, S.V., Larsen, M., Sundstrup, E., Boot, C.R., Rugulies, R. (2020). Work factors facilitating working beyond state pension age: Prospective cohort study with register follow-up. Scand J Work Environ Health, 28:3904.
Burnout and Its Correlates in Research Administrators
Tabakakis, K., Sloane, K., Besch, J., To, Q. G.
Aim: To identify the prevalence and correlates of burnout among research administrators. Background: Research administration is characterized by increasing government regulation, hyper-competitiveness, institutional management of growing complexity, and changing economic conditions. However, there is a lack of research on burnout among research administrators. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 2,416 research administrators from four associations in Australia, Canada, the U.K, and the U.S. between October 2018 and January 2019. An online questionnaire was used for data collection. Burnout and workplace factors were measured using the Copenhagen Burnout Inventory and Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II. respectively. Results: The prevalence of high personal burnout, work-related burnout, and client-related burnout was 68.3%, 60.0%, and 37.0%, respectively. Gender, considered leaving the profession, average working hours/week, self-rated health, job satisfaction, quantitative demands, tempo (work pace), influence at work, predictability, recognition, role clarity, quality of leadership, work-family conflict, justice and respect, vertical trust, threats of violence, and bullying were associated with all three forms of burnout among research administrators. Conclusion: Burnout is common among research administrators. Research organizations are responsible for providing healthy work environments to ensure positive client, research administrator, and organizational outcomes. Future research is required to examine workplace approaches to improving the psychosocial work environment.
Study type
Occupational health
Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, United States of America
Research administrators
Tabakakis, K., Sloane, K., Besch, J., To, Q. G. (2020). Burnout and Its Correlates in Research Administrators. Research Management Review, 24, 1.
Precarious working conditions and psychosocial work stress act as a risk factor for symptoms of postpartum depression during maternity leave: results from a longitudinal cohort study
Karl, M., Schaber, R., Kress, V. et al.
Background: The majority of Western women work during their reproductive years, but past research has often neglected the influence of work-related factors on postpartum mental health. Especially postpartum depression (PPD) is an enormous psychological burden for mothers. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the prospective impact of precarious working conditions and psychosocial work stress during pregnancy (such as work-privacy conflict and effort-reward imbalance at the job) on symptoms of maternal PPD. Methods: In the prospective-longitudinal cohort study DREAM (DResdner Studie zu Elternschaft, Arbeit und Mentaler Gesundheit), N = 587 employed women were questioned about their work during pregnancy and their mental health 8 weeks after delivery. Results: Multiple regression analyses revealed that work-privacy conflict, low reward at work, and precarious working conditions significantly predicted symptoms of PPD, even when controlling for lifetime depression, anxiety, education, parity, and age. Conclusion: Our results indicate that psychosocial work stress and precarious working conditions have important implications for maternal peripartum mental health. They might act as prospective risk factors for PPD during the period of maternal leave. Hence, future research should focus on preventative measures targeting work life.
Study type
Occupational health
Karl, M., Schaber, R., Kress, V. et al. (2020). Precarious working conditions and psychosocial work stress act as a risk factor for symptoms of postpartum depression during maternity leave: results from a longitudinal cohort study. BMC Public Health, 20, 1505.
Cardiovascular health outcomes of mobbing at work: results of the population-based, five-year follow-up of the Gutenberg health study
Romero Starke, K., Hegewald, J., Schulz, A. et al.
Background: The aim of this study was to determine if there is an increased risk of incident cardiovascular disease (CVD) resulting from workplace mobbing measured with two mobbing instruments in the Gutenberg Health Study. Methods: In this prospective study, we examined working persons younger than 65 years for the presence of mobbing at baseline and at a 5-year follow-up using a single-item and a 5-item instrument. We used multivariate models to investigate the association between mobbing and incident CVD, hypertension, and change in arterial stiffness and further stratified the models by sex. Results: After adjustment for confounders, mobbed workers appeared to have a higher risk of incident CVD than those not mobbed (single-item HR = 1.28, 95% CI 0.73–2.24; 5-item HR = 1.57, 95% CI 0.96–2.54). With the 5-item instrument, men who reported mobbing had a higher risk of incident CVD (HR = 1.77, 95% CI 1.01–3.09), while no association was observed for women (HR = 1.05, 95% CI 0.38–2.91). There was no difference in risks between men and women with the single-item instrument. No association between mobbing and incident hypertension and arterial stiffness was seen. Conclusions: Our results show an indication of an increased risk of incident CVD for those mobbed at baseline when using the whole study population. Differences in risks between men and women when using the five-item instrument may be due to the instrument itself. Still, it is essential to detect or prevent workplace mobbing, and if present, to apply an intervention to halt it in order to minimize its adverse effects on CVD.
Study type
Occupational health
Romero Starke, K., Hegewald, J., Schulz, A. et al. (2020). Cardiovascular health outcomes of mobbing at work: results of the population-based, five-year follow-up of the Gutenberg health study. J Occup Med Toxicol, 15, 15.
On-site multi-component intervention to improve productivity and reduce the economic and personal burden of neck pain in Swiss office-workers (NEXpro): protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled trial
Aegerter, A.M., Deforth, M., Johnston, V. et al.
Background: Non-specific neck pain and headache are major economic and individual burden in office-workers. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of a multi-component intervention combining workstation ergonomics, health promotion information group workshops, neck exercises, and an app to enhance intervention adherence to assess possible reductions in the economic and individual burden of prevalent and incident neck pain and headache in office workers. Methods/design: This study is a stepped wedge cluster-randomized controlled trial. Eligible participants will be any office-worker aged 18–65 years from two Swiss organisations in the Cantons of Zurich and Aargau, working more than 25 h a week in predominantly sedentary office work and without serious health conditions of the neck. One hundred twenty voluntary participants will be assigned to 15 clusters which, at randomly selected time steps, switch from the control to the intervention group. The intervention will last 12 weeks and comprises workstation ergonomics, health promotion information group workshops, neck exercises and an adherence app. The primary outcome will be health-related productivity losses (presenteeism, absenteeism) using the Work Productivity and Activity Impairment Questionnaire. Secondary outcomes are neck disability and pain (measured by the Neck Disability Index, and muscle strength and endurance measures), headache (measured by the short-form headache impact test), psychosocial outcomes (e.g. job-stress index, Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire), workplace outcomes (e.g. workstation ergonomics), adherence to intervention, and additional measures (e.g. care-seeking). Measurements will take place at baseline, 4 months, 8 months, and 12 months after commencement. Data will be analysed on an intention to treat basis and per protocol. Primary and secondary outcomes will be examined using linear mixed-effects models. Discussion: To the authors’ knowledge, this study is the first that investigates the impact of a multi-component intervention combining current evidence of effective interventions with an adherence app to assess the potential benefits on productivity, prevalent and incident neck pain, and headache. The outcomes will impact the individual, their workplace, as well as private and public policy by offering evidence for treatment and prevention of neck pain and headache in office-workers. Trial registration:, NCT04169646. Registered 15 November 2019 - Retrospectively registered.
Study type
Occupational health
Office workers
Aegerter, A.M., Deforth, M., Johnston, V. et al. (2020). On-site multi-component intervention to improve productivity and reduce the economic and personal burden of neck pain in Swiss office-workers (NEXpro): protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 21, 391.
Health and intention to leave the profession of nursing - which individual, social and organisational resources buffer the impact of quantitative demands? A cross-sectional study
Diehl, E., Rieger, S., Letzel, S. et al.
Background: The aim of this study was to analyse the buffering effect of individual, social and organisational resources on health and intention to leave the profession in the context of burden due to quantitative job demands. Methods: In 2017, a cross-sectional survey was carried out anonymously among nurses in palliative care in Germany. One thousand three hundred sixteen nurses responded to the questionnaire (response rate 38.7%), which contained, amongst others, questions from the German version of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire (COPSOQ). Moderator analyses were conducted to investigate the buffering effect of different resources on health (‘self-rated health’ and ‘burnout’) and ‘intention to leave’ in the context of quantitative demands. Results: ‘Self-rated health’ was significantly buffered by the resources ‘recognition through salary’ (p = 0.001) and ‘good working team’ (p = 0.004). Additionally, buffering effects of the resources ‘workplace commitment’ and ‘good working team’ on ‘burnout’ (p = 0.001 and p = 0.006, respectively) as well as of the resources ‘degree of freedom’, ‘meeting relatives after death of patients’, ‘recognition from supervisor’ and ‘possibilities for development’ on ‘intention to leave’ (p = 0.014, p = 0.012, p = 0.007 and p = 0.036, respectively) were observed. Conclusions: The results of our study can be used to develop and implement job (re) design interventions with the goal of reducing the risk of burnout and enhancing job satisfaction among nurses in palliative care. This includes for example adequate payment, communication training and team activities or team events to strengthen the team as well as the implementation of some rituals (such as meeting relatives after the death of patients). As our study was exploratory, the results should be confirmed in further studies.
Study type
Occupational health
Diehl, E., Rieger, S., Letzel, S. et al. (2020). Health and intention to leave the profession of nursing - which individual, social and organisational resources buffer the impact of quantitative demands? A cross-sectional study. BMC Palliat Care, 19, 83.
A complex view of perceived job insecurity: Relationship between three domains and their respective cognitive and affective components
Salas-Nicás, S., Moncada, S., Llorens, C., Moriña, D., Navarro, A.
The aim of this paper is to examine the relationships between three domains of job insecurity, namely job loss insecurity, insecurity regarding working conditions and labor market insecurity, taking into account both their cognitive and affective components. Relationships with other related factors such as worker’s sociodemographic characteristics, household economic circumstances and occupational factors related to job insecurity are also shown. In order to achieve this we have used log-linear models and multiple correspondence analysis. By considering three domains and two components of perceived insecurity simultaneously, relevant aspects not previously observed of the relationships between them and related factors are revealed. This cross-sectional study of the wage-earning population in Spain in 2016 introduces therefore an element of complexity in the discussion on job insecurity which it would be advisable to incorporate in future research.
Study type
Occupational health
Salas-Nicás, S., Moncada, S., Llorens, C., Moriña, D., Navarro, A. (2020). A complex view of perceived job insecurity: Relationship between three domains and their respective cognitive and affective components. Safety Science, Volume 129.
Influence of changing working conditions on exit from paid employment among workers with a chronic disease
Schram JLD, Robroek, S.J.W., Ots, P., et al
Objectives: To investigate the relation between changes in working conditions and exit from paid employment among workers with a chronic disease. Methods: Six waves from the longitudinal Study on Transitions in Employment, Ability and Motivation (2010–2016), enriched with tax-based employment information from Statistics Netherlands (2011–2017), were available for 4820 chronically ill workers aged 45–63 years (mean 55.3 years, SD 5.1). A change in working conditions (physical workload, psychological job demands, job autonomy, emotional job demands and social support) was defined as an increase or decrease between two consecutive waves of at least one SD. Discrete-time survival models with repeated measurements were used to estimate the relative risk (RR) of a change in working conditions on exiting paid employment in the following year compared with no change and consecutive favourable working conditions. Results: A favourable change in physical workload lowered the risk to exit paid employment (RR 0.46, 95% CI 0.22 to 0.94). An adverse change in psychosocial working conditions, especially a decrease in social support (RR 2.07, 95% CI 1.52 to 2.81), increased the likelihood to exit paid employment. In contrast, a favourable change in psychological job demands increased the risk to exit paid employment (RR 1.57, 95% CI 1.09 to 2.24). Multiple adverse changes increased the risk to exit paid employment up to six times (RR 6.06, 95% CI 2.83 to 12.98). Conclusions: Changes in working conditions among workers with chronic diseases influence exit from paid employment. Ensuring that working conditions can be adapted to the needs of workers with a chronic disease may help to extend working life.
Study type
Occupational health
Schram JLD, Robroek, S.J.W., Ots, P., et al (2020). Influence of changing working conditions on exit from paid employment among workers with a chronic disease. Occup Environ Med, 1-6.
Leaving the Teaching Profession: Examining the Role of Social Support, Engagement and Emotional Intelligence in Teachers’ Intentions to Quit
Mérida-López, S., Sánchez-Gómez, M., & Extremera, N
The study aimed to test mediator and moderator factors in the relationship between workplace social support (i.e., perceived support from colleagues and supervisors) and intentions to quit in a sample of teaching professionals. Specifically, utilizing job-demands-resources theory to focus on social support, we examined whether work engagement mediated the relationship between workplace social support and intentions to quit. Moreover, the potential moderator role of emotional intelligence in the proposed model was tested. The study sample comprised 1,297 teaching professionals (64.8% females) working as preschool, primary, and secondary teachers in several centers in eastern and southern Spain. The main results demonstrated that work engagement totally mediated the relationship between social support from colleagues/supervisors and intentions to quit. The findings showed that teachers’ levels of emotional intelligence significantly moderated the indirect paths between perceived support from colleagues/supervisors and intentions to quit. Teachers with the lowest levels of work engagement reported low support from colleagues or supervisors, together with low emotional intelligence. Similarly, highest intentions to quit was reported by those teachers reporting low work engagement and low emotional intelligence. Finally, we discuss the relevance of these findings for basic and applied research seeking to retain a more engaged teaching force.
Mérida-López, S., Sánchez-Gómez, M., & Extremera, N (2020). Leaving the Teaching Profession: Examining the Role of Social Support, Engagement and Emotional Intelligence in Teachers’ Intentions to Quit. Psychosocial Intervention.
Job insecurity, economic hardship, and sleep problems in a national sample of salaried workers in Spain
Salas-Nicás, S., Sembajwe, G., Navarro, A., Moncada, S., Llorens, C., Buxton, M, O.
Objective: To check for associations between various types of job insecurity and self-reported sleeping problems. Design: A population-based, cross-sectional study. Setting: Spain, 2016. Participants: Salaried workers included in the third Psychosocial Risks Survey (n = 1807). Measurements: We investigated the association between 6 subjective and 2 attributed indicators of job insecurity (exposure) with 5 sleep problem variables (difficulty falling sleep, difficulty sleeping through the night, waking up too early, sleeping restlessly, and a composite variable summing all the sleeping problems) using Poisson regression, and controlling for socioeconomic, occupational, and demographic factors. Results: Anticipating a salary decrease or working at a company where staff restructuring had occurred in the preceding year were associated with sleeping problems. Having a temporary or informal employment contract and most domains of perceived job insecurity were not a significant factor in adjusted models. Conclusions: Recent or anticipated economic hardship within a worker's household was the main predictor of sleeping problems. More research is needed to elucidate the exact mechanisms through which the experience of aspects of downsizing might manifest in disruptions to employees’ sleep. Sleep health should be an active part of all employee wellness programs.
Study type
Occupational health
Salas-Nicás, S., Sembajwe, G., Navarro, A., Moncada, S., Llorens, C., Buxton, M, O. (2020). Job insecurity, economic hardship, and sleep problems in a national sample of salaried workers in Spain. Sleep Health, Volume 6, Issue 3.
Psychosocial risks analysis for employees in public administration
Pastare, D., Roja, Z., Kalkis, H., Roja, I
Nowadays psychosocial risks at work have a serious impact not only on the health of employees, but also on the economic performance of organisations, and this is the biggest challenge in working environment. In Latvia, employees in public administration comprise 11% of the total population. Hence the aim of this study was to analyse the causes of psychosocial risks and the differences in their prevalence among inspectorate officials employed in the State Administration compared to office staff employed by the State Administration. A modified Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire from the Danish National Research Centre for the Working Environment was used to assess psychosocial risks at work. One public administration organisation was selected for the study, which involved 111 staff (60 inspecting officers and 51 office staff). The analysis of the results of the psychosocial risk assessment shows that there are statistically significant differences in the assessment of four out of 11 psychosocial risks to the working environment. The most common psychosocial work environment risk factor among inspectors is the inadequate attitude of management, but the most common risk factor among office employees is the lack of impact on work. To reduce the spread of psychosocial risks more effectively, an individual approach is required for each worker.
Study type
Occupational health
Public service
Pastare, D., Roja, Z., Kalkis, H., Roja, I (2020). Psychosocial risks analysis for employees in public administration. Agronomy Research, 18(S1), 945–957.
Return-to-work-experts for inpatient treatment of patients with mental illnesses– a proof-of-concept-study (RETURN): the study protocol
Riedl, L., Blank, D., Kohl, M. et al.
Background: Patients with mental illnesses often have massive difficulties returning to work after inpatient treatment at a psychiatric clinic and are often at risk of losing their jobs. The psychosocial support for this patient group at the interface of clinic/outpatient care is often insufficient. Methods/design: The RETURN-study prospectively assesses and surveys 200 patients with mental disorders in a cluster randomized intervention study, i.e. treatment teams and patients from intervention wards receive a return-to-work (RTW) intervention. Patients in control wards obtain treatment as usual (TAU). Pairs of comparable wards (similar patient population, similar staff density) have been identified and then randomized for control and intervention (n = 14 for each condition). On intervention wards return-to-work experts (RTW experts) who focus treatment on the workplace-related needs of patients with mental illnesses have been established. These RTW experts ensure the use of available resources within the framework of work-related discharge management and should lead to a more successful return to the workplace. The days at work in the year after release will be evaluated in a mixed methods approach as well as the return rate in the year after release, disability days in the year after return, relapse rate after 12 months, cost-benefit ratio of the intervention, analysis of the predictors / barriers for a successful return to the workplace (e.g. psychopathology, cognition, stigma, social-psychiatric support, company support, etc.), possibilities to implement the concept of RTW experts in standard psychiatric care (TAU - treatment as usual), the impact of the RTW experts’ approach on the treatment process in standard psychiatric care. Discussion: This approach is already internationally established in the field of somatic rehabilitation and supported employment [Am J Psychiatry 171:1183–90, 2014; Lancet 370:1146–52, 2007; Cochrane Database Syst Rev, doi:10.1002/14651858.CD006237.pub3, 2014]; the innovative aspect of this project is to implement and evaluate it in standard psychiatric care in Germany. This project requires no new interventions to be developed and tested, as the techniques of the case manager/job coach is applied to the field of return to work. Trial registration: The study was registered in Deutsches Register Klinische Studien searchable via its Meta-registry (, Trial registration number: DRKS00016037, Date of registration: 21/12/2018, URL of trial registry record.
Study type
Occupational health
Riedl, L., Blank, D., Kohl, M. et al. (2020). Return-to-work-experts for inpatient treatment of patients with mental illnesses– a proof-of-concept-study (RETURN): the study protocol. BMC Psychiatry, 20, 177.
Sexually Harassing Behaviors from Patients or Clients and Care Workers’ Mental Health: Development and Validation of a Measure
Vincent-Höper, S., Adler, M., Stein, M., Vaupel, C., Nienhaus, A.
Although evidence reveals severe effects of sexual harassment on care workers’ mental health, there is a scarcity of studies that investigate care workers’ experiences of sexually inappropriate behavior from patients or clients. One reason for this lack of research is that validated measures that assess different types of sexual harassment experienced by employees working with patients or clients are lacking. In this study, we seek to establish a conceptual framework for investigating extraorganizational sexual harassment in healthcare work. Based on this theoretical framework, we developed and validated a measure for assessing sexually harassing behaviors from patients or clients. Data were gathered from heterogeneous samples of employees working in a variety of settings in healthcare. To evaluate the factorial structure of the measure, we conducted exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using a calibration sample (N = 179) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using a cross-validation sample (N = 305). The construct validity of the measure was demonstrated by investigating relationships with indicators of care workers’ mental health. EFA revealed three factors, namely, nonverbal, verbal, and physical acts of sexual harassment. Examination of the measure comprising 14 items revealed acceptable internal consistencies and substantial correlations with indicators of care workers’ mental health. This study provides a useful and sound measure for assessing sexual harassment from patients or clients and paves the way for the development of a comprehensive theoretical framework for the assessment of sexual harassment. Furthermore, it facilitates future investigations of risk factors for sexual harassment and protective factors helping healthcare workers cope with sexual harassment from patients or clients.
Study type
Occupational health
Health care workers
Vincent-Höper, S., Adler, M., Stein, M., Vaupel, C., Nienhaus, A. (2020). Sexually Harassing Behaviors from Patients or Clients and Care Workers’ Mental Health: Development and Validation of a Measure. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 9;17(7):2570.
Leveraging Justice: How Leaders Influence Performance Determinants in the Fire Service
Huntsman, D., Greer, A., Murphy, H.
Disasters are increasing in both number and severity. Thus, effective emergency response is becoming increasingly important to lessen human and economic impacts from disasters. Little research has been performed, however, on how leaders influence the attitudes of responders that motivate them toward increased performance and overall effectiveness. Using survey data from two separate fire departments, this study explores the relationships between distributive and procedural justice, and the affective outcomes of organizational commitment and job satisfaction. Perceived organizational support is also tested for mediation using bootstrapping procedures for indirect effects. Overall, the results for both departments show that perceived organizational support mediates the positive and significant relationships between the justice dimensions and affective outcomes. In turn, this suggests that leaders in the fire service may build more successful fire departments by providing fair treatment, procedures, and outcomes to firefighters as favorable treatment is reciprocated to benefit the organization.
Study type
Occupational health
No information
Fire fighters